Res Gardening

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6:14pm Feb 16 2019 (last edited on 6:13pm Jul 15 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 418

Hey, whats up! Oriette's thread on limiting pets was beginning to become off topic with gardening/planting comments so I figured it needed its own thread :,)

A farmer/gardener type 'class' or feature is something I (and others) think would be very cool on Res! The overall goal for this suggestion is to implement a gardening/farming feature that not only provides a way to obtain more food for less and a whole plethora of new items, but also an interactive feature that can be fun, personal and rewarding! <3 Thank you for reading some or all of my (and others) suggestions and remember that its just that, suggestions! Its not up to me whether any of this gets implemented, so feel free to go crazy with alternate suggestions or new ideas if you think they work better with Res! :)

New ideas are now in red!


Fundamental Idea:

-You get seeds, you plant them, you take care of the plants, and once they are done growing you can harvest foods/rewards from them. If plants are neglected, they wilt, and then eventually die

- plants that are ready to be harvested, can either be harvested for rewards or placed into inventory (ex. Harvesting a tomato plant for tomatoes or keepin the entire tomato plant in your inventory/greenhouse)

-we could also raise 'livestock' like chickens, cows, sheep, etc to feed to our creatu and/or turn into npc shops like the butchery, for rewards.. We could also potentially buy the livestock from the butchery

- We could turn in harvest rewards (plants, fruits, animal meat, etc) into the butchery or healthy food stand (or Addison?)

-when a user first starts out they get a couple of special normal low level seeds that can't die while growing.. “Needs” (explained lower) would still happen, they just wouldn't die (Basically as an intro to the gardening feature so users can see how it works)


-Each plant takes a certain amount of time (based on rarity/size/weather conditions) to grow

-As plants are growing they can become infected, become dry, be 'attacked' by invasive plants/small critters (mushrooms, snails, bugs, weeds, etc), have nothing happen to it,or other events (these are called “needs” in this forum)

- A plant cannot be tended to if there are no “needs” (ie. a plant that is not dry cannot be watered)

- Every x amount of time (ex. 24 hours/every reset, every 48 hours, every 12 hours, etc) your plant has the potential to have these “needs” happen to it (ex. After planting a plant, you could come back 12 hours later to find it dry and in need of watering, or you could find it needs nothing)

- there could also be multiple needs every x amount of time (a plant could be in need of watering and weed-picking) depending on rarity?

-Plants could start wilting after an excess of 'needs'  (like how creatu start dying after health reaches 0) and after a certain amount of time in the wilting stage, could die (like how pets die after 2 weeks of 0 health)

-You get alerts when plants have 'needs' (which people can turn off), and could be sent out every reset or such to prevent somebody from having too many “x plant in your garden has been attacked and needs water! D:”

-Smaller/newer gardens would be plagued with less 'needs', OR smaller/newer gardens could only grow more common plants (which would be easier to grow and thus have less “needs”)  to ease them into farming

- once plants are grown completely, they can be harvested for rewards/food/materials

The plots/land:

-site navigation wise, links could be made to gardens from each planets 'central square', food pen, or have its own icon all together

-Plots could look like 'a piece of land' from their planet (ex. sandy-Atquati, Clouds-Scria, dark and rocky-Reiflem, vines/shrubbery-Relcore)

-Plots could be large squares of land (you would start with 1-2 plots and later be able to buy more to plant/grow more plants)

- there could be “special” plots during events (halloween seeds can be grown in a sp00ky plot or stardust related seeds in a sparkly plot, etc)

-I think the gardens could have an overall feeling more like this where you can see the garden easily but also have it be pretty (though instead of individual spaces for plants I think it should be a large area where each plant takes up a certain amount of space depending on size)

-A page off to the side (there could be an arrow/box that could be clicked) could be made for 'items in use'/items you could use that boost the garden/farm (ie. you could use fertilizer to lower the time for plants to grow enough to be harvested)

- the users could decorate the plots with critters or items to look more aesthetic, (ie. place frogs/snails in there) OR there could be a separate place (like the greenhouse described later) for showing off these critters

-You can earn or buy more space (it shouldn't just be buyable)

~'Pages' for plots (ex. plot 1, plot 2, etc)


