Kogentas Korner

Computer Hope Computer Hope Computer Hope

Walking along a crisp grassy path, you stumble upon a trio of Black Jahras. The one in the middle, who's fur seems to be shimmering in the sun, eyes you warily before standing up and walking away.

The other two seem to bark excitedly at the one leaving, before jumping up and barreling towards you.

You bl
ink in surprise as instead of knocking you to the ground, each Jahra grabs onto a piece of your garment, and pull you forward in an insistent manner.

Intrigued at their behavior, you allow them to pull you forward toward the alpha Jahra who seems to have stopped at a wooden stall secretly hidden in some plush foliage.

Upon reaching the plant covered table, you notice various items laid out between some of the leaves and vines.

A slot on the corner of the table seems to match the size of a Tu coin, and you realize that the stall's items must be for sale.

The shiny Jahra next to the stall nods its head at your realization, and you look back down at the wares to see if anything sparks your interest.

Computer Hope Computer Hope Computer Hope

Hello fellow Rescreatians. I welcome you to my merchant shop. Buy as many items as you like! All prices are negotiable so message me if you have a deal in mind.

I base prices off of the lowest market price and whether or not i like the item itself, so some prices may seem weird. If something seems too high, Just bug me about it and I'll happily haggle on the price.

I am also SUPER into trading things so if you don't wanna pay in cash, pay in trash XD!

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