J a n e O ' m a r e
Full color will get you extra brownie points, but please, no backgrounds.
P r i z e s
I know, I know, the good stuff first...
First place: Second place: Third place:
6 mil pure Lyeo Jigsaws

Other - Everyone who enters will be sent 100k, just as a thanks. ^_^
J a n e
I'd love to get some more, nice drawings of my OC, Jane.

T h i n g s t o k e e p i n m i n d :
Sharp, white teeth
Tear markings
Black "white-of-eye"
Three toes (no claws)
Slim, fit
Normal nose
Striped Quills
Sapphire eyes
Ivory headband
Poses are up to you, knock yourselves out!
One more thing, just to elaborate, those things that look like hair are actually quills (like porcupine quills).
C o m p e t i t o r s
AppleCrisp - ♥
KKMeko - ♥
De -
Canetoadance - ♥
smokey63 -
kentuckygirl1 -
Clouding - ♥
QuartzLilly -
Jaffacakes15 -
plethora -
Mikkio - ♥
Arvien - ♥
QuotingTheVoiceless -
bloomygirl35 - ♥
Yekeliska -
AstridMelody -
SilentSteps2709 -
ThornlessRose -
MokaAkashiya -
xXAlbiXx - ♥
AngelDelight -
SceneRaveGirl -
LeoLeaf - ♥
O t h e r
The contest is currently set to end on March 15th. At this time all prizes will be sent, and rights to all art will go to me. Winners will be announced on the 16th. Have fun, and good luck!