-Small, medium, large (or more varieties) (each size takes up a certain amount of the plots)

-Common, uncommon, rare, Black Market, CS?/Gold seed

- findables (RE)/bought/Seasonal/limited

-Plant rarities depending on origin of plant

-Each 'type' of plant would take a certain amount of space, x amount of time to grow, grows x amount of food for harvesting, and takes x amount of 'needs' to die

- Plants could be harvested more than once, but function like books in the sense that they can poof randomly after each time you harvest, but there would be a set amount of harvests overall (one plant could have a maximum harvest amount of 5 harvests, but poof after just 3) (harvest stuff is also described later in post under the harvest category)


Interaction w/ plants:

-A greenhouse (like squishy shelf or library) where you collect plants in pots

- Users could decorate the garden/greenhouse with things collected (like snails, mushrooms, frogs, etc)

-A seed market/Farmers market where you could trade/buy/sell seeds from other users

- Collections for harvested materials/plants/foods, critters caught from needs, seeds, etc

-people could water/take care of others gardens (maybe they wouldn't be able to collect stuff like mushrooms or weeds, but rather, just keep the plant healthy)

-garden leaderboards

- garden trophies

- there could be special “needs” like vermin/small creatu that could steal part of harvest/plant (could be triggered if the plant has been ready to harvest for a while but has not been harvested yet but leave something in return) “Your Ardur fiery peppers were stolen by an Ardur to munch on! But whats that? He left you -insert item here-”

-Planet specific boosts/nerfs (weather to speed up/down growing time, pollinators, etc) for gardens ... (could be during events?, or happen per x amount of time)

-Also a great 'reward' if we eventually have some sort of planet rivalry thing

Obtaining seeds:

-Buying them from a plant shop/plant quest (run by Addison?)

-Earning 'special seeds' from events (ex. seasonal egg hunt items) or having special seeds as a part of future events

-REs for 'a bundle of seeds' or planet specific seeds (ie. scrians could only find a mirabilis themed seed)

-'Special seeds' from CP shop/black market

-Each planet could also have special seeds/plants only able to grow on their planets, but there would be plants that could grow on every planet (which allows for more trading and inspiration to live on different planets)

-Seeds gotten from Kirs prize shop

-Get seeds from hatching creatu (like a care package)

-HYBRID seeds (from cooking basin)

~Only way to obtain Wyrae seeds perhaps?


-Normal farming items sold in plant specific shop or through Addison (medicines for sick plants could be sold in pharmacy)

-Special seeds and/or items sold in BM or CS shop (Mainly seeds though)

-Fertilizers/nutrients help grow plants at a faster rate or give them potential to give more when harvestable (ie a plant might only give 1 reward normally, but with nutrients could give 2 or 3)

-Plows give you more space to grow

-Pots for plants to keep grown (but not harvested) plants in inventory (or the greenhouse) or  pots could be combined with harvested plants in cooking basin to make the plants in the pots

- there could be fun pot designs for more fun and colorful greenhouses (ie. you could buy a red pot, a green pot, or during Halloween, a pot with a bat on it)

-Chickens (mutant easeros)/other creatu that protect plants from vermin or perform other tasks (maybe they can provide boosts?)

-You could place a creatu in your garden, and that creatu, for a specific time (which could be based on stats?) would help boost your garden or prevent certain “needs” from occuring

-there could be items specifically for harvesting some of the special "needs" during the plants growth (like, instead of just removing the mushrooms, use a special tool to remove and keep them)

-Watering can to water plants

-Aphid remover type item to prevent fungus/mushrooms/etc

- A recipe contest where users submit food related item recipes that utilizes the new plants introduced from a gardening event (The winners would get a forum avatar no one else would have, a copy of the recipe book, and each of the recipe dishes. The book would be available for purchase, possibly for a limited time, in regular NPC shops)

-Some type of Resurrection item for dead plants (wilting plants could just need to have their needs met)


- After a certain amount of time of growing, a plant would be ready to harvest for rewards

- the plant could give seeds and a food/plant (ie. a tomato plant could have the chance to give tomato seeds for more planting and tomatoes) or other rewards (like tu)

