Mystical's Huge New Years 2018 Raffle

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5:17pm Dec 7 2017 (last edited on 1:03am Dec 31 2017)

Normal User

Posts: 280

Hey guys it's Mytical again for round 2 of my New years raffle. If you know I had done one last year. From then I decided I will continue doing one as long as I am on res. 
This Raffle has two parts to it. A free raffle and a part where you have to pay raffle. I did not want them on separate pages. I hope this year will look better then last year.
Come join Mysts New Years Raffle of 2018. There's two parts the buying a ticket for 100k tu or the free part of the raffle. [url=]
All the reveals are out for the raffle pay 100k for a ticket or just join the free part of the raffle  [url=]
Last day for the raffle  either pay 100k a ticket or join my free part of the raffle [url=]
Before we begin here are the rules :)
Rules Shall be posted here
1. You get what you get. Everything was done by the generator.
2. No Beggars
3. No being mean to anyone on here. Be nice
4. Be happy please its New Years. And Christmas is right around the corner.
5. NO REFUNDS. This raffle shall not be cancelled so don't worry.
6. Paying Raffle: Many Prizes Can Be Won
Free Raffle: No Double Winnings

If rules are not followed you will be TERMINATED. MWAHAAHA.

So lets begin the...

New Years 2018 Raffle


5:23pm Dec 7 2017 (last edited on 2:32am Dec 30 2017)

Normal User

Posts: 280
New Years 2018 Raffle (Buying)
 Opening date: December 25 (Resmas)
Closing Date: December 31 (New Years Eve at 11:59pm. Res time I will not accept Tu or anything on New Years Day)
Raffle: New Years (Why else would it be called a New Years Raffle)

The Raffle will be done using the Random number Generator from the site

As you see the ti
tle this is the part of the raffle where you have to pay tu. Which shall
cost: 100,000 tu each ticket

Also whichever user posts that your turning in the creatu is the one who gets the tickets.

About: This Raffle is not your ordinary raffle. My name is Mystical and so any raffle done by Mystical shall be mystical hehe. But anyways this raffle is really not that ordinary. 
My raffle is not in order where usually raffles have 1st prize the best prize, well not this raffle. My raffle is everywhere. The bigger prize can be in the middle and the lesser prize can be at the top. Because me and my raffle are just weird that way.

This Raffle consists of everything (except tu). 

Rules were already posted above in my first post.

Here are the Prizes this is going to get long oh my glob.
1st Prize:
1st Prize:2nd Prize: 

3rd Prize:click="return Preview.showOptions(1,2914633);" href="">4th Prize:click="return Preview.showOptions(1,3006204);" href="">

5th Prize:click="return Preview.showOptions(1,2739900);" href="">6th Prize:click="return Preview.showOptions(1,2999639);" href="">

7th Prize:click="return Preview.showOptions(1,3093528);" href=""> 8th Prize:

9th Prize:click="return Preview.showOptions(1,2395953);" href="">10th Prize:click="return Preview.showOptions(1,3101955);" href="">

11th Prize:click="return Preview.showOptions(1,2899756);" href="">(take care of this one)
12th Prize:13th Prize:click="return Preview.showOptions(1,2910664);" href="">

14th Prize:
 15th Prize: 

16th Prize:  17th Prize: 

18th Prize: click="return Preview.showOptions(1,3004209);" href="">19th Prize: click="return Preview.showOptions(1,3103754);" href="">

20th Prize: click="return Preview.showOptions(1,2997235);" href=""> 21st Prize: click="return Preview.showOptions(1,2668899);" href="">

22nd Prize:click="return Preview.showOptions(1,2934531);" href="">23rd Prize:click="return Preview.showOptions(1,3090788);" href="">

24th Prize: click="return Preview.showOptions(1,2814374);" href="">25th Prize:click="return Preview.showOptions(1,2837401);" href="">

26th Prize: 27th Prize:

28th Prize:click="return Preview.showOptions(1,3101179);" href="">29th Prize: click="return Preview.showOptions(1,2398810);" href="">

30th Prize: click="return Preview.showOptions(1,2847580);" href=""> 31st Prize: click="return Preview.showOptions(1,3097132);" href="">

click="return Preview.showOptions(1,3097132);" href="">

32nd Prize:click="return Preview.showOptions(1,3082956);" href=""> 33rd Prize:click="return Preview.showOptions(1,3045127);" href="">

34th Prize:click="return Preview.showOptions(1,2855250);" href="">35th Prize:click="return Preview.showOptions(1,2832053);" href="">

36th Prize:
click="return Preview.showOptions(1,2925685);" href="">37th Prize:
38th Prize:tle="Valentines Rose Corsage" id="6829" alt="6122" src=""> 39th Prize:click="return Preview.showOptions(1,3085642);" href="">

40th Prize: 41st Prize:

