Made by Sunshinez
It was a cold and windy day on Scria and I was still a little egg. I only come out for 2 weeks during Christmas. I was tucked on one cloud so I would not get blown away but some how I got blown off the cloud and tumbled on to the ground. It was dark in my egg so I could not see but then I heard footsteps and I was picked up and tucked in a warm bag. Soon other eggs joined me and we all waited too see what would happen to us. We were then taken out of the warm bag and placed inside a even warmer place were I felt so warm and cozy. Soon I was lifted out of the warm place and I heard tapping on my beautiful egg shell.
I knew it was time for me to hatch so carefully I picked my way out of my egg and opened my large eyes to look around. I blinked a couple of times because of the glare and as soon as i was able to focus on my new humans face. Her eyes lit up with happiness and i heard some one say shes a natural what do you want with her. My eyes fell from hurt but then i heard my owner say I don't care if she's natural she's perfect to me thank you very much and I shall name you Snicker. I let out a happy little coo and jumped right into her outstretched arms and rubbed my head against her chest.
"Welcome home little one," she whispered quietly and kissed me on top of the head.
Made by Shadowfax
"Little one, did you just snicker?" she asked, though I barely understood her words, only listening to the soothing sound of her voice.
"That’s it. We’ll call you Snicker," someone else said, a deep throaty tweet that I recognized as my father.
"Snicker," I said, testing out the word. I grinned and my mother nuzzled me with tender love.
"That’s right."
It was a dark and rainy night, just as it is now, dear. Everything was quiet. Except for a tiny humming noise from a house down the road... It was music, that's what it was! I was on my way to a party, dressed up as a Tesuri, mainly because it was a fancy dress, and the other reason was, because Witchy said "No" for me to go. As I walked up the front steps, onto the front porch, I had this tingling sense of danger, that something was wrong, but I shook it away. I knocked on the door 3 times and almost at once a young albino otachie answered it. "Come on in!" she said. So, I did.
I was glad to be out of the cold wind and into a nice, warm household surrounded by people I knew, and loved. Just then, some music started playing, I immediately started dancing and grooving, swinging my wings as if there was no tomorrow. Bang! Crash! Two vases fell down as I stopped swinging my wings.
"What happened in here?" A old Roditore demanded. "Who knocked down those vases?" She asked again.
"Uh, I did, miss..." a Blonde Zaphao confessed.
"Well, you apologized, and that's all that counts!" She said kindly. "Now let's eat some cake!".
When she finished speaking, everyone jumped up and ran, at top speed, to the kitchen.
While the kind Rodiutore was serving cake, the albino otachie came over to me and said :
"That was a bad thing you did" she said.
"What??" I answered.
"You disobeyed Witchy, and came to the party!" she waited for an answer.
"You know about that?" I said, half to myself,
"Of course I do, I'm a mind reader!" she answered coolly.
"Should I go home?" I asked.
"Yes, you should, and then you should confess what you did, and take the punishment..." she said, matter-of-factly.
So I got up, said sorry that I had to go, and left.
As I was walking home, I heard shouts in the distance, calling my name.
"Snicker! Oh, Snicker, darling, where are you?"
After that, I heard no more. I ran towards the voice, and what a sight for my eyes! It was my owner, my darling owner, calling to me!
So I called back : "Mumma! Mumma! I'm over here, Mumma! Come and get me, Mumma!" So she came and got me..
I need not tell you more as you know what happens to a child who has disobeyed their mother. But this is the end of my tale, and of my cocoa. You must go, before this horrible rain starts again! Thank you for coming, and do please come again. But come on a finer night, when the stars and moon are shining in the sky, and there is no sign of clouds, or rain... Thank you once again, my friend!