-A plant could be harvested multiple times for one reward (ie. you could receive more tomato seeds harvesting the first time, but a tomato the second time harvesting) OR a plant could be harvested once for multiple rewards (described below)

- this system could be based on a variety of rewards being available and a % chance of receiving each (Like the item bags on res where you open them up and receive a couple items possible from the bag)

-Plants could also be harvested more than once, but function like books in the sense that they can poof randomly after each time you harvest, but there would be a set amount of harvests overall (ome plant could have a maximum harvest amount of 5 harvests, but poof after just 3)

-Vermin that would 'steal food or part of a harvest' but give you an item to keep in return for feeling guilty about it ('Your Ardur fiery peppers were stolen by an Ardur to munch on! But whats that? He left you -insert item here-)

- Food specific to gardening/farming could be harvested

-special plants/seeds can be traded for a variety of items, tu, or special seasonal event rewards (ie. special halloween plant rewards harvested could be given to Xespia/Xoria for points towards something or given to the cave)

- plants could also give “mutated” seeds for special plants

-The more you visit and harvest the more space/rewards you could potentially receive

-You get levels from  gardening, and higher levels can plant 'better' plants and  have the chance to receive more/better rewards

-You can collect 'needs' that deal with mushrooms/bugs/snails and decorate your garden with them (ex. While removing those snails from your plants it seems one has gotten rather attached to your foot! You decide to take them with you!.... Removing those mushrooms was quite tedious, but maybe you could keep some? -mushrooms x3 added to inventory-)

-Creatu could receive stats from watching over gardens

- You could receive hidden forum avatars that deal with the plant/needs

-clothing Items from interacting w/ garden (swarm of bees/grass stained knees)

-Creatu themed foods from gardens:

-Ardur Fiery peppers

-Goiba seaweed

-Paor Pear trees

-Intes berries

-Jaaku pumpkins

-Wyrae vine grapes

-Cyancu chamomile

-Noctis poisonberry /boysenberries

-Berrok berry bushes

Addison's quest:


-You can turn in plants for points

-Can purchase plots, packs of seeds (which could give 3 or 4 random seeds out of something like 10 or something)

-Special items can be bought here for points as well

 Please feel free to comment on alternate or new ideas (or comment if you support!) and I'll update/change this thread post <3

 Big thanks to Crow for being patient as I talk ideas out with her xD

Cetari are puplic transport on Scria and you can\'t change my mind >:O

6:27pm Feb 16 2019

Normal User

Posts: 356
I love this!! Support!


6:29pm Feb 16 2019

Normal User

Posts: 89


6:29pm Feb 16 2019

Normal User

Posts: 68
:D I love this so much! Farming is so cool! 


6:45pm Feb 16 2019


Posts: 394
Flesh this idea out some more, please!

7:06pm Feb 16 2019 (last edited on 7:10pm Feb 16 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 89
i apologize in advance for formatting. i’m on mobile. 

so My suggestion is to replace one of the defunct shops with a garden shop. you can buy seed packets there, and garden tools which have a use. like the planet candles, only “for 24 hours your garden will produce 2x the fruit” or something like that?

and as far as planet specific fruits and types of plants I like Void’s breakdown. 

You could add the links to the planet’s “central squares” OR maybe the food pen gets a link to your garden? maybe even another icon just for the garden?

i like the idea of going daily increases your harvest, like springs, but you never lose that bare minimum, of 1 or 5 pieces or whatever. 

could have rewards like the advent calendar does for tu? idk maybe i’m getting greedy

edit: and maybe seeds need replanted once a month or something like that. or after you hit a certain level you “master” gardening and can plant a special type of plant. maybe one that makes “endless” fruits? maybe not that overpowered but in that same vein?


8:43pm Feb 16 2019 (last edited on 8:55pm Feb 16 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 418
Updated the first post A LOT uhh sorry if the stuff I put down wasn't what a lot of people thought of when they wanted a gardening feature?? xD I might have over complicated it a bit whoops

Please let me know if I need to clarify anything D:

Cetari are puplic transport on Scria and you can\'t change my mind >:O

9:37pm Feb 16 2019

Normal User

Posts: 3,011
All support,BUT cs anything to do with this.
Because,I think everyone should benefit the same.
Not just players with credit cards.

