100m Art Contest

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9:30pm Dec 16 2013 (last edited on 4:13pm Jan 10 2014)

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Posts: 3,828

Let's start with the prizes first because that's what all y'all really care about. 

First Place: 100,000,000
Second Place: 50,000,000
Third Place: 25,000,000

Consolation Prize Given to all Entries: 1,000,000

Pretty sweet, huh? 

References for me
https://scontent-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/599323_10200774121897724_1321835593_n.jpg [The one on the left thx]

Excuse the first few where I stare really awkwardly at the camera thx. 

References for him [and us bc it's so hard finding good picture of just him i can't ohmygod]
http://i1079.photobucket.com/albums/w510/Faxeh/Da%20Bae/Screenshot952013-11-10-18-19-31.png [Probably the best one of him I have orz]

Clothing Attire
In the winter I usually wear some type of blouse or dressy top with jeans and boots--boots being tall brown ones or my black combats.
Note I almost never wear long-sleeves urgh
Think some of the more casual tops from Francesca's: http://www.francescas.com/category/clothing/tops.do?nType=1
If you really want me to lay out a few outfits for ya, I can. 
I'd prefer a more winter theme for this since like, you know, Christmas, but I have a few summer poses I'm going to offer for y'all to draw so might as well describe some summer clothes.
I wear short-shorts bc they make my long legs look fiiiine. But yer short-shorts and some type of flowy blouse or something, with sandals. I hate flip flops. 

In the winter he'll wear long-sleeves and T-shirts. He wears really simple stuff, but it's form-fitting stuff from American Eagle because he's egotistical like that. So yer, any sort of V-neck tee works, or a striped long-sleeves because he loves those even if they make him look twelve. e_e Mmm sometimes he'll wear hats like the one in the last picture? He recently got one, the one that he's wearing in the pic, that's orange on the top with some type of like blue wave design on it.
He actually wears nice jeans, usually darker in color. He has a narrower body with barely any hips so idk yeah. 
In the summer it's just shorts and if he can be bothered, a T-shirt. 

Jewelry [because it's important I promise]
On his left wrist he wears a sterling silver bracelet. This isn't the best pic of it but it's what I've got: https://scontent-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn2/1378048_10200715576228026_1330278027_n.jpg
Now for the important stuff. 
******We both have dolphin necklaces but they're a little bit different. Mine has a dolphin just sorta chilling there on an anchor. This is an exact pic of mine: http://i1079.photobucket.com/albums/w510/Faxeh/Da%20Bae/picture043.jpg
He wears a similar one, but his has two dolphins without an anchor, like this: http://www.artfire.com/uploads/product/6/576/48576/5848576/5848576/large/two_jumping_dolphins_antiqued_silver_thai_pewter_pendant_1a7db3ef.jpg
******The image has to include these necklaces in some way. I don't care if you can barely see them or make out what they are; I just need to know that they're there. ********

So you don't have to go by these, but I think it'll sorta help you guys. 
1. Me touching his necklace and looking at it with him looking down at me.
2. Him holding up a Staples "Easy button" and smirking while it sings out, "That was easy," and me blushing, but still smiling. 
3. Me attempting to read him The Great Gatsby and him falling asleep on my shoulder. 
4. Just laying in bed on our sides with our foreheads touching or him kissing my forehead.
5. Us laying on the back of this particular boat: http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/7554/wyhb.png. We'd be laying on that white bed-looking thing that's in front of him on the left picture. :I
6. Us on the phone with each other in separate beds, either both of us asleep or one of us asleep. Whatever you'd like to do with that one.
7. Him waving a paper entitled "Free Pass" in front of my face with a smirk. e_e
8. Me running into his arms at an airport. 

1. Enter as many times as you'd like.<3
2. This isn't so much as a rule so much as I'd like to say that any and all art forms are welcome. I love digital work, but that doesn't mean I'm more partial to it than traditional. :> 
3. Understand that even if you do not win, I own the rights to these pictures.
4. idk you all are awesome thx 
5. Need anything else and I can provide. 
6. I really love how these aren't even 'rules'

