Spencer McKenzie (Souda) Unique Pokemon Role Play!

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12:32pm Mar 3 2014

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Posts: 616
Your teachers have decided on giving you one of these three pokemon:




Pick one, and write your first role play entry as you receiving this pokemon, your first interaction with it, and nicknaming it. End your first entry by you picking up your pokedex.

Make sure to include in OOC text the two egg moves that you pick for your pokemon to have. ((OOC text is in parenthesis like this))


3:04pm Mar 3 2014 (last edited on 3:05pm Mar 3 2014)

Content Manager

Posts: 3,136
((Pursuit and Steel Wing?))

Spencer's hands shook; this was it. No turning back now. She stepped forward, gently picking up the Pokéball containing Taillow. The ball sprang open, causing Spencer to give a startled cry - which was stupid. She'd seen this done hundreds of times.

The little blue bird that appeared out of nowhere (The ball, stupid, she told herself) chirruped happily and hopped towards its - his - new owner. Spencer chuckled quietly and scooped him up. 

"You're a curious little bugger, ain't ya?" she said, smiling. The Taillow clacked his beak and grinned back. "Let's see... What to name you..." She sat back for a moment, watching others receive their Pokémon. Her own Pokémon sat on her shoulder, preening. It wasn't until the instructors pointed out the Pokédexes that a name sprung to mind. 

"How about... Belight?" 
The Taillow whistled and nodded approvingly. 

"Well, that's done! Now let's check out these Pokédexes," Spencer said, moving once again to the front of the room towards the tables.


4:25pm Mar 3 2014

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Posts: 616
You held the device on its side. It was the size of an iPhone when closed, but when you pushed the buttons on the sides of the small box, two doors (previously undetectable up to that point) slid open from the front to reveal a small touch screen. A third screen rose from the top, displaying a 'loading' screen.

"This is called a pokedex," said one of your professors, holding an exact replica of your device in his hands. He opened it in the same manner, pressing on the two side buttons. "Once you put your information into the dex, it will take you to this screen." The professor plugged his pokedex into a computer, which projected both screens onto the wall for the whole group to see. 

The top screen had six blank boxes, under a section labeled "Party Pokemon." The display box currently had no pokemon registered. Your professor smiled, and took out a pokeball, releasing a pidgey onto the desk.

"You may register pokemon like so," he said. He then aimed the pokedex at the pidgey and pressed the two side buttons once again. A red light scanned the pidgey, and a picture of it appeared in one of his blank boxes. He explained that the dex would hold information for all pokemon that you capture, and you can edit which pokemon it displays as your party pokemon manually.

He touched the box with the pidgey on the top screen with his finger, opening a new screen. This one listed the height and weight for the pidgey, as well as the moves it knew, the gender, and what level it was. 

Exiting out of this screen, he showed how the badge system worked. In his palm he held a sample badge. He pushed a button on the bottom screen called "Badge Registration." This button exploded outward when he touched it, leaving a red target behind on the bottom touch screen. He placed the badge on the screen, and like magic the badge dissolved into the pokedex, much the same way a pokemon dissolves into a pokeball.

After the badge was absorbed, a new screen popped up, showing two TM's. "Each leader you face, if you face one, will have two TM's registered to their badge. You may select one of them." He clicked one of the TM's, and the pokedex beeped and returned to the home screen. Now on the left side of the top screen there was a "Badges: 1" button. He clicked it, pulling up the sample badge. 

The touch screen at the bottom always displayed a QWERTY keyboard, as well as a button for TM/HM moves. He clicked this button, and clicked on the TM Roost that he had taken from the badge. He then aimed the pokedex at the pidgey and pressed the two side buttons once again. Light flowed in white sparkles from the pokedex to the bird pokemon, and just like that, the pidgey learned roost.

"Any questions?" he asked? Your pokedex prompted you with some questions.

"When you type your name in, your trainer card will pop up. Click yes to confirm it is you, and your information will be registered. Then, you are free to go."

NAME? your pokedex asked you.

((Picture the pokedex almost like a nintendo 3DS in structure, only both screens are touch screens! If you have questions ask "the professor."))


7:11pm Mar 3 2014

Content Manager

Posts: 3,136
"Uh..." Spencer fumbled, trying to adjust her hands to the Dex's awkward keypad.


She bit her lip in anticipation and hit Enter. What she assumed to be her trainer card came up on the screen.

Name: Spencer McKenzie
Money: $3000
Pokédex Completion: 0% (1/???)

She confirmed the information and tucked the Pokédex into her bag. 

"So that's it? I... I can go now?" she asked one of the teachers.


7:40pm Mar 3 2014

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Posts: 616
"Yes," allowed your professor, Mr. Greenwood. "The banquet will be in the school's courtyard; your parents should already be there." He pointed in the general direction of the courtyard as he spoke. "You may all go now, there are a few battlefields set up if you would like to practice battling a little bit."
"Sweet!" cheered one of the other students; Susie. At her feet was a Mudkip, also grinning up at her. She wanted to be a water pokemon collector, you knew from talking.
"Awesome," said two twin guys across the classroom. You know them as Ben and Ken. Both wanted to be pokemon trainers, Ben with his new Lotad, and Ken with a Seedot by his side. 
Brian, off in the corner, simply snickered at the others. He left the room first, followed closely by his poocheyena.
"What did you get, Spencer?" said a voice. One of your classmates, Chad, was smiling and walking towards you, followed by a vulpix. Susie, Ben and Ken, and a few more people you didn't really know, began exiting the room after Brian.