Though,I think all should have gardens,
On each planet.
Depending on the food.
Like how we find planet berries..
They should only grow on that planet.

I'm not too good with numbers,
But I hope you plots are bigger the the flower pot.

I love your different plant ideas.
I would also love to see fruit trees as well.

We can have a Seed market??
Like how we sell eggs,
But with seeds.
Maybe..not just to sell one seed but to get enough,
To sell them in bags in the market,
Like a farmers market.

Maybe everyone could get a *rare gold* seed.
Like 1 out of 500 seeds.
This seed,you can sell for 5 mil or more,
Or you can instant trade it for 10 bags of seeds, can grow it,and the plant it becomes,
Will produce 10x more fruit.

In 38 colors, and a thousand black
Gondras later... I rise over my
Army as the Gondra Queen!

9:44pm Feb 16 2019 (last edited on 10:42pm Feb 16 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 418
In terms of CS I think it would be great to go without it completely, but if it can be used to make money for the site I think special cs seeds that can be bought with cp /and/ credits could be neat :o

In contrast they could also go in the black market!

(I will update first post later tonight or tomorrow with new ideas when I have time)

Cetari are puplic transport on Scria and you can\'t change my mind >:O

10:08pm Feb 17 2019

Normal User

Posts: 68
There should be like, seasonal plants. So Jaaku pumpkins in fall, Ardur peppers in the summer, etc. that you can only plant in the season its suppose to be planted in. There should also be a time limit when the plant grows, like the eggs. ex: a plant can only stay fully grown for 7 days before it withers and dies or something. (Basically, make it more realistic :P)


10:16pm Feb 17 2019

Normal User

Posts: 418
I think it'd be better if they didn't 'die' because if people are paying tu or getting special plants, they should be able to collect their harvest if they're gone for a while or whatever :o People who still go daily would benefit more than those who come on once a month or so, but once a month users would still be able to profit

Cetari are puplic transport on Scria and you can\'t change my mind >:O

7:17pm Feb 18 2019


Posts: 2,155
We could have contests for the best X number of recipes created using plants that are farmed along with other site ingredients (I think it's 4 ingredients max for the cooking basin), and release a recipe book containing the recipes once selected. The winners would get a forum avatar no one else would have, a copy of the book, and each of the recipe dishes. The book would be available for purchase, possibly for a limited time, in regular NPC shops.

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚

12:57pm Feb 19 2019

Normal User

Posts: 87
This sounds like a great idea!!

I think the plants should definitely die after a set amount of time to keep the market moving. If someone buys a rare/expensive seed they should be invested enough to return to harvest. If you're really worried the plants could be made to stay alive until their first harvest. 

On the topic of vermin, could the plants become infected/diseased like in real life? It might make it a bit interesting if you have to treat your garden e.g. aphid remover/anti-fungal agents (but with a more res-like theme). Or mushrooms could randomly grow and nuke your garden...but you can harvest them. If someone wants to plant an expensive tree or something they can purchase protection items. But having things like this might encourage people to keep an eye on their gardens.

1:08pm Feb 19 2019


Posts: 2,155
Love your ideas hoppinhippo!

**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚

4:42pm Feb 19 2019

Normal User

Posts: 4,848
This sounds cute, I think it could be fun to try out on the side.  I find it hard to form a strong opinion about it but I definitely wouldn't mind trying the idea. 


8:33pm Feb 19 2019

Normal User

Posts: 620
Support! Very well thought out idea, and extremely well fleshed out, well done! 

-Also I'm on a hardcore Stardew Valley binge and honestly feel like I could use a farm/garden in every aspect of life thank you very much.-


9:22pm Feb 19 2019 (last edited on 11:03pm Feb 19 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 418
I've most definitely warmed up to the idea of dying plants, though I'd like to add that maybe 'rarer' plants could take longer to die (ex. it might take a common plant 1 day to grow, 3 days to die vs a rare plant which could take 3 days to grow, 9 days to die.. though these times for growth and dying don't have to be those specific ones if that seems too short of a time length for a plant to die?)

