Goals Dream Avatar

Complete Dream Avatar - Hopefully? Seems like most avatar items become almost impossible to obtain after initial release.

Lime Skaldyr - Obtain one each of Ageless Baby Skaldyr, Ageless Adolescent Skaldyr, an Adult Skaldyr, and a Mutant Skaldyr; all in Lime. If it's possible to get an Ageless Baby Mutant Lime Skaldyr, then one of those too.

Ezahni - Obtain and love a Natural Ezahni forever.

Book Quest - Complete Book Quest at least once. This seems doable.

Fanart - Draw some fanart of my imaginary home in Atquati. It's like a tiny dock and half a shed near the Atqueen Forest where my Creatu come and go as they please.
Maybe also some general fanart.

Enjoy pretty colorful babies and world in general.
Go big, or go home. Probably both, but still.

★ Tiberius has sent you the following item: Archmage Spellbook x 1 ★

Pearls Apples Cay Tu Trash
Springs Flowers Chat Stocks