Owly's Profile Commissions•

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4:32am Dec 16 2012 (last edited on 3:00am Apr 12 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 708
owly's on holidays at the moment. you can still send her forms and things, but she won't be able to work on them until she opens up again.

I'm Owly.
And I like coding.
So I've decided to open up profile commissions.
Examples are. well. everywhere. if that profile has 'Profile coded by Owly', then there's a 99.9% chance I coded that. uh you can pay what you want as long as it's above 1mil u w u;
you can rmail me.
or not.
I just like getting rmails ; 0 ;

Background (if you don't know what you want just google free seamless patterns and go from there. I can also make patterns but they'd cost extra.);
Should the background repeat;
If not, where should it be (top left, center, bottom right etc.);

Where should the content be (top left, center, bottom right etc.);
How transparent should the content be (0.1 is really transparent);
Hover? (so if you want the content to be 0 at the start but then when you mouse over it the content becomes 0.9);

Headings (what colour, if not should it be the same as the background?);

Content font (choose here or even here to look at the fonts/ if you choose a font from the second site, then you have to download and install the font so it works on your laptop/whatever as well :D);

Li.nk colour;
What do you want it to do? (when you hover over the link should it change colour, or have a line-through or be capitalized, etc?);

Would you like a menu?;
Yes- what would you like on it? (hatchery, explore, forums etc);

Do you want the SB on your profile?

Any textboxes?;
If so, how many and where;

Anything else;

And that's it. > 0 > I knooowww it's a lot to fill out but your profile will look all pretty :'D
..if you read all of this then include orangelimes in your rmail/post/whatever. o_o
Profiles normally take a day to finish. Should you have any queries (fanceeee) then just post heeerrreee. ♥

If you have ABSOLUTELY have NO idea what goes where I edited one of the premade profiles { here } so now at least you have a fraction of a clue as to what to order. :v


4:33am Dec 16 2012 (last edited on 11:13pm Mar 30 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 708
if you want the plain premades then rmail me and i'll give you the codes c:

These cost a bit more (4mil+) because 1. they look prettier & 2. they take more time for me to code.
You don't have to fill out a looong dumb form. Just tell me these things and I'll do the whole shebang for you.

Song lyric 1:
Song lyric 2 (optional):
Two/three colors:
Theme? (sad, happy, colourful, neutral etc.):
Menu? (yes, no, where, what):


[ one - tidal wave - owl city ]

[ two - alligator sky - owl city ]

(More to be added as I recode my profile. Yes I do like owl city deel wit it 8I)


!!Some im.portant things!!

- you need to disable ALL profile modules (awards, respals, etc.) for it to look nice.
- I get most of the fonts from dafont so if you want to suggest a font for your profile then go ahead.
-since these take longer, I'll only have two slots for these fancy profiles.

ONE - open
TWO - open


1:10am Dec 17 2012 (last edited on 2:58am Apr 12 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 708
1. CinderellaRin1
2. ThunderWolf12 - ON HOLD -
3. empty


4:16am Dec 17 2012 (last edited on 4:16am Dec 17 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 708
Finished 2 profiles in 1 day
aw yiss.


12:28am Dec 18 2012

Normal User

Posts: 708
..well I guess there really is no point in having a thread if everyone's going to rmail me right? Derpy Owly.


5:35am Jan 2 2013

Normal User

Posts: 331
Orangelimes, mate.

Username; Sheeran
Background (if you don't know what you want just google free seamless pattern and go from there.); http://oi48.tinypic.com/2v9umc5.jpg
Should the background repeat; Yep
If not, where should it be (top left, center, bottom right etc.); -

Where should the content be (top left, center, bottom right etc.); Center
How transparent should the content be (0.1 is reaaally transparent so B|); 0.3
Hover? (so if you want the content to be 0 at the start but then when you mouse over it the content becomes 0.9); yes please, make it 1.0 when you mouse over it c:

Headings (what colour, if not should it be the same as the background?);
Heading font (check here to choose a font); Helvetica

Colour scheme (choose 2-3 colours at the most otherwise it looks reaaaally messy/ check here to choose colours);
#CD8500 , #CD853F , #D66F62
Content font (again, choose here or even here
 to look at the fonts/ if you choose a font from the second site, then
you have to download and install the font so it works on your
laptop/whatever as well :D); Helvetica

Li.nk colour;
Hover? (when you hover over the link should it change colour, or have a line-through or be capitalized, etc?); None

Would you like a menu?; Yis
Yes- what would you like on it? (hatchery, explore, forums etc);
Explore, Shoutbox, hatchery, stocks

Any textboxes?; Are those like.. scrolly boxes? I'll go with scrolly boxes
If so, how many and where; 2 scrolly boxes please. Above the profile I guess idek. And centered

Anything else; Nope c;

Sheeran away

8:11pm Jan 9 2013

Normal User

Posts: 257
Just wanted to say nice work ^^  
Might r-mail you if I think of something....though haven't yet -.-''

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

9:31pm Jan 9 2013

Normal User

Posts: 708
Thank you. ♥
I haven't updated this thread in a while, actually. o_o


7:04pm Jan 11 2013

Normal User

Posts: 708
Up. :V Now taking Uilus and Narwi eggs. And coding petpages.