I also think a 'revival' type item (It could be a great black market item potentially or apart of another Resurrection quest?? >.>) could be added for users who might leave all of a sudden or forget about their plants and come back and want to bring them back to life (they would basically go back to the state they were in when you planted them)..Though users could potentially use it to their advantage to kill off a plant that can be harvested multiple times and bring it back, so maybe one can only revive each individual plant once? I think a revival item could be useful to have, but not sure how it could be implemented without users being able to keep bringing plants back to harvest them or getting rid of the idea of harvesting plants more than once?

IDK why I didn't think of this before, but having to take care of your plants should be a thing with gardening/farming ovo For example, plants could randomly get 'sick' or 'dry' every reset/12 hours/some other time(they have the potential to get sick/dry, but they don't have to... also the potential for mushrooms/other stuff to 'grow' on your plants could also be a potential thing to happen every time), and you have to water them/cure them or they will die within a certain time frame (though I do think that either the items needed to make a plant healthy should be readily available and cheap, or the potential low enough that somebody doesn't have to spend a lot of tu trying to bring it back to life) and if there were 'plant RE' then you'd have to collect the items from the plant within a certain amount of time before the thing goes away
Maybe other people could also water your garden/cure plants if you aren't on to do it? ;o

@HoppinHippo not sure if you meant you'd still be able to harvest the plant, or be able to harvest the mushrooms but I like the idea either way lol

Also I love the idea of plants 'attracting' other things onto the plant... We could do plant RE in a sense where mushrooms, or bugs, or other types of stuff could randomly appear on people's plants in addition to vermin leaving something if they take the plant/steal a harvest from it?

I'll also add Liliths idea to the list when I can get a moment to edit the original post xD

Also thanks soo much for inputting ideas and I'm sorry for this long Goliath of a post 
I'm going to update the first post with stuff and make it cleaner but this week is busy so I might not get to it until Saturday :c

BIG EDIT: What if instead of having a timed death for all plants, it was determined by how many times your plant has needed something? Ex. You're growing a plant that dies after it has needed something 5 times. At reset your plant decides it needs water D,: this happens for 5 consecutive days and you do nothing for that amount of time. Because it needed water 5 times, the plant dies!! It you had given it 1 water after 4 days, you would still have to give it 3 more waters to stop the counter.. By no means do I think people should have to constantly be taking care of plants, this was just an extreme example of what could happen!

Cetari are puplic transport on Scria and you can\'t change my mind >:O

10:37pm Feb 19 2019

Normal User

Posts: 678
I think this idea would actually be super neat! We already had an aspect of seed planting during Easter, and I always enjoyed it but wished it could be a bit more interactive. What I would like to see, if a garden was implemented, would be a way to make a garden a bit more personal and interactive. My thoughts right now involved decorating with items [I dunno, like a snail buddy or some cute bugs that won't kill the plants - maybe they could help keep vermin away if they needed a function]. Maybe as a way of keeping users interacting with it they'd have to water plants? I don't know what would be a good idea, but those are just some thoughts I had. I don't want to say something that's already been said, so apologies if it has!

I was also just thinking after skimming comments about plants dying or growing funky things - perhaps it would be a way to bring the Pharmacy back into play, making it a worthwhile shop again. Plant curing medicines, salves to protect plants, or something along those lines?

tldr; What I would not like to see with this is more mindless clicking and just waiting for a plant to mature before picking it, just like during Easter. Even just one personalized thing would make it feel better to me, but either way I like the sound of this! 

Sleepy Art by ZenSleepy Mira by Zen

Art by Zen

10:58pm Feb 19 2019

Normal User

Posts: 87
A plant pharmacy would be so cute! Or it could be integrated into the plant shop in general which could stock seeds, growth items and everything else (I'm sure this was said before but just wanted to reiterate to voice my support) 

I love the idea of having little plant buddies. Maybe there could be different types/rarities which slightly improve your garden stats e.g. everyday there is a 5% chance of doubling your harvest/a chance to automatically make your seeds fully grown/to rewind the age of your tree (so it lives longer). But in this case you could only have one buddy active at once. 

@Void I meant that the mushrooms would be harvestable so at least there would be a little upside to a nuked garden ^.^ (Also because I like fungi) 

12:52am Feb 20 2019

Normal User

Posts: 75
I absolutely love this feature and it would be quickly added to my list of dailies.

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