>>>I'm going to be closing this on Friday the 14th at 11:59 Res time. <<<
🌸 Hello! 🌸
Below is some information for the raffle, if you have any questions please send me an Rmail!
What's a raffle without prizes?
For this Raffle there will be multiple prizes. The prize pool will consist of mainly pets but there’s a few items too!
The prize pool may change, it won't get any smaller but it might grow as I add more.
All pet prizes can be found in the "Raffle" category of my showroom, which you can also find in the link below.
and a ton more!
! Item prize pool !
Special thank you to SecretsOfTheShadows who added !four! CS pets and a beautiful, stardust Draqua! Good luck on winning these beauties
And another special thank you to Antidote who donated a Cosmic Salve!
Whoa, Pegasus has kindly donated some more items for the raffle (and blew up my alerts xD) a lot of Seasonal eggs, an Eleodon egg and some cyid! (Including a stardust cyid)
This is where it gets interesting so please bear with me!
Players who meet the below criteria can enter using NPC items that are used in any of theses quests
* Weapon
* Toy
* Clothes
* Squishy
* Food
* Book
* Your account is one year old or younger
* You only have one species out of the retired trio
(eg. only have an omni, missing kioka/ liyure)
* You have two or fewer black CS pets
*You do not have an Uldavi pet
Each item is worth one raffle ticket
I will now also be accepting things that can be handed in to Karrie (Shiny Quest NPC)
The Value to raffle ticket exchange is below,
the conversion might jump a bit for some value groups, depending on if there are certain items in that group I want/ need
Value > raffle tickets
1 > 2 tickets
2 > 3 tickets
3 > 5 tickets
4 > 6 tickets
5 > 8 tickets
6 > 9 tickets
14 > 20 tickets
50 > 90 tickets
75 > 120 tickets
100> 300 tickets
Users who meet the Criteria will get 10 extra tickets for these items!
Everyone can hand in nail clippers, for 2 tickets!
NO LONGER TAKING : "Planet" Easter eggs
* seeds/ flowers
Easter Squishies
*When I open this up to older players the way you enter may change
* I plan on opening this up to others when the spring event is out, when I make these changes users that hit the above criteria will still get bonus tickets!
* The end date is yet to be decided, it will probably end when the spring event does.
* I will check your accounts to make sure you hit the criteria,
if I discover you've cheated I will take action.
This can include> putting pets onto another account to get tickets.
* Please don't get annoyed if I don't add your tickets on right away. I work full time and have a life outside of Rescreatu.
I'm also in a different time zone from the majority (I live in England)
* When it comes to drawing prizes I will go down the list in my showroom first, you can win more than once but at max three times! This may change depending on how many people enter
*I will update this when things change, however, I will not update this when more small creatu prizes are added (EG. natural CS pets)