3:05am Jan 17 2013

Normal User

Posts: 708
Up! New premade profiles added. :3


4:28am Jan 18 2013

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Posts: 708


9:28am Jan 18 2013

Normal User

Posts: 941
can I see some petpage examples?


4:25am Jan 20 2013

Normal User

Posts: 708
Up. :U


6:05pm Jan 21 2013

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Posts: 708


6:45pm Jan 21 2013

Normal User

Posts: 2,092
Username; Stray
Background; http://i50.tinypic.com/x2utlw.jpg
Should the background repeat; I don't think so.
If not, where should it be (top left, center, bottom right etc.); Center

Where should the content be (top left, center, bottom right etc.); Center
How transparent should the content be; .1
Hover?; Yes please, and let it be 1.0 when moused over.

Headings; Same as Background

Heading font (check here to choose a font); Comic Sans

Colour scheme; #CC1100 and #CBCAB6

Content font; Times New Roman

Link colour; #666666

Hover?; Strike-Through (or line-through)

Would you like a tle="Click to Continue > by Vid-Saver" id="_GPLITA_2" href="http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/market/art/owly-039-s-profile-commissions-/~page/1/#" in_rurl="http://i.trkjmp.com/click?v=VVM6MzEwMDI6NDptZW51OmM0YjkwN2EwNjhkYjdjNjc0NWI1NWQyNzNjNjc5MjBmOnotMTI2MS0xMDUwMTY6d3d3LnJlc2NyZWF0dS5jb206MjgyMzc6ZTJjN2M4YjYwMWI5MzE2YWJkZGEzN2ZlZjlmNWZlOGE" in_hdr="" style="color: rgb(255, 102, 0); line-height: normal; text-decoration: underline;">menu?; Yes please.
Yes- what would you like on it?; Hatchery, Forums, Explore, Rmail.

Any textboxes?;
Yes please
If so, how many and where; 1, to the upper left of the content box

Anything else;
Since I'm really terrible with coding and imagination, if any of the color choices/fonts/etc. look terrible together or whatnot, then you may change them around however you please. :3

Oh, and Orangelimes.^^


6:47pm Jan 21 2013

Normal User

Posts: 708
I'll work on your profile after I eat lunch. :D


4:52am Jan 22 2013

Normal User

Posts: 253
Oh! Those are nice! Can I buy the space themed one? (and are we allowed at some point to change the background and such without completely removing the coding? Just wondering.)

Generic Signature

6:23am Jan 22 2013

Normal User

Posts: 941

Username; alyanabilla
Background ; http://i941.photobucket.com/albums/ad256/alyanabilla96/ACwallpaper_zps842213dc.jpg

Should the background repeat; No plz

If not, where should it be (top left, center, bottom right etc.); Probably center, but if it's better somewhere else then I'm cool with it

Where should the content be (top left, center, bottom right etc.); center (again if it looks better somewhere else, I honestly don't mind)

How transparent should the content be (0.1 is reaaally transparent so B|); I'm honestly not sure about this, anything that looks good please xD

Hover? (so if you want the content to be 0 at the start but then when you mouse over it the content becomes 0.9); yes please

Headings (what colour, if not should it be the same as the background?); make it either black OR tle="" target="">this 

Heading font
; Courier New (I'm not sure what the 'courier' and 'monospace' thing means tbh so anything that's assassin-ish is fine by me)

Colour scheme (choose 2-3 colours at the most otherwise it looks reaaaally messy/ check here to choose colours);  
#000000 and #FFFFF0 (basically black and white just to go with the BG)

Content font 
; Courier New , same as the headings

Li.nk colour; white
Hover? (when you hover over the link should it change colour, or have a line-through or be capitalized, etc?); red and strike (linethrough?)

Would you like a menu?; yes
Yes- what would you like on it? (hatchery, explore, forums etc); Showroom-Explore-Hatchery-Inventory-Stocks-Springs-Forums

Any textboxes?;
If so, how many and where; 2 boxes one on the left and one on the right or both on the right (anything that looks good), and can the scroll thing be llike the one with smoothed edge like the one in my showroom? if not, it's okay then :s

Anything else;
Hai o3o
make it assassin-ish 'kay
and I'm sure you're much more creative than me so don't be afraid to walk over the lines ey.


1:28pm Jan 22 2013

Normal User

Posts: 337
Erm, what size do you recommend that the image for the background be if you want it in a fixed, center position?

: )

6:04pm Jan 22 2013

Normal User

Posts: 708
Yay posts! ; v ;
Pyro: Send the tu and I'll rmail you c:
billa: I'll start on yours after I do Stray's.
Zach: It depends on your screen resolution; if you don't know what it is then click tle="" href="http://www.whatismyscreenresolution.com/">here.

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