12:46am Jul 14 2014 (last edited on 3:45pm Jul 14 2014)
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Posts: 369
no1curr riyo
- 1. Change the NPC shop icons to display what the shop actually is
- 2. Add a link to the token shop (currently only in the trading post) to the npc shop list
- 3. Change the way events are displayed (pick up egg, pick up seed, etc.) The tiny arrow is a pain to click on
- 4. Add text deors under the five icons at the top left (hatchery, food pen, etc) to display what each icon actually is
- 5. Remove alerts for when you make an addition to your own support ticket or posting to threads to which you are subscribed.
- 6. Tidy up the rules page. there is no need for such in depth deions. the paragraphs of text are daunting to new users. Bold the main idea in 5 words or so and add a 'read more' that can be clicked to expand the details.
7. Blocking users should hide your forum threads from them (excluding staff obvs)
8. Make hatching more interesting and intuitive. there is no downside to just incubating all of your eggs. this lack of risk/reward is bad game design. consider a minigame where, to incubate an egg, you must gather 'warm' things, or keep it within a certain temperature range for the incubation duration, or an action minigame where you must click 'hatch' when a moving slider reaches the hot spot.
9. Make color rarities fluid, so that naturals aren't always worthless. Consider making all colors equally likely, and having kir request the same colors of pets from the whole site. for example, one week he asks everyone for albinos. the price of albinos steadily rises. then for three weeks he asks for naturals, gingers, and calicos. the price of albinos will go down again. this fluid, dynamic market would be much more active than the current stagnant one where it feels like everyone is just waiting for someone to hatch an albino or calico so they can move on with kir.
10. For eggs with 20+% rarity, reduce their rarity. Some pets should be more common than others, but no pets should be so common that people hate them. This also makes navigating planets much less annoying.
11. Make the reward for foresting pets the same as releasing them unnamed (1000tu per pet)
12. Make a censor for the shoutbox to block swear words that break the rules. this is obviously an easy implementation as it has been used to block harmless things like "flight rising" :)
13. Deviantart links on profiles should be fixed.
14. In the egg market, users should be able to see if eggs are incubated or not. (until something is changed about the current hatching system.)
15. Remove the fluorescent pink "OPEN CHAT" tab from the bottom of every page while the page-shoutbox is disabled. The shoutbox is on by default, so in order to disable it a user has to already know it exists and how to turn it back on. there is no reason for that to remain on every page.
16. Remove the flat 20% chance for an egg to fail. This is a punishment that would be unnecessary if there was any difficulty, effort, or skill required at all in hatching eggs. in the meantime, at least give it some flavor text. why did the egg fail? was is unfertilized? was it damaged?
17. Speaking of flavor text, some information on how eggs are incubated would be awesome. do your pets do it? does your human avatar do it? is it a machine? an artificial nest?
18. Reward your players for playing. Flight Rising has an excellent example of this, where if a user logs on consistently, they get 1 "cash" currency every day, and small amounts of cash currency are found, rarely, in chests or for removing pets. Perhaps Kir could occasionally award a cash point or two. Maybe they're a rare prize from playing the site games. Reward your players so they'll want to keep playing. Also, this small taste of premium currency is often an incentive for players to donate in order to receive the things they want sooner. [CLARIFICATION] i mean specifically cash points. as it is, it's nearly impossible for regular, devoted users to access anything from the cash shop besides CS eggs because those are the most popular item.
19. Allow players to change their gender and human avatar. People transition, genderfluidity exists. Even cis people enjoy experimenting with gender. There is no good reason for this to be a barrier that can only be brought down by consulting staff.
20. On that note, add more gender options to profiles. Allow users to write in a gender. This doesn't need to mean any change in current human avatars.
21. Limit adopting pets from the forest to 1 per user per day. This makes looking in the forest much less disappointing. Consider maybe allowing users to browse (one pet at a time, as it is now), for 10 times a day, but only adopt one per day. This would cause the forest to become stocked with pets for new users and also allow new users or users with slower internet a chance at neat pets when someone forests a lot at once.
22. change the flow of support ticket replies so that the most recent reply is at the bottom. so you can see it while you answer the ticket rather than having to scroll up.
