Jess' Wishlist

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10:08pm Jan 19 2020 (last edited on 10:48pm Feb 4 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 998
Hello there!
I thought I'd make a thread for things I really want such. lol Maybe to help me save for things and not waste all my tu like I tend to!

1st Post: Goals
2nd Post: Items
3rd Post: Albino Pets
4th Post: Blonde Pets
5th Post: Calico Pets
6th Post: Achromatic Pets
7th Post: Colored Uldavian
8th Post: Dyed Uldavian
9th Post: Black CS Pets
10th Post: Albino CS Pets
11th Post: Achromatic CS Pets
12th Post: Dyed CS Pets
13th Post: Azure Pets
14th Post: Lemon Pets
15th Post: Indigo Pets
16th Post: Rose Pets
17th Post: Lime Pets
18th Post: Magenta Pets
19th Post: Orchid Pets
20th Post: Amber Pets


10:36pm Jan 19 2020 (last edited on 1:30am Mar 22 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 998
Tag the name Jess to an Albino Ebilia [x]
Tag Joey onto a Black Omni [x]
Tag Rocket onto a Black Zenirix [x]
Tag Snob onto a Trance Derp Tesuri [x]
Tag Anniversary onto an Iluvu [x]
Bean Anniversary Albino [x]
Obtain Butterscotch [x]
Tag onto Derp Amber Otachie [x]
10 Albino Ebilia [6/10]
5 Black Ezahni [4/5]
??? Albino Iluvu [7/???]
??? Silver Veram [4/???]
Tag Maid onto an Albino Ezahni [x]
Obtain the name Sulfur [o]
Obtain the name Devin [o]
Obtain the name Sword [o]
Obtain the name Future [o]
Obtain the name Dakota [o]
Obtain the name Michael [o]
Tag Carol onto an Albino Kioka [o]
Tag Scorbunny onto a Derp Albino Kurrabi [x]
Obtain the name Fluid [o]
Tag Fluid onto a Derp Azure Wyrae [o]
Obtain the name Leon [o]
Obtain the name Sobble [o]
Obtain the name Raihan [o]
Obtain the name Piers [o]
Obtain the name Rose [o]
Obtain the name Hop [o]
Obtain the name Obstagoon [x]
Tag Obstagoon to Achromatic Rodi [x]
All colors of Ebilia [x]
All Dyed Ebilia colors [10/9] -Have Uldavian need Gold and Silver and Opal
All Colors of Ezahni [3/4] need Achromatic
All Dye Ezahni Colors [10/10] [x]
All Dyed Mutant Ebilia Colors [3/8]- Need Azure, Lemon, Lime, Orchid, and Indigo
All colors of Veram [6/10] -Need Achromatic, Albino, Blonde, and Calico
All Dyed Colors of Veram [0/9]
All Dyed Mutant Veram Colors [8/8] [x]
Every Rose Colored pets [24/55]
Every Rose Colored Mutant [4/39]
Obtain the name Prince [o]
Obtain the name King [o]
Obtain the name Rei [o]
Obtain the name Craig [o]
Obtain the name Clyde [o]
Obtain the name Jay [o]
Obtain the name Jet [o]
Tag Jet onto a Black Ezahni [o]
Obtain the name Yukiko [o]
Tag Yukiko to an Albino Iluvu [o]
Obtain the name Max [o]
Obtain the name Frappe [o]
Obtain the name Omega [o]
Obtain the name Beta [o]
Obtain the name Alpha [o]
Obtain the name Liz [o]
Obtain the name Lynn [o]
Obtain the name Ariadne [o]
Obtain the name Spawn [o]
Obtain the name Respawn [o]
Obtain the name Envy [o]
Tag Envy onto a Lime Vogar [o]
Obtain the name Casino [o]
Obtain the name Kenny
Tag Kenny onto an Amber Malal [o]
Obtain the name Butters [o]
Obtain the name Kyle [o]
Obtain the name Stan [o]
Obtain the name Mute [o]
Obtain the name Hour [o]
Obtain the name Glass [o]
Obtain the name Hourglass [o]
Obtain the name Topaz [o]
Obtain the name Coal [o]
Obtain the name Diamond [o]
Obtain the name Robyn [o]
Obtain the name Scorpio [o]
Obtain the name Sweet [o]
Obtain the name Salty [o]
Obtain the name Sour [o]
Obtain the name Spicy [o]
Obtain the name Ryan [o]
Obtain the name Butler [o]
Obtain the name Haven [o]
Obtain the name Celeste [o]
Obtain the name Creeper [o]
Obtain the name Zombie [o]
Obtain the name Skeleton [o]
Obtain the name Blaze [o]
Obtain the name Spider [o]
Obtain the name Ghast [o]
Obtain the name KJ [o]


