The Asian Invasion Quiz Show

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6:45am Feb 17 2014 (last edited on 6:56am Feb 17 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 656
Aaand here is the GIF of the Day! 
Do you know what drama, movie or music video it is from?

Is it easier this time around? Tell me it's infinitely easier. :P

Remember to post your official entry using this format:

My guess is that the Pic/GIF of the day is from ________.

Yesterday's GIF was from the Korean drama You're Beautiful.
(The ending of Episode 1, to be exact. I can't believe that mai bebe Hong-ki looking angelic as A.N.Jell Jeremy wasn't a dead giveaway.)

/throws hands up. Pick your numbers, alyanabilla, Bluerayofsunshine, and Life.

Remember to get in your official entries for the Sixth Wave as well!

I've posted my playlist in tle="" target="_blank">a blog post, for people who need some clues as to songs and dramas.

~I know I'm infuriating. Live with it.~

9:24am Feb 17 2014

Normal User

Posts: 32
Oppa means older brother.
1) When a younger sister says it about her older brother
2) When talking about a male friend
3) When talking about your boyfriend
4) Calling someone dad, or daddy
* These are usually by younger girls, siblings, or couples

Fruits Basket
Bonus: It s called this because the Fruit Basket is also a game where kids have to switch seats in a circle, when their assigned fruits are called. The main character in Fruit Basket had played th game before and her fruit was never called because the food they gave her wasn't a fruit that belonged in the fruit basket, so it was like she didn't belong with that group of people.

Bonus question:


9:29am Feb 17 2014

Normal User

Posts: 656
Thank you for your entry, OrphanBlack!

I see that it's your first time in this thread, so would you like to guess today's GIF too? 
A Wave of the Quiz usually runs from Wednesdays to Tuesdays.
In contrast, there is usually a new GIF to be guessed everyday.

Since everyone seems to be a bit occupied with all the event activities at the moment, I will let the GIF for a day run over to the next day if no one has made a guess. And anyway, it closes when I have posted the new GIF. :D

~I know I'm infuriating. Live with it.~

9:46am Feb 17 2014 (last edited on 10:01am Feb 17 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 32

My guess is that the Pic/GIF of the day is from The Great Queen Seondeok.


9:47am Feb 17 2014

Normal User

Posts: 32
thanks for the welcome

9:49am Feb 17 2014

Normal User

Posts: 656
Thank you for your answer ^_^
Check back tomorrow after reset to see if you guessed correctly!

Oh, and you can edit or change your answer, both in the quiz and the GIF, at any time before the deadline. :D

~I know I'm infuriating. Live with it.~

9:49am Feb 17 2014

Normal User

Posts: 347
i pick number 62 =) 
Gosh so tired. my eyes are... dying really >.<


9:53am Feb 17 2014

Normal User

Posts: 656
Heh, go to bed already, Blue. But take a guess at today's GIF first. :P

Bluerayofsunshine, you win a Purple Swirl Edged Robes!
Your Purple Swirl Edged Robes has been sent to Bluerayofsunshine.

~I know I'm infuriating. Live with it.~

10:10am Feb 17 2014

Normal User

Posts: 347
Oppa is a way of addressing usually an older male by a female. 
Usage of oppa :
1.  Girls use oppa when addressing boys older to her that are considered close enough to be at ease with. 
2. Oppa is also used as a way of a girl addressing her older brother. 
3. Oppa can also be used to address male k-pop stars that you don't know ( Usually you aren't supposed to call any older male you don't know as oppa but as the hallyu wave spread...this was the new practice xD)
4. Oppa is used as a term of affection and playfulness when a girl addresses her boyfriend. 

Manga :
Fruit Basket. 
The fruit basket is a metaphorical summation of Tohru's situation within the zodiac members. The fruit basket is a game where each player is assigned a fruit. Tohru is referred to as the Onigiri. And in a fruit basket, an onigiri is the odd one out, not belonging with the fruits in the fruit basket as onigiri is riceball .Therefore, it is an interpretation that Tohru does not belong to the Souma family as the Souma family is depicted as the fruits in the fruit basket. 

Bonus :


10:25am Feb 17 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,015

I CHOOSE NUMBER 9 can I always choose 9 asdf

10:26am Feb 17 2014

Normal User

Posts: 656
But Life you've already chosen #9 >_< Pick another number lol. :D

~I know I'm infuriating. Live with it.~

9:48pm Feb 17 2014

Normal User

Posts: 656
Guys and girls, I'm going to leave the GIF of the day till tomorrow so you have more time to guess when you aren't too busy catching up on the event. :D

~I know I'm infuriating. Live with it.~

10:43pm Feb 17 2014

Normal User

Posts: 941
I'll take #26 :3


7:23am Feb 18 2014

Normal User

Posts: 656
alyanabilla, you win a Blue Train!
Your Blue Train has been sent to alyanabilla.

~I know I'm infuriating. Live with it.~

7:27am Feb 18 2014

Normal User

Posts: 32
Whatsthis with the number picking?

7:39am Feb 18 2014

Normal User

Posts: 656
OrphanBlack, it was for the other day's prizes. :D 
When the quiz answers are posted tomorrow, you'll be asked to pick one too, but you won't know what bracket to pick your numbers from until tomorrow. :3

~I know I'm infuriating. Live with it.~

10:08am Feb 18 2014 (last edited on 10:10am Feb 18 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 1,326

My guess is that the Pic/GIF of the day is from infinite's destiny MV.
//casually out koreans life and larky ( or tries to )


10:09am Feb 18 2014

Normal User

Posts: 656
Muhaha thank you for your entry, Salt ;)

~I know I'm infuriating. Live with it.~

10:12am Feb 18 2014

Normal User

Posts: 941
My guess is that the Pic/GIF of the day is from INFINITE-Destiny



10:16am Feb 18 2014

Normal User

Posts: 656
and thanks for your entry, alyanabilla :3

~I know I'm infuriating. Live with it.~
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