So the journey continues.....
As you search the forest again, you find a clearing past several trees. While you approach the clearing, you see a vast ocean ahead.
Looking back at the Magimania Forest, you notice you're on an island. You take in the beauty that your eyes have set on.
As you turn your head towards the ocean again, you catch a small spec at a distance in the ocean. You squint and notice a mini island isolated in the middle of the vast waters. You decide that you want to reach that island to see what creatures you might find.
You look around the beach to find some materials to start your trip there. Nearby, you find a canoe with a paddle and decide to use it to cross. Finding it difficult to calculate how long the journey may take to reach the small island and cause you just suck at math, your trusty creature (your favorite creature you have hatched from the forest) tries to calculate how long it will take.
Your creature noted that it will take several days to get there by just looking at the distance and using its keen sense.
Noticing how much time it will take to get there, you decide to start your journey now. Your trusty creature hands you a fishing pole in case you get hungry and need some fish to eat.
Grateful, you ask your trusty creature to stay back to search some more eggs in the Magimania forest and look over your supplies while you're gone. The creature then hands you a handheld transceiver, so you may call it to search the forest if you desire to do so.
You hug your creature good-bye and start paddling in your canoe towards your new destination.
The Ophear is now unlocked!
Go fishing is now unlocked!
You may go fishing 10 times per day but you will not be guaranteed that you might get the new creature.
(This creature has been created and drawn by myself and it will not be allowed to go on any other site except for Rescreatu)
The rarity of the egg in the ocean is listed below.
Ophear - 4 Mill tu (10% Rarity)
Just like the forest, you can search and pick up your eggs at any time. 90% of your searches, however, might end up being 'nothing but fish'. All searches will be determined by the random number generator again and they will still be FREE.
If you wish to look for some eggs in the forest, give your trusty creature a call on your HT (Handheld Transceiver). It will gladly go hunting for you while you're away.
NOTE: Your 10 searches from the forest is separate from the 10 "Go Fishings" you can receive from the ocean. (So yes, you can search 20 times on this thread technically but ONLY 10 from each area.)
ALSO, you must have a creature bought from the forest in order to grab the new creature from the ocean. (Who will monitor your supplies at the forest while you're away?!)
The colors for the ocean creature are still the same rarity as the forest.
Good luck fish'n!
(Another new creature will be coming soon. So stay tuned!
Special thanks to Banish for helping out on the new creature!)