23. add page-navigation links to the top of ranches and showrooms so it can be navigated from both ends of the page. do the same for any other area of the site with page links in areas where the content is spread over multiple "page downs" of browser space, like galleries and shops. this is correctly done when viewing the main area of a person's ranch - the links are at the top and the bottom.
24. an option to "view all on one page" for these same places (showrooms, ranches, etc) would be really useful. maybe multiple view per page options.
25. add a "Are you sure you want to delete # items" when you use quick stock or storage to delete stuff
26. Fix link to chatroom legend "http://rescreatu.com/thelegend.php" from the chat room page "http://www.rescreatu.com/chat.php"
27. Fix the wonky glitch with wardrobe slots where if both slots have the same item, and you clear one slot, that item gets removed from the other slot as well.
28. actually implement a way to have more wardrobe slots.
29. the manual entry of z-level IDs in the wardrobe works, but a visual representation of what order your clothes are in would be great. this could be something as simple as sorting the 15 worn objects from lowest level to highest.
30. combine "accessories" and "clothing accessories?" the categories don't seem to be consistent. otherwise put things like veils, masks, bandanas in clothing accessories. "add ons" could use a cleaning up as well. things like the rope and playing cards and guitar seem more like "accessories" to me. if these are sorted as intended, maybe a mouseover deion for what each category contains. e.g. Addons: tails, wings, markings, environmental effects
game development consultation over. that'll be $200.
"You must always remember that the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing." - Alucard, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.
1:14am Jul 14 2014 (last edited on 1:25am Jul 14 2014)
Normal User 
Posts: 4,093
1. Yes please, right now they're not very uniform and you can't really tell what something is until you click on it. I'd like it to be more obvious at first glance as well, ie have the name of the shop displayed. uvu Maybe a picture AND the shop name could be arranged if people like the pictures?
2. Don't see why not :D I don't really use the token shop so I didn't know this didn't exist already!
3. Also might be a good idea, particularly for mobile users since there is no mobile version of Res yet. Even a bigger arrow would be awesome, or being able to click on all the text. C:
4. That would be nice, or text that appears when hovered over!
5. Good idea. ^^ Getting rid of alerts when you post on your own thread would be good too, and I think it's been mentioned before. c:
6. Actually working on this recently! :D The staff get together and work on the rules together, hopefully near to the format that you are suggesting. ovo I've had the chance to work on them myself hehe, it looks good so far. Hoping to get those done very soon.
7. Right now blocking users... only blocks them from Rmail I think? I'm hoping this feature could be revised soon as well, to include forums, though I don't think it would be very possible in the SB due to advertisements and conversations. But this would be a good addition once the blocking feature does extend to the forums. c:
8. I would like to see it more interactive too, but I don't think it should involve minigames that would require Flash or any sort of animation, due to certain users not having Flash or being on mobile. I don't know exactly what could be done instead but.. a good point to bring up at least ^^;
9. I would be for something like this but it would make all of users' years of efforst beaning, hatching, collecting albinos and rarer colours ultimately pointless and make a lot of what they own worth much, much less. I think a change in Kir would be better; asking for less albinos, more common-ish colours so that the value of those starts to even out a bit more.
10. I wouldn't mind this! Have everything a bit rarer :D Adding a potential "hatch fail" made pets a bit more valuable for example, so this might be good! Plus, everyone gets tired of seeing 50 Drindian before a single Zaphao. xD It would be very interesting to see how having this revised would change the attitude and values around the site. C:
11. Amen
12. This actually is in effect on a few very serious words. Luckily you just don't see people say them on the SB enough to see it censored. The only problem with this is that words CONTAINING these curse words would have random censors in the middle, like in the old days on Res when you couldn't say "assess" lol. I'm not an expert at coding by any means, so if we could make it so that it only applies when the words are separate and not in the middle of anything then... that would be good? o3o
13. I actually had no idea there was a problem lol. But if there is, then by all means. xD
14. That would be nice. And to be able to search by "Incubated" and "Unincubated" along with that :D
15. I actually like this, it makes it easy for me to jump to the Preferences --> Layout Options page from forums and such. I never even notice the pink box when I'm just playing the game, but if it bothers other users then maybe have an option to disable it instead? For those who switch, it can be quite handy. c:
16 + 17. Some Flavour text would be super rad! :D It would bring some hidden parts of Res to life. I hope we can add more story soon, everywhere actually ~ Very excited for this ~
18. We do have rewards for users coming back every day (namely: Enchanted Springs) but I would not mind this as well! Or even just some tu for signing on. No reason why we can't give a bit more. :D
19. YEEEEESSSS OH MY GOD. Would love this. pls pls
20. Great idea :D Don't even have to say "Gender", like you said I would just like a "Preferred pronoun" box!! Even if users put something silly like "call me mr. box" then it's nobody's business but theirs if they don't want their gender or lack of gender to be revealed C: Would love to see some more gender-positive stuff!!
