Hey I noticed there is a new feature in DA (groups) well not really now how long it was there...A~nyways. I happen to look for a Res group...Found none....Dun dun Duuuuun (being too dramatical, becuz iz excited) So I wondered...
But we need a name... I need more suggestions!!
Here is my suggestion:
ResCreate: Create art of Rescreatu, the most awesome virtual pet site in the Red!
Also I need to know how many deviants are in res...and if you're an artist and you dont have a DA, create yourself one and lets all join there. Everyone is welcome!
And we need someone to do a little banner. (100px × 50px) So we can put to the group.
We also need someone willing to take the leadership.
So suggest names and LETS MAKE IT WORK! x3