Whirlpool and new Creatu

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9:44pm Jul 8 2012 (last edited on 7:23pm Jul 12 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 16
I came up with this in the shower. Showers are the PERFECT place to come up with ideas BTW.

So everone knows about the whirlpool in Aquati, right? You can click on it, but nothing happens. SO, I have an idea for it.
If you have either an Ahea, Draqua, Murren, Narwi, Quelis, Sirleon, or Skaldyr selected(any color), and go to the whirlpool, you will see another message appear.

What is it?

Where could this whirlpool possibly lead?

Your pet, (selected creatu's name), can swim down this whirlpool! Would you like to go down it?

If you choose yes, you go to a new place. Its an underwater city ruins, much like Atlantis. There you can only find underwater pets, the ones I listed as ones that can go in the whirlpool(Tesuri is not one of them). Once there, you have a .05% chance of finding a Hapold Egg. A Hapold(Res can change the name) Is an angler fish thingee.

(I'll draw all three stages, as well as the egg, and try to do all hatchable colors.)

The Hapold is only found in the underwater ruins.

The Underwater Ruins:
It will be like a broken down castle, with a few ruined houses made from stone. You will see a Skaldyr under a rock, a few Sirleons chasing fish, and a Draqua in some seaweed, and far off the outline of the Hapold.

Also, suggest some names for the creatu plz.

Name Suggestions for the new creatu


All the ideas I am getting on this are great! This is just the base, something to work from.


9:50pm Jul 8 2012 (last edited on 9:51pm Jul 8 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 1,044
i like the idea but i found one problem with your explanation. 

"You must not have the Creatu selected after you go under."

yet here you said "Your pet, (selected creatu's name), can swim down this whirlpool! Would you like to go down it?

 So we would have to have the creatu selected in order to 
do this according to your explanation of the idea.

there would be no way to deselect the creatu before you go under
if you need it selected to go under. 

other then that bit of confusion i really like this idea. 
so i support :)

Work in progress

9:52pm Jul 8 2012

Normal User

Posts: 16
Lolz, ok.

9:54pm Jul 8 2012

Normal User

Posts: 55

Not super crazy about the new creatu idea (the thing I first imagined seemed too similar to the noctis, but that's just me), but everything else sounds awesome. :U



10:19pm Jul 8 2012

Normal User

Posts: 3,007
Yeah, I love this idea. I keep staring at
what might be under that ocean threw the whirlpool.
I love this idea of being able to find that uncommon or
rare creatu under there. maybe a new shop or somthing.

In 38 colors, and a thousand black
Gondras later... I rise over my
Army as the Gondra Queen!

10:33pm Jul 8 2012 (last edited on 10:34pm Jul 8 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 1,786
I think the Creatu should look like an Angler Fish. The one with the light and big teeth that live in the deep ocean. 
-Not sure how that'd look with Res art-

Because you're going into a deep whirlpool....

You know what, yeah. 

Anyways, support~


2:02am Jul 9 2012


Posts: 3,217

I love this idea :)



2:33pm Jul 9 2012

Normal User

Posts: 3,642
Yes omg deep sea creatures aRE SO COOL THIS WOULD BE GREAT.


10:46am Jul 10 2012


Posts: 348
Nice! I really like this way of thinking. Using Creatu to get to certain places.

The only flaw I see currently is that Atquati already has Quelis and the Enchanted Springs. I feel that if we had another new Creatu for this new area, it would be a little one sided at the moment.

What else could be in this underwater city? Is it old and barren, such as Atlantis, or is it populated and maintained? Can you breathe underwater there, or do you need gear? I could see possibly a couple of quests. Maybe they could be things that are about swimming creatu only.


3:40pm Jul 10 2012

Normal User

Posts: 73
Support. Give us another cool pet for Aquati, since it lacks a seasonal.

12:55am Jul 12 2012

Normal User

Posts: 2,057
Support... instead of a seasonal Atquati could have a pet that is only available for one week (or two weeks) a month in the whirlpool ?


2:47pm Jul 12 2012

Normal User

Posts: 517
I think we can build off of Lazz's idea:
the currents shift, allowing a short period of time each moon cycle to venture into the whirlpool.

As for quests, I can see a quest that rewards special items and eggs in return for certain items, deeds, or pets.

There also could be a special store down there that sold special undersea type items.


3:05pm Jul 12 2012

Normal User

Posts: 400
Support :) I <3 the idea of a whirlpool 

Selling a Bunch! c: [url=http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/market/advertisements/-name-clearout-/]

3:41pm Jul 12 2012

Normal User

Posts: 688
Definitely support!
I do like the idea of a limited time frame to search the whirlpool, though.

Currently Seeking RWN\'s. Feel free to rmail if sellin~

3:43pm Jul 12 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,071
Sounds cool ^-^


1:38pm Jul 14 2012

Normal User

Posts: 517
"I think we can build off of Lazz's idea:
the currents shift, allowing a short period of time each moon cycle to venture into the whirlpool.

As for quests, I can see a quest that rewards special items and eggs in return for certain items, deeds, or pets.

There also could be a special store down there that sold special undersea type items."

I have more ideas!

What if you could obtain two creatu from the whirlpool.
One would be a monthly creatu: 
when the "currents shift" and the whirlpool is open, you can obtain a creatu.

One would be a summer seasonal:
available when the pool is open, but in the summer sometime. 


1:54pm Jul 14 2012

Normal User

Posts: 36
maybe like this 

2:12pm Jul 27 2012

Normal User

Posts: 28
I support it!! I am always thinking, when are they gonna open the whirlpool and what will they do with it, and I think this is an amazing idea!! It would be Sooo cool, especially with the new creatu idea... I understand why people wouldnt want a new creatu, because that ,ay mean a fiew hours of down time to do all of the coding for it, but I think  an angler fish would be cool on here... Or maybe an actual like, sea serpent, like... I know it sounds dumb, but Linda like the Loch Ness Monster... I think that would be Epic!! 
But enough with my endless chatter.....

Well hello there humans, or aliens, of Rescreatu!! I have been on since 2008, so if anyone needs help please RMail me, I am happy to help. I do know everything there is to know about Rescreatu after all ^-\'

11:30am Jul 28 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,003

Support love the idea but mabey the new creatu could look like a whale. that would be nice.

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