42nd Prize:tle="Liyure Scarf" id="2752" alt="1988" src="">43rd Prize:click="return Preview.showOptions(1,3098551);" href="">
44th Prize:click="return Preview.showOptions(1,2535837);" href="">45th Prize:click="return Preview.showOptions(1,2841264);" href="">
46th Prize:click="return Preview.showOptions(1,2969168);" href=""> 47th Prize:
48th Prize: 49th Prize:

50th Prize: Mystery Prize has been revealed Dec. 30th

click="return Preview.showOptions(1,2702241);" href="">ject they come across to see how it works. At times this is difficult as they lack opposable thumbs, but that rarely stops them. Most of the time they lose interest once they have dism...">


5:47pm Dec 7 2017 (last edited on 8:00pm Dec 26 2017)

Normal User

Posts: 280
New Years 2018 Raffle (Free)
You saw it right folks. Free. A Free Raffle. 
Open Date: December 25
Closing Date: December 31 (New years eve at 11:59 Res time)
Raffle: Will be held on New Years of Course
Cost: Nothing. Its Freeeeee

Actually this raffle is not free, I don't know why I am doing false advertising. To enter this raffle I need to things.
To ask to enter by saying"May I enter the Free raffle please"

And Please say Please. If not I will not enter you and will ask where your manners are. JK: Just kidding I will still enter you but it would be nice for you to say please.

There shall be 9 people who win a prize in this raffle :) This Raffle includes the prizes any kind of creatu, tu, and any kind of items.
Prize 1:
'Selects' the Calico Iluvu paired with a 'Pet Quest Skip Token'
'Faerolin' the blonde Quelis paired with 'White Fabric'
Prize 4:
A '10 million barter token' paired with a 'Curse of the Undead'
Prize 5:
A '10 million barter token' paired with a 'Black pearl' 
Prize 6:

A '5 million barter token' paired with a 'Egg of Rebirth'
Prize 7:
A 'Rancher Class Token'
Prize 8:
A 'Mutation Potion'
Prize 9:
A 'Zaphao Beanie Container'


5:51pm Dec 7 2017 (last edited on 1:33am Jan 1 2018)

Normal User

Posts: 280
Ticket Holder's (Buying Raffle) shall be posted Here
1: SecretsofTheShadows
2-6: Naerina
7-11: SabrinaBelle1
12-41: Wanderland
42-46: SecretsOfTheShadows
47-49: Sliced
50-149: Snowpea
150-159: Naerina
160-169: dragonslayer1702
170-179: Avo
180-184: Naerina
185-186: Sally
187-196: Fin123
197-296: Chaos
298-302: HammerBro
303-311: MintyMaddi
312-361: ddmf
362-461: genbaw234
462-465: SecretsOfTheShadows
466-470: Fin123
471-490: Avo
491-500: Naerina
501-510: Wanderland
511-530: Avo
531-540: Billbee
541-590: SabrinaBelle1
591-600: Naerina
601-608: SecretsOfTheShadows
609-618: dphne
619-668: MintyMaddi
669-673: alizesierra
674-675: SecretsOfTheShadows
676-685: Naerina
686-690: dragonslayer1702
691-693: Wendla
694-743: ddmf
744: MissHalloween
745-764: Naerina
765-767: SecretsOfTheShadows
777-796: Avo
797-801: Wanderland
802-806: Naerina
807-856: Snowpea
857-858: SecretsOfTheShadows
859-863: Redrock
864-868: Naerina


5:51pm Dec 7 2017 (last edited on 11:58pm Dec 31 2017)

Normal User

Posts: 280
Ticket Holder's (Free Raffle) Shall Be posted here
1: SecretsofTheShadows
2: Naerina
3: dragonslayer1702
4: Queen
5: SabrinaBelle1
6: Wanderland
7: Sliced
8: Snowpea
9: koolgirl1576
10: Wendla
11: yzzuwyzzuf
12: KateDrake
13: Avo
14: TechnoBorn
15: MintyMaddi
16: Sally
17: Fin123
18: Chaos
19: MonsterJake
20: Petals16
21: Kelpie
22: HammerBro
23: ddmf
24: genbaw234
25: heybay
26: Oddessia
27: Crystallize
28: Billbee
29: hoppinhippo
30: dphne
31: alizesierra
32: MissHalloween
33: Redrock


5:51pm Dec 7 2017 (last edited on 2:26am Jan 1 2018)