Our Story?
If you care, I dunno.
I used to live in Rhode Island and I was always extremely close with my two cousins Jake and Nick. It was almost every day in the summer that we were together and our bond, especially mine and Jake's, became more of a brother-sister bond. We were with each other all the time since we were babies. And one day when my mom had driven us over to their house to hang out by the pool with her sister and my cousins and I met Dante. I don't remember meeting him. I don't remember the first words we said to each other, we were so young. But he was adorable and I was undeniably infatuated with him. We were probably 9 at the time?
So we all sort of grew up together and I never brought my feelings out in the open. He dated other people, I didn't, but we talked all the time as friends and flirted with each other on occasion and I was okay with that. I figured sooner or later he'd realize my feelings and a beautiful romance would blossom and we'd live happily ever after and thennnn I moved. 
To North Carolina.
Well, so much for that dream, I thought. I figured we'd stop talking. Lord knows I cut the ties with all of my other friends because I knew things wouldn't last. People move on. But we kept talking and he kept touch and finally one night I figured "Hey, since it's not even possible now, I might as well tell him how I feel," and so I did and he was surprised to say the least and then we started talking more and more and more. We were sort of foolish in the beginning, being 13 and thinking there wouldn't be any consequences to letting our affection grow, but it did.
Every time I go home I make an effort to see him and he makes an effort to see me. Our first kiss was last December when he finally got me away from my family and grabbed me by my waist and refused to let me go (lolz). And this last summer I went on vacation for twelve days on a rather cramped boat, but he was there and it was really, really nice. 
He's making plans to come down and stay with my family and me for two weeks this summer before I head off to college.
So we're trying. Long distance is really hard. We spend our nights on Skype with each other and falling asleep (well, namely he's the one to fall asleep because he's always so goddang tired from work) either on the computer or on our phones. Lord knows we've hit our rough patches before, but we're okay. We're making it. :>
Edit; and the necklaces have their story, too. um back one time in the summer when i was visiting i kept playing with the dolphin pendant he wore on his neck. i'd never ever seen him take it off so i asked him about it and he got really quiet and unhooked it and put it in my hands and told me his grandfather gave it to him. so i sorta started to love that little pendant and then on skype one day i realized he didn't have it on (this being after i got home and a few months later). and he said it was too girly so he stopped wearing it and i told him it wasn't girly so i think he sorta got that i liked it. so he put it back on and hasn't taken it off since. um a few months later i found a ring that matched the dolphins exactly and that just sort of became our thing, a symbol or something idk. this past summer when i went up to visit, i gave him my ring and he gave me another pendant he'd gotten for me. :> So yah. 

Update: He visited me last week and stayed for a few days. ~squee~


NONE!!! :c

hello my name is elder price

10:25pm Dec 16 2013 (last edited on 9:27pm Dec 17 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 3,828
SB Post:
[b]Calling all artists![/b] Draw me and my bae and win [b]100m![/b] [url=http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/market/art/100m-art-contest/]

hello my name is elder price

10:11am Dec 17 2013

Normal User

Posts: 2,290
Ill see what i can do.  I didnt see it in the rules but when is the last day?


10:13am Dec 17 2013

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Posts: 3,828
Just edited it. It'll be Christmas Eve right now. If I need to extend it to New Year's, I will. :3

hello my name is elder price

10:04pm Dec 17 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,161
I will hopefully [most likely!] enter! <3
I'll try to get started now, in fact. ; v ;


deviantart: punkeon


10:06pm Dec 17 2013

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Posts: 3,828
I look forward to seeing the outcome (if there is one xD). <3

hello my name is elder price

4:15pm Dec 18 2013

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Posts: 3,828

hello my name is elder price

10:13am Dec 19 2013

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Posts: 3,828

hello my name is elder price

1:05pm Dec 19 2013

Normal User

Posts: 4,093
Aaaa your story is cute ;o; Gosh I want to draw you both
I need to practice having more than one person in a piece anyway ~
Hopefully I'll get something in <3

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

4:17pm Dec 19 2013

Normal User

Posts: 2,290
ok.  ill work on it on my free time, hopefully ill have enough to get it done.


2:57pm Dec 22 2013

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Posts: 3,828

hello my name is elder price

2:03pm Dec 23 2013

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Posts: 3,828

hello my name is elder price

8:43am Dec 26 2013

Normal User

Posts: 550
Gaaaahhhhh you guys are soooooo cute! <3 Good luck in your contest. I will probably stalk the entries to see the cuteness. xD

"So set yourself free, and disengage from reality..."

7:18pm Dec 26 2013

Normal User

Posts: 3,828
Aww thanks, Stranger. xD I hope people actually do enter. lol

hello my name is elder price

8:59pm Jan 10 2014

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Posts: 3,828

hello my name is elder price

9:02pm Jan 10 2014 (last edited on 9:05pm Jan 10 2014)


Posts: 546
/Subs to thread. Yes, I'll draw you something, but it probably won't be that good. It'll also be black and white, on paper. ♥

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