

RDT001, the "experiment gone wrong"

A few power-hungry Reiflean scientists had an ambitious goal - to create the strongest and most invincible creatu to ever walk the Battle Arena. From a merely average roditore, RDT was artificially modified to have incredible strength and velocity, and intelligence that was equal with a genius.

He soon figured out the scientists' plan, and was not thrilled of the idea; to be used as an item, made only for the sole purpose to win money and fame. RDT broke free from the laboratory where he had been locked all his life, only leaving destruction behind.

Over time RDT came to a conclusion that majority of his organs were artificial, giving him seemingly infinite lifespan. "How ironic that an abomination such as I can never lay to rest. To be sentenced to walk upon earth as the humans' plague, to have never ending life without a final destination", he thought to himself.

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