What time is it?

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6:23pm Aug 30 2013 (last edited on 2:29pm Jan 10 2014)


Posts: 2,161
It's goal saving time! :D

That's right, I'm making a specific thread to help me save for my goals! 

And believe me, I have a LOT of them. XD

But the ones I'm trying for at the moment are:

achromatic adult

and also

albino adult

Also now on the side currently working on becoming a human jahra. ^^

my avatar

Items I need are:

1950 Currently selling for 940 mil tu in merchants ;-;

3328Currently selling for 64 mil tu in merchants ;-;

4768 There are currently none of these for sale ;-;

So, I need some tu. Which means you need to buy some of my stuff. ;o; And I'm also using stocks but they're not very reliable since they rise and fall a lot. 

So... On to the part you guys actually care about! Let's look at what I have for sale! :D

TU COUNT: 25,421,647/1,400,000,000

(some of this tu will probably go towards buying jahra cash shop clothing once it arrives ;v;)


6:26pm Aug 30 2013 (last edited on 11:48am Jan 4 2014)


Posts: 2,161

Hello there, I am Deckerd. My owner has asked me to show you these clothes she has to sell. You can look as much as you like, just don't run off with anything or I'll have to chase you down.

Hi there! My name's Bluestreak, but you can call me Blue for short. I don't mean you have to or anything like that, but you can if you want. My owner has asked me to show you these toys and squishies she wants to sell. Heh, that's funny. Squishies is such a funny word. I wonder why they're called that. Oh! Right, I'm getting off topic again. Sorry. Please take a look, I mean if you want to, and let my owner know if you want to buy anything. Thank you! 

Ugh, I can't believe I've been given such a menial task! Of course I look fabulous no matter what I'm doing, but surely there must be something else I'm more fitted for. I mean books? How boring. I'd much rather be guarding weapons, or pounding intruders into the floor. Anyway, I'm Sunstreaker, as if you don't already know, and these are books my owner has to sell.

*sigh* Hello. I'm Ambulon, and I've been asked to show you all these things that don't fall into a category. Of course I'm chosen for this task though. I'm just as useless as most of these items, if not more. 



6:26pm Aug 30 2013 (last edited on 2:29pm Jan 10 2014)


Posts: 2,161

Hello there, I am RodimusPrime. My owner has asked me to introduce these creatu to you. She wants to sell them. I do hope they go to good homes though. Wouldn't want anything bad to happen to them after they leave us.

  ginger adultamber adultSkattorbolt*Galvatron*

To buy any of the creatu shown above, (excluding any starred ones) go to this link. 

The amber veram and ginger otachie are stardusted, meaning they're priced higher than usual. 

All these creatu are priced very reasonably. Haggling is always possible but I try and make sure I have the cheapest shop prices for your convenience. ^^

Currently all creatu are selling for 10% off their original prices.

Any creatu featured here with a * next to it is currently in the showroom and requires a name tag to change it's name before it is sold.


6:26pm Aug 30 2013 (last edited on 2:31pm Jan 10 2014)


Posts: 2,161

I've also got a separate thread advertising my commissions. Digital art is currently not feasible because my tablet is on the fritz and my trial of Sai expired.


7:36pm Aug 30 2013 (last edited on 11:13am Jan 4 2014)


Posts: 2,161
 SB advertisement

 [url=http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/market/advertisements/what-time-is-it-/] Attempting to raise [b]1.4 billion tu[/b]. So there are lots of great things for sale here. :D


11:10pm Aug 30 2013

Content Manager

Posts: 3,136
Frost light myotis


Name and price?


8:18am Aug 31 2013

Normal User

Posts: 558
hi, i have one of this

so i can paint it for you when you get the rstu

i can also make you this one of

if you supply the dye kit
no charge for either


10:12am Aug 31 2013


Posts: 2,161
@souda- Her name is Liflower and I'd like 3 mil for her. Can haggle though.

@iooni- Thank you very much, that's very kind of you! When I have my frame I'll Rmail you. <3


10:15pm Sep 21 2013 (last edited on 9:12pm Jan 2 2014)


Posts: 2,161
RSTU frame achieved!! :D

I got my robo-baby! :DD Now I just need to save up for a rose dye kit. ;o; And hopefully the user who owns my username on a creatu is active soon at some point. -.-


5:43pm Nov 5 2013

Normal User

Posts: 472
How much for the ghost gondra squishy and the iluvu xmas squishy.
And how much for your undead black meragon?


5:46pm Nov 5 2013 (last edited on 5:46pm Nov 5 2013)


Posts: 2,161
@ GG- That's a draqua squishy. o3o But I'm selling it for 7 mil. :) Winter iluvu squishy is 3 mil, and the black meragon I don't know. |D I have it priced in my rancher at 15 mil but I don't know if that's too much or too little. 


5:58pm Nov 5 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,367

How much for the calico Jaaku?


6:14pm Nov 5 2013


Posts: 2,161
I'd need a pretty good offer, Mangadreamer. I love him a lot. eue I'm not sure, but something around 20-30 mil if I was to sell?


6:24pm Nov 5 2013 (last edited on 6:26pm Nov 5 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 1,367

Sorry, can't afford it. :/ Good luck selling, though!

Edit: Actually, would you take a mixture of pure and items?


6:26pm Nov 5 2013


Posts: 2,161
Sorry, Manga. :) Thank you. 


6:59pm Nov 8 2013

Normal User

Posts: 2,403
calico iluvu o.O trade//?


6:59pm Nov 8 2013

Normal User

Posts: 2,403
calico iluvu o.O trade//?


7:11pm Nov 9 2013


Posts: 2,161
Lilie, I'm extremely reluctant to even consider selling her. :C I can't do a trade for her. I'm sorry. 


7:38pm Nov 9 2013

Normal User

Posts: 2,403
black jahara then?


7:53pm Nov 9 2013


Posts: 2,161
I'm buying one from Symonya Lilie. ♡

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