8:41pm Mar 3 2014

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Posts: 3,136
"Oh, uh, hey Chad," Spencer sputtered. She almost hadn't noticed him - Brian's condescending laugh had caught her attention for some reason, and she had become oblivious to everything else.
She cocked her head a bit at his Vulpix and smiled. 
"Cutie. Though I'll wager mine's a little better out on the battlefield."
Belight twittered and puffed his chest feathers out, eyeing Chad's Vulpix.

"Well, whattya say? Give 'em a quick run?"


9:10pm Mar 3 2014

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Posts: 616
Chad grinned mischievously. "You're on!" he said, giving you a playful wink. 
"Vul!" cried the fox pokemon on the floor. It blew a little stream of smoke from its nose, eying Belight playfully. 
"See you in the courtyard!" he called, nearly sprinting from the classroom.

((End your next post with you entering the courtyard (if that is what you plan to do!) that way I can accurately describe what it looks like!))


9:34pm Mar 3 2014

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Posts: 3,136
Spencer bit back a laugh at Chad's dorky job and rubbed a finger over Belight's head. "Well, bud, you ready to try this whole battlin' thing out?"

The Taillow repositioned himself on her shoulder and flicked his tail - he was ready. She smiled and nodded, stepping out to the courtyard.

((Okay, so the starters have the moves they normally would at level 5, correct?))


10:56am Mar 4 2014

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Posts: 616
((Yes they have all the moves they normally would at level 5, PLUS the two egg moves. Other moves simply get added on, or changed. For example, bubble would change into bubblebeam, and therefore the pokemon would not have BOTH moves, only the strongest of the two related ones.))

Outside was awesome. It was a beautiful, spring day. The other students who had decided on non-pokemon related careers, were talking with their family members, being given flowers and such. Many of the parents had pokemon of their own, for the training regulations were not nearly as strict during their time.
There was a buffet on the left side of the courtyard, a tall one for humans, and a shorter one for the pokemon. You notice a few pokemon helping themselves.
In the center were tables with gorgeous flowered centerpieces, probably picked from the routes just outside of Fortree. 
On the right side, however, is what you find the most interesting. There are three battlefields that had been holographically set up. You knew about holo-fields, and how they worked. A small thin box about the size of a stamp with one button is the source. If one walked into the middle of what they wanted to be a 'battlefield,' you only had to push the center button. The little box would float into the air, and project down a hologram, complete with trainer boxes, boundary lines, and the center circle.
Across the courtyard, you see your family. Chad comes up behind you and gives you a nudge. "What do you wanna do?"

((You may role play your parents and other family members actions!!!))


3:34pm Mar 4 2014 (last edited on 3:34pm Mar 4 2014)

Content Manager

Posts: 3,136
((Note for me; Growl, Peck, Focus Energy, Pursuit, Steel Wing))

Spencer spotted her parents watching her, disdain written on their faces. Not just for her though; they just didn't like the idea of people partnering with animals and calling them friends. Well, she'd show them what she could do.

"Mom, Dad, over here!" she called, waving her arm in a "get your ass over here now" motion. They hurried to Spencer and Chad, not making eye contact with either of the kids. Her mother, who was only slightly taller than she was with light blonde hair, reached out tentatively at Belight, who clacked his beak once and burrowed in closer to Spencer.

"Well, it certainly is... Cute," she offered.
"He certainly is. And now," her daughter said dramatically. "I challenge Chad here to our first battle." She mouthed Just go with it, sorry at him and shrugged. 

Spencer stepped  over to the closest trainer box, apologetic yet determined to win.


4:19pm Mar 4 2014

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Posts: 616
Chad winked over at you, his Vulpix following closely. "I'm gonna use my pokemon, Flare!" he announced loudly, attracting some attention from other people around the battlefield. 
Your parents followed you, standing on the sidelines, watching eagerly.
Flare sprinted out on the battlefield, spinning and circled and in general just performing. He blew a small flame into the air, where it paused and danced. You remembered that Vulpix do have some ghost-like abilities, allowing them to use moves like will-o-wisp and grudge. 
Chad squared up to you across the battlefield. "You ready?"


9:52am Mar 8 2014

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Posts: 3,136
Spencer smirked as Belight took off, doing some aerobatics of his own. He landed in front of his trainer, wings spread.

"Whenever you are," she called.


9:16pm Mar 8 2014

Normal User

Posts: 616
((Your next post should consist of your reaction to the attack, and your responding command. I will determine the flow of events!))

"Alright Flare let's get it started with ember!" Chad commanded confidently. Flare began sprinting across the battlefield, charging right at Belight.


9:24am Apr 5 2014

Content Manager

Posts: 3,136
((Sorrysorrysorry ;o; I would have replied sooner but /life/))

Spencer tensed as Chad called out his command. 
Of course they'd gone over how to battle and all that in school, but doing it for real? Terrifying.

"Belight, evade it best you can and use Pursuit!"

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