10:42pm Jan 19 2020 (last edited on 9:00pm Mar 5 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 998
Rose Dye Kit
Natural Colored Jelly Beans
Name Tags
Random Morphing Potion
Chimby Morphing Potion
Gold and Silver Dye Kit
Unrefined Opal Fragment


10:55pm Jan 19 2020 (last edited on 1:28am Jan 29 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 998
Albino Pets:
Albino Ahea
Albino Aukira
Albino Chimby
Albino Draqua
Albino Easero
Albino Gondra
Albino Jaaku
Albino Kayoki
Albino Kurrabi
Albino Malal
Albino Meiko
Albino Meragon
Albino Mirabilis
Albino Otachie
Albino Roditore
Albino Uilus
Albino Veram
Albino Zaphao
Albino Zenirix


11:04pm Jan 19 2020 (last edited on 1:29am Jan 29 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 998
Blonde Pets:
Blonde Ahea
Blonde Aukira
Blonde Draqua
Blonde Easero
Blonde Gondra
Blonde Jaaku
Blonde Malal
Blonde Meiko
Blonde Meragon
Blonde Mirabilis
Blonde Otachie
Blonde Roditore
Blonde Uilus
Blonde Veram
Blonde Zenirix


11:10pm Jan 19 2020 (last edited on 1:29am Jan 29 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 998
Calico Pets:
Calico Ahea
Calico Aukira
Calico Chimby
Calico Divuin
Calico Draqua
Calico Easero
Calico Gondra
Calico Kayoki
Calico Malal
Calico Meiko
Calico Meragon
Calico Otachie
Calico Quelis
Calico Roditore
Calico Uilus
Calico Valabex
Calico Veram
Calico Zaphao
Calico Zenirix


11:16pm Jan 19 2020 (last edited on 1:28am Jan 29 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 998
Achromatic Pets:
Achromatic Ahea
Achromatic Aukira
Achromatic Berrok
Achromatic Divuin
Achromatic Draqua
Achromatic Easero
Achromatic Gondra
Achromatic Iluvu [x]
Achromatic Jaaku
Achromatic Malal
Achromatic Mirabilis
Achromatic Otachie
Achromatic Roditore
Achromatic Sirleon
Achromatic Veram
Achromatic Vogar
Achromatic Zaphao
Achromatic Zenirix


1:36am Jan 29 2020 (last edited on 1:37am Jan 29 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 998
Colored Uldavian:
Cream Cyancu
Black Cyancu
Ginger Cyancu
Silver Cyancu
Blonde Cyancu
Albino Cyancu
Calico Cyancu
Black Galta
Black Ivik
Ginger Ivik
Silver Ivik
Blonde Ivik
Albino Ivik
Calico Ivik
Achromatic Ivik


2:33am Jan 29 2020 (last edited on 2:35am Jan 29 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 998
Dyed Uldavian Colors:
Azure Cyancu
Lemon Cyancu
Indigo Cyancu
Rose Cyancu [x]
Lime Cyancu
Magenta Cyancu
Orchid Cyancu
Amber Cyancu
Trance Cyancu
Uldavian Cyancu
Lemon Galta
Rose Galta [x]
Trance Galta
Azure Ivik [x]
Lemon Ivik 
Indigo Ivik
Rose Ivik [x]
Lime Ivik [x]
Magenta Ivik [x]
Orchid Ivik
Amber Ivik
Uldavian Ivik [x]


2:49am Jan 29 2020 (last edited on 11:40am Feb 9 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 998
Black CS Pets:
Black Aerix [x]
Black Cyid
Black Drachid
Black Eleodon
Black Ezahni [x]
Black Haberisar
Black Jahra [x]
Black Kioka
Black Liyure
Black Noctis
Black Omni [x]
Black Saruka [x]
Black Shaefu [x]
Black Wyrae [x]


2:56am Jan 29 2020 (last edited on 2:56am Jan 29 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 998
Albino CS Pets:
Albino Aerix
Albino Eleodon
Albino Ezahni [x]
Albino Haberisar
Albino Jahra
Albino Kioka
Albino Liyure
Albino Noctis
Albino Omni
Albino Saruka
Albino Shaefu
Albino Wyrae