**Hope I'm caught up now xD

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
1:27am Jul 14 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 369
4: hovering isn't an acceptable solution in my opinion because people rarely let their cursor stay still enough for the hovering to activate, and even if it's programmed for instant hovering, then it often just gets in the way and is annoying.
8: this could be done with ja va with relative ease, no flash required.
"You must always remember that the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing." - Alucard, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.
1:30am Jul 14 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 4,093
4. Fair enough o3o A bit of text wouldn't take all that much space anyway, so I support that too. uvu
8. Okay :o I'll have to trust you on that lol, I don't know much about programs at all honestly. :s If Java on.. everything? Accessible to all things such as mobile devices and outdated computers?

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
1:40am Jul 14 2014 (last edited on 1:41am Jul 14 2014)
Normal User 
Posts: 369
definitely on mobile. i dont know a ton about java and old computers but it cant be more java than the rest of the site currently uses.
thank you for the support by the way.
"You must always remember that the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing." - Alucard, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.
1:59am Jul 14 2014 (last edited on 2:00am Jul 14 2014)
Normal User 
Posts: 4,093
hopefully you're right--and i didn't actually realize that java is used for the rest of the site, and if that works on mobile then a bit more definitely should too, and for any computer's OS. C:
*Speaking of mobile Res, in response to #15 again: On mobile Res, in my experience, this pink box gets bigger and consumes the screen if you zoom in and try to click something. So I would definitely enjoy an option to disable this, but keep it enabled for my non-mobile Res usage. Just thought I would add to my previous response.
good suggestions deserve support. ^^ Hopefully this thread will get some more attention, and discussion on how to look at some of the more intricate suggestions like interactive hatching.

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
2:22am Jul 14 2014
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Posts: 1,477
accidentally closed tab and lost my post so I'm just gonna say the ones I possibly disagree with
7: Although I do see where you're coming from I believe that everyone should take part in things despite not wanting them to ;u; Depends on the person I guess.
9: Although convenient, I'll have to agree with Dusts points 8c And if this feature were to be implemented, would it be the same for CS/Uldavian?
The rest I fully Support ^o^
2:48am Jul 14 2014
Content Manager 
Posts: 3,137
FULL SUPPORT on most of these
Esp 19 and 20
The only one I have an issue with, Dusty pinpointed my reasoning. uwu #9
11:07am Jul 14 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 2,148
All of these are perf and deffo should be implemented, if not seriously considered. Just a thing on number 20. Human avatar bases are determined by the gender that's put into the profile. I had changed a friend's gender to 'Androgynous' for a while and when the HA system was implemented, they couldn't have an avatar, so they went back to female since the clothes looked nicer. So perhaps looking at changing the avatar system so the base was independent of the gender on profiles would be better.
11:10am Jul 14 2014 (last edited on 11:10am Jul 14 2014)
Normal User 
Posts: 4,093
^Yes that would be nice too! Independent gender and HA base displays :D

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
12:12pm Jul 14 2014
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Posts: 369
outsane: So perhaps looking at changing the avatar system so the base was independent of the gender on profiles would be better.
yeah, that's what i was trying to explain. it was very late last night when i wrote these haha. yeah, it would not be difficult at all to separate 'player gender' views on profiles from 'avatar body type' so that all players can have both.
"You must always remember that the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing." - Alucard, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.
