What is 'necroposting' and what does it mean? Please read!

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5:46pm Sep 4 2011 (last edited on 8:58pm Sep 4 2011)


Posts: 910
I have seen a great number of necroposting lately and I thought that it would be very helpful to clarify what it is!
What is 'necroposting'?
Necroposting is an action that takes place when a user posts a comment on a thread that is older than 4 weeks. (a little over a month) Threads that are 4 weeks old or older have died. (not literally) Since the thread is more than 4 weeks old, posting on it would be necroposting.
  What does 'necroposting' mean?
Necroposting is a word that comes from the prefix necro- meaning dead. And posting. You know what posting is... It means you post on a thread. necroposting means that you post on a dead thread. Usually, dead threads have died because they did not get enough support, or for other various reasons. Usually these threads are associated with the 'Suggestions and Ideas' forum section. (this one) Threads can also die if a question has been answered, usually these threads are ones on the 'Bugs' or 'Support' forum section.
Now that I have clarified what necroposting is. I will also clarify this: NECROPOSTING IS AGAINST THE RULES.
 So don't do it c: It will make the support staff's lives so much easier! :D And make the Forums easier to browse.
So next time when you are about to post your opinion on a thread, be sure to check the date that the thread was created and then check the dates of the other people who have posted. If someone necroposted, refrain from posting after them!
 Here is something that I have noticed: in most cases, threads that are beyond the first page are more than 4 weeks old! You may browse them, it is only against the rules if you POST on an old thread.


7:02pm Sep 4 2011

Normal User

Posts: 616
Just wondering... Where is the suggestion here? Other than don't necropost....

7:22pm Sep 4 2011 (last edited on 7:24pm Sep 4 2011)


Posts: 910
It isn't really a suggestion :) I purposely made it to call it to the attention of users who decide to read it!


8:06pm Sep 4 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,391
Shouldn't this be in General Rescreatu Discussion then? xD


8:22pm Sep 4 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,426

I've seen Necroposting most often in the suggestions thread. It happens everywhere, but mostly here. So yes, it should be in the Genderal Discussion, but then it wouldn't be seen in the area where the most Necroposting is going on.

I still vote for a rule quiz before people can access the SB and forums. Maybe people will pick up on some things.

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

8:53pm Sep 4 2011 (last edited on 8:57pm Sep 4 2011)


Posts: 910

Grave: that's exactly why I posted it here. I was contemplating on posting it in the General Discussion section, but I figured it'd be more useful if I posted it here c:


sorry for any inconveniences this may cause to anyone who is aggravated by me creating this thread in this forum section.


And to be honest, I'm not sure how much better this would help necroposting situations if I posted it there instead of here '^^


10:29am Sep 5 2011

Content Manager

Posts: 3,137
Support! 8D

-cough- Yes well.

I do hate necroposting. So very annoying. Cause see, I"m one of those people who likes looking at locked threads just to see what noob did what this time.

Nowadays, nine times out of ten it's necroposters. Typically the same few over and over again, I might add.


10:33am Sep 5 2011 (last edited on 10:37am Sep 5 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 1,391

OMG Dodomon, I totally do that too. xDD I'm just like, "Whoa.... This is from 09 and some weirdo totally NECROPOSTED." xD

NECROPOSTING! I just found someone who necroposted. xD


11:46am Sep 5 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,426

Yeah, I can't help but look at locked threads just to see what someone did. Locks used to be interesting, now my only amusement is speculating how far this noob went back into the category to necropost.

I hate it when someone gets me to necropost. e_e I don't usually pay attention to the dates, so when a user necroposts, I usually end up reading through the thread, posting, THEN realizing the post before that person was four months ago. Makes me feel like an idiot. :x

HypnoxSpazz 5evr

11:56am Sep 11 2011


Posts: 910
Dodo: What exactly are you supporting? XD The no necroposting? It's already against the rules =) I posted this because people keep necroposting, so I figured they probably did not know what it means.
Sugar: Exactly! I have stopped myself many times from necroposting!


11:56am Sep 11 2011


Posts: 910
Thanks for supporting, anyways, Dodo XD


9:49am Sep 12 2011

Content Manager

Posts: 3,137
I was actually being stupid. X3 -shot- I know it's not exactly "supportable".


8:53pm Sep 17 2011

Normal User

Posts: 437
Why not add a suggestion to this? Like when a topic doesn't have any comment for 4 weeks, the ti
tle changes colour, or "OLD" or something appears in the ti
tle. It could happen automaticaly, so everyone could see they shouldn't post in them?


12:17am Sep 18 2011


Posts: 2,155
New staff procedures will include locking all topics that are 6 weeks old with no replies. This will give the original owner a chance to bump the thread if they like, and if they would like the thread bumped after that, its just a matter of mailing a support staff member with the request.

I'm not sure when we will get to start doing this though, due to lack of time/support members. Just wanted to let everyone know it is on the list of changes, though. =)

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