Why Hello!
Here you can be a part of the fantastical fanclub of the . . .
Rescreatu Heroes and Villains!
Now on our awesome hero side we have ~
Batken ~ What is that pretty blue thing, high above the SB? Why it is Batken of course! A devoted fighter! One of the greatest super heroes of all time, :D
Spiderfizz ~ Climbing the SB and swinging in Justice! Na na na, she will rescue anyone in danger and such a pleasant and awesome super hero to be around. Also one of the greatest super heros of all time.
Starbin ~ The side-kick. Helping batken and Spiderfizz deaft all evil.
Jokuro ~ Robbing banks she is good at. Her sly and sneeky trickster moves help her with this fleet. We will get her though. You would be lucky to have her on your team!
Demguin ~ Along with Jokuro, one of the evil supervillains. Easy tricks this one pulls. If you have her, you will be sure to always win, what with her awesomeness. 8D
Oh yeah. 8D