12:29pm Jul 14 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 1,447
Ok, so, I agree with basically all of these. So I'm just going to comment on the ones I either disagree with or mostly disagree with or even partially. If I haven't commented on one, just assume I'm saying support :p
5. Should say "support ticket or post on your own thread" :p
6. Just a comment, tidying up is already happening behind the scenes, but I like this idea. One sentence to explain the rule and a more in-depth version upon click.
7. Not sure. I'm on the fence about this one.
8. On one level I totally agree. On another, some users just can't stay on that long in a day. If this was at least semi-forgiving or the time to incubate was far lower on some eggs then I would say that's fine. Also, where would these items come from? Would there just be specific items that skyrocket in price because everyone needs them? If it's a minigame, the problem is for people with slow Internet. If their computer or Internet lags... oops, no incubate for you. And as someone else pointed out, CS and Uldavian? Would those be in danger of failing? Because that would be terrible.
9. Everything that has been said. No to this for the simple reason that everyone's beaning is worthless suddenly. However, having Kir ask for more natties (which he supposedly does already but maybe even more so) and low colors would be fine with me :)
11. The point of having the reward for foresting be worse is so people are more inclined to toss their natties in the hatchery than hatch and forest them later. It reduces overpopulation at least a little bit more than dumping them in the forest. I wouldn't mind a small bump to the forest price though.
15. Doesn't really bug me but I see no issue with removing it either
18. As long as it isn't a daily thing. Maybe a higher tier in the springs where you have a chance at 1 CP? Most of our items are WAY less CP than FR's gem items so we have to be careful with how much is given out. But as long as it's not like... a daily thing to every user but rather a reward for some action or coming online daily I like it.
1:44pm Jul 14 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 369
5: fixed. i don't subscribe to threads so i never ran into this. is there somewhere that you can go and look at a list of all the threads you're subscribed to?
6: it'd be great for users to know what things are being worked on. maybe a "work in progress" page somewhere that just lists all the things that are being tweaked. this would greatly reduce the very prominent issue with the site that it frequently appears to be in neglect.
8: the incubation periods do not need to stay the same values as they are now. if a user can only pop online once a day for 15 minutes (may god have mercy on their souls) then it could be a very wide interval. for example, if you incubate an egg, and then don't 'heat' it for two days, it could steadily lose heat until it goes cold and dies. on the other hand if you give it too much heat it could also die. but if you can keep the heat within an acceptable range (which can be wide) for 24 hours, then you're good. - note that i'm just trying to brainstorm ways to make the hatching process more interesting and actually involve risk/reward. i put forth several different options. temporary testing could always be implemented to gather feedback from users with slower internet, infrequent visits, or disabilities.
11. if there is no substantially 'better' reward for foresting over releasing in the hatchey, i can't see why any user would go through the trouble of naming a pet and clicking over to the forest and clicking to release it when they can achieve the same thing in less effort at the hatchery. but if this is a legitimate concern, it could always be a slightly reduced price, as you said. maybe 1000 in the hatchery and 800 in the forest. it's just a frustrating discrepancy.
18. that would be an acceptable solution i think. as it is, quelis are great and all, but kir isn't asking for them (last i checked) so their value is crashing. and the dye kit options are cool, but for users with hundreds of millions of tu, i think there is much less incentive to go through the trouble of keeping up with the springs.
"You must always remember that the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing." - Alucard, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.
3:40pm Jul 14 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 2,282
12. Make a censor for the shoutbox to block swear words that break the rules. this is obviously an easy implementation as it has been used to block harmless things like "flight rising" :)
^^^ i do not agree with this due to dusteh's reasoning.
18. Reward your players for playing. Flight Rising has an excellent example of this, where if a user logs on consistently, they get 1 "cash" currency every day, and small amounts of cash currency are found, rarely, in chests or for removing pets. Perhaps Kir could occasionally award a cash point or two. Maybe they're a rare prize from playing the site games. Reward your players so they'll want to keep playing. Also, this small taste of premium currency is often an incentive for players to donate in order to receive the things they want sooner. [CLARIFICATION] i mean specifically cash points. as it is, it's nearly impossible for regular, devoted users to access anything from the cash shop besides CS eggs because those are the most popular item.
I can not agree with this due to cash points are meant to be bought from other users or the shop, maybe another way of rewarding players? I honestly think giving away cp is not ideal.
