Please rmail all answers to slyfox2587 for the games DO NOT POST on the forum.
One guess per user ONLY and your account must be at least 3 months old to play! Prizes may change per week. Different contests have different tier prizes.
*Word Scramble Contest*
The first 3 users to correctly unscramble this word will each win a awesome Prize!
The word will be either a Item, Place or creatu on Res!
This weeks word was
*anmitgea utsire*
1. click="return Preview.showOptions(2,146028);" href="">hojak1226
Please Rmail your answers to slyfox2587! Do Not Post
Mystery Picture
Can you guess what's in the picture? HINT *it can be a person, creatu, place, or item on res.
![photo CLEAR_zps863d90bd.png](
Can you figure out who is in this picture? First 3 users to send in an Rmail with the correct answer win a prize!
1. click="return Preview.showOptions(2,146028);" href="">hojak1226 DragonHatcherclick="return Preview.showOptions(2,146028);" href="">hojak1226
2. Ratchet
Can you guess what this is? *hint 3 words*
First 5 users to send in an Rmail with the correct answer win a prize!
Answer was green apple pie!
Please Rmail your answers to slyfox2587! Do Not Post