To the Kayoki Fan Club.
I Have decided to revamp this whole thread, so here it is.
If you were previously a member, post here to revive your membership!
The Kayoki Fan club is a safe environment where all kinds of users can express their love for Kayokis.
I, Wishbelle, am the owner of the thread and will be updating it everyday with new and fun evens fro Kayoki lovers.
Shall we get started?
About Membership:
It is free to join the Kayoki Fan club, but to keep it running and to keep all the fun activites going, we accept donations. Just send them to Wishbelle, and she will lock them up in her bank to be used for funding for events.
If you are interested in becoming a member, please post or Rmail your application to Wishbelle of any of our co-owners (none yet).
On a scale of 1-10 how much do you love kayokis?:
Why did you choose that number:
Roughly how many Kayokis do you own?:
How will you better the Kayoki club?:
**REMEMBER: If you send an application, you have an 80% chance of getting in! If you're completely honest you have a 90% chance of getting in, so be honest! Chances are, you'll get in!
User Guide:
As clearly stated above, the Kayoki fan club is a safe environment, and to continue keeping it that way, we ask you follow the following rules. There aren't many, but they will help enrich you're experience here.
ø Please refrain from using hurtful language.
ø Do not disrespect any of you're fellow club members
ø I ask you do not abuse you're membership here and use any items you are given for personal gain, though I cannot stop you from doing so.
Contests, Raffles & Giveaways:
The Kayoki Fan club offer a number of fun events for you to share.
There are currently no raffles, contests or giveaway happening, but I will be opening up an adoption center shortly for our members and setting up a number on contests and raffles for you to participate in. Link will be posted here.