What happens if there is an odd amount of members when I join?
Either someone can volunteer to take on two submissions for the round, or Alchaeon will draw for the odd man out.
This Round is closed! What do I do?
If it’s early on in the round AND there are an odd number of participants, you may message Hj42 or Alchaeon to see if you can get in for the round. Otherwise you must wait until the next round to join.
My partner was banned/Quit Res/Disappeared! What do I do?
Message Alchaeon or Hj42 immediately. We’ll sort things out for you.
I sold one of my allowed Exchange pets. Can I submit a new one?
Can I draw for more than one person?
Absolutely! We ask that you rmail one of us so that we can fix you up with another person, and as always you are welcome to draw for any member AFTER your round quota is done.
User A and I have issues, is there any way you can make it so I don’t have to draw for them?
When you submit your entrance form, be sure to note it and we’ll try our best to keep you separated. We ask that, unless this is a huge issue, you keep in mind this is all for fun and only ask to be excluded from them if it is a major issue.
Do I have to participate in EVERY round?
Nope! Each round we will rmail everyone to see who is participating. If you want to skip rounds or stop playing altogether, just say so and we’ll take you out of that round. Anyone can enter or exit before every round starts. You’re not obligated to play at all.
How long is each Round?
Rounds will last anywhere from two weeks to a month. We will let everyone know when each round ends, and if enough people ask for it, we’ll even grant extensions!