For 19&20: i believe that while some people prefer one human avatar over the other, despite thier gender is oppsite, it just seems like people would get confused about who people are and thier gender is. So maybe some version of that would be nice.

3:48pm Jul 14 2014 (last edited on 3:53pm Jul 14 2014)
Normal User 
Posts: 369
Added suggestions 21-30.
12: dustfeather said this was already implemented.
18. there is no way for users who can't afford to spend cash to realistically acquire limited items like clothing sets because they are not often bought by people who DO have money. people who have money to spend typically buy beans or CS eggs. the fact that cash-exclusive clothing sets get retired after so long means they are incredibly, horrifically rare. like, legendary rare. they are some of the most expensive and valuable items on the site. maybe it's just me but i feel like there is a logical disconnect when a pet site's most valuable items are clothing.
- the issue here is that people who have been on this site for 5+ years and play and participate constantly, but are unable to afford to spend cash on pixels (i.e. they need to use it to buy food, medication, commute, etc), are not rewarded for playing at all. as i mentioned previously, the only feature on this site that rewards devoted players is the springs, and quelis are dropping in value and dye kits are worth a maximum of 10mil - which is VERY little tu compared to the bank accounts of users who have been playing for a long time.
19/20: the body type of your human avatar as independent from your player/profile gender is exactly what is being suggested.
i appreciate the discussion but maybe you could provide more detailed reasoning into your objections.
"You must always remember that the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing." - Alucard, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.
5:02pm Jul 14 2014
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Posts: 4,093
"Twilight: For 19&20: i believe that while some people prefer one human avatar over the other, despite thier gender is oppsite, it just seems like people would get confused about who people are and thier gender is. So maybe some version of that would be nice."
"Riyo: 19/20: the body type of your human avatar as independent from your player/profile gender is exactly what is being suggested."
Even if it wasn't, it's really nobody's business what another person's gender and gender identity is if they don't want it to be known. If people get confused, imo, tough. xD They can just ask the user that they are confused about lol.
I think users getting confused and upset about other users' genders is way less important than non-cis users being able to feel comfortable and accepted on Res. That is the biggest thing here.
"Twilight: 12. Make a censor for the shoutbox to block swear words that break the rules. this is obviously an easy implementation as it has been used to block harmless things like "flight rising" :) ^^^ i do not agree with this due to dusteh's reasoning."
"Riyo: 12: dustfeather said this was already implemented."
It is implemented---for very, very few words that I know of. These words are found within very few other words and so the censor doesn't pop up often. It would be a bit more of an issue for certain curse words that appear in other words more often. If this could be avoided by making it so that it only censors when the curse is on its own, I definitely support a censor on these words. c:

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
8:20pm Jul 14 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 2,282
For 18: I do agree with you riyo, the most popular thing should not be clothing, but probably pets due to this is a petsite. But I think that to say people who do not spend money on the site have very limited access to CS items is a little off. they are some users who buy these items with tu from other users, you do not necessary have to spend money to get them. You can also buy CP for around 500k-600k per. They are also other rare items other than CS items, like goody bags, holiday event items,ect.
19&20: I guess if their real gender was on the profile and they may or may not have the matching avatar, i guess the confusion would be down due to we can check to see what pronoun to use without being disrespectful.
12: feels like people do not " swear" enough for this to be in place for ALL words not res allowed. And thats a compliment. Along with the words containing these words would be censored too. For example is " Grass" being censored if the word ass was not allowed, due to it contains that word.

11:01pm Aug 5 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 2,057
- 1. YES
- 2. YESS
- 4. YUS
7. YES
8. I kind of agree ^^
10. 100% Agree
11. or give the color a different rating like 1k nattie 300k silver kinda thing ^^
12. yes! 13. this is very much needed
14. YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
15. YES because it's annoying
16. interesting o3o
17. this is needed
18. agree agree agree!!!!!!!!
19. yes!
20. yes but there could be issues with this because people are mean.
21. I would say limit it to 10 explores but only can take three pets ^^
22. yes
23. support
24.yep ^^
25. this is really needed!
26. i think it has been fixed?
27. yes!
28. this is needed
29. yep, needed.
30. YESSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!YES!YES!