Normal User

Posts: 280
Winners (Buying)
Prize 1: Ticket#6: Naerina
Prize 2: Ticket#191: Fin123
Prize 3: Ticket#562: SabrinaBelle1
Prize 4: Ticket#743: ddmf
Prize 5: Ticket#667: MintyMaddi
Prize6: Ticket#757: Naerina
Prize 7: Ticket#237: Chaos
Prize 8: Ticket #100: Snowpea
Prize 9: Ticket #374: genbaw234
Prize10: Ticket#718: ddmf
Prize 11: Ticket#726: ddmf
Prize 12: Ticket#647: MintyMaddi
Prize 13: Ticket#351: ddmf
Prize14: Ticket#127: Snowpea
Prize15: Ticket#810: Snowpea
Prize16: Ticket#509: Wanderland
Prize 17: Ticket#98: Snowpea
Prize 18: Ticket#634: MintyMaddi
Prize19: Ticket#786: Avo
Prize 20: Ticket#494: Naerina
Prize 21: Ticket#128: Snowpea
Prize22: Ticket#156: Naerina
Prize 23: Ticket#316: ddmf
Prize 24: Ticket#501: Wanderland
Prize 25: Ticket#586: SabrinaBelle1
Prize26: Ticket#192: Fin123
Prize27: Ticket#854: Snowpea
Prize28: Ticket#630: MintyMaddi
Prize29: Ticket#832: Snowpea
Prize30: Ticket#376: genbaw234
Prize31: Ticket#544: SabrinaBelle1
Prize32: Ticket#426: genbaw234
Prize33: Ticket#503: Wanderland
Prize34: Ticket#837: Snowpea
Prize 35: Ticket#794: Avo
Prize 36: Ticket#305: MintyMaddi
Prize 37: Ticket#471: Avo
Prize 38: Ticket#584: SabrinaBelle1
Prize39: Ticket#43: SecretsOfTheShadows
Prize40: Ticket#495: Naerina
Prize41: Ticket#842: Snowpea
Prize42: Ticket#532: Billbee
Prize43: Ticket#827:Snowpea
Prize 44: Ticket#582: SabrinaBelle1
Prize 45: Ticket#333: ddmf
Prize46: Ticket#809: Snowpea
Prize47: Ticket782:Avo
Prize48: Ticket#622: MintyMaddi
Prize49: Ticket#269: Chaos
Prize50: Ticket#245: Chaos


5:52pm Dec 7 2017 (last edited on 12:23am Jan 1 2018)

Normal User

Posts: 280
Raffle 2018: Free
1. Ticket#28: Billbee
2. Ticket#9: koolgirl1576
3. Ticket#29: hoppinhippo
4. Ticket#4: Queen
5. Ticket#30:alizesierra
6.Ticket#22: HammerBro
7. Ticket#18: Chaos
8.Ticket#5: SabrinaBelle1
9. Ticket#8: Snowpea
*Chaos if there was not a rule for no winning twice you would have won twice for prize 7 and 8. But hey there is a rule. You must have rubbed some luck on those tickets.


6:27pm Dec 7 2017 (last edited on 11:43pm Dec 25 2017)

Normal User

Posts: 280
New Years 2018 Raffle is NOW OPEN


11:42pm Dec 25 2017

Normal User

Posts: 1,184
May I enter the free contest and purchase one ticket for now?


11:45pm Dec 25 2017 (last edited on 11:50pm Dec 25 2017)

Normal User

Posts: 955
May I please have 5 tickets and may I be slotted into the free raffle, too?
Good luck with this.

p.s. sending tu now.

(eyeing on the 26th prize XD)

11:48pm Dec 25 2017

Normal User

Posts: 4

May I enter the Free raffle, please


11:51pm Dec 25 2017

Normal User

Posts: 2,122
May I enter the Free raffle please


4:15am Dec 26 2017

Normal User

Posts: 239
May I please enter the free contest and purchase five ticket?

11:02am Dec 26 2017 (last edited on 11:02am Dec 26 2017)

Normal User

Posts: 557
May i enter the free raffle please? Also buying 30 tickets.


12:23pm Dec 26 2017

Normal User

Posts: 1,184
Sending 5 tickets for the raffle


12:26pm Dec 26 2017

Normal User

Posts: 491
May i please Enter the Free Raffle also buying tickets !

~★Dreamless sleep, follows the Nowhere King★~

12:34pm Dec 26 2017 (last edited on 12:53pm Dec 26 2017)

Normal User

Posts: 280
Prizes: 38th-42nd
38th Prize:tle="Valentines Rose Corsage" id="6829" alt="6122" src=""> 39th Prize:click="return Preview.showOptions(1,3085642);" href="">

40th Prize: 41st Prize:

42nd Prize:tle="Liyure Scarf" id="2752" alt="1988" src="">

Everyone before this post has been updated. There tickets have been put in :)
Hope yall get what you want :o


4:57pm Dec 26 2017

Normal User

Posts: 789
Sent 10mil for tickets. May I please enter the free raffle as well? Hope you had a great Christmas :)


6:58pm Dec 26 2017

Normal User

Posts: 3,318
May I enter the free raffle, please? (:


7:46pm Dec 26 2017

Normal User

Posts: 955
May I have another 10 tickets? Sending the TU.
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