3:02am Jan 29 2020 (last edited on 3:02am Jan 29 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 998
Achromatic CS Pets:
Achromatic Aerix
Achromatic Eleodon
Achromatic Ezahni
Achromatic Jahra
Achromatic Saruka
Achromatic Wyrae


3:58am Jan 29 2020 (last edited on 8:53pm Feb 4 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 998
Dyed CS Pets:
Azure Aerix
Lemon Aerix
Indigo Aerix
Lime Aerix
Magenta Aerix
Amber Aerix
Gold and Silver Aerix
Trance Aerix
Rose Cyid 
Azure Drachid
Indigo Drachid
Lime Drachid
Orchid Drachid
Trance Drachid
Azure Eleodon
Lemon Eleodon
Lime Eleodon
Magenta Eleodon
Orchid Eleodon
Amber Eleodon
Gold and Silver Eleodon
Trance Eleodon
Azure Haberisar
Indigo Haberisar
Lime Haberisar
Magenta Haberisar
Azure Jahra
Indigo Jahra
Rose Jahra
Lime Jahra
Orchid Jahra
Gold and Silver Jahra
Rose Noctis
Azure Saruka
Lemon Saruka
Indigo Saruka
Rose Saruka
Magenta Saruka
Orchid Saruka
Amber Saruka
Gold and Silver Saruka
Trance Saruka
Indigo Shaefu
Orchid Shaefu


9:02pm Feb 4 2020 (last edited on 9:03pm Feb 4 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 998
Azure Pets:
Azure Ardur
Azure Aukira
Azure Berrok
Azure Chimby
Azure Draqua
Azure Drindian
Azure Easero
Azure Eleodon
Azure Malal
Azure Meragon
Azure Mirabilis
Azure Otachie
Azure Paor
Azure Roditore
Azure Sirleon
Azure Veram
Azure Vogar
Azure Zaphao
Azure Zenirix


9:08pm Feb 4 2020 (last edited on 9:09pm Feb 4 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 998
Lemon Pets:
Lemon Ahea
Lemon Aukira
Lemon Easero
Lemon Eleodon
Lemon Gondra
Lemon Iluvu
Lemon Jaaku
Lemon Malal
Lemon Meiko
Lemon Meragon
Lemon Otachie
Lemon Roditore
Lemon Uilus
Lemon Veram
Lemon Zenirix


9:13pm Feb 4 2020 (last edited on 9:13pm Feb 4 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 998
Indigo Pets:
Indigo Ahea
Indigo Ardur
Indigo Berrok
Indigo Chimby
Indigo Draqua
Indigo Gondra
Indigo Iluvu
Indigo Kurabbi
Indigo Meiko
Indigo Meragon
Indigo Miribilis
Indigo Otachie
Indigo Roditore
Indigo Uilus
Indigo Veram
Indigo Zaphao
Indigo Zenirix


10:30pm Feb 4 2020 (last edited on 10:32pm Feb 4 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 998
Rose Pets:
Rose Berrok
Rose Chimby
Rose Drindian
Rose Easero
Rose Goiba
Rose Gondra
Rose Iluvu
Rose Intes
Rose Kayoki
Rose Leverene
Rose Meragon
Rose Mirabilis
Rose Murren
Rose Myotis
Rose Narwi
Rose Paor
Rose Quelis
Rose Roditore
Rose Sirleon
Rose Skaldyr
Rose Tesuri
Rose Valabex
Rose Vaspi
Rose Veram
Rose Vogar
Rose Zenirix


10:46pm Feb 4 2020 (last edited on 10:47pm Feb 4 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 998
Lime Pets:
Lime Ahea
Lime Ardur
Lime Aukira
Lime Berrok
Lime Chimby
Lime Divuin
Lime Draqua
Lime Drindian
Lime Goiba
Lime Gondra
Lime Iluvu
Lime Intes
Lime Jaaku
Lime Kurrabi
Lime Leverene
Lime Malal
Lime Meragon
Lime Mirabilis
Lime Murren
Lime Myotis
Lime Narwi
Lime Paor
Lime Quelis
Lime Roditore
Lime Sirleon
Lime Skaldyr
Lime Tesuri
Lime Valabex
Lime Vaspi
Lime Veram
Lime Vogar
Lime Zaphao

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