Blazed's best work. Price me?

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12:50pm Oct 29 2011 (last edited on 6:31pm Oct 29 2011)

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Posts: 2,049
tle="Click for a larger view" id="imgElement" alt="" class="imgsize" style="padding-top: 0px; padding-right: 0px; padding-bottom: 0px; padding-left: 0px; margin-top: 0px; margin-right: 0px; margin-bottom: 0px; margin-left: 0px; border-top-width: 0px; border-right-width: 0px; border-bottom-width: 0px; border-left-width: 0px; border-style: initial; border-color: initial; font-weight: normal; font-style: normal; line-height: 1; font-family: inherit; text-align: left; width: 645px; height: auto; ">
So yeah, price and critique/tips? :) I'll price back if you want c:

<---HA by shino || Buck by Zen--->

11:59am Oct 30 2011 (last edited on 12:00pm Oct 30 2011)

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Posts: 2,836
well i think you should have used a lighter color for the outline or inside O_o. I would pay 5.5 mill- 7.5mill?


8:48pm Oct 30 2011

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Posts: 1,551
I think 1-5mil is absolutely fine, and it would be reasonable for you to get even more for it depending on the amount of time and effort you put into this. It is a great work of art. I rather like that you have the dark outline against the grey - it makes for great contrast. I love the perspective as well. And honestly, I LOVE the paws. 

Overall, this is truly amazing. <3


10:46pm Oct 30 2011

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Posts: 3,809


I always admire people who can do digital art to such a point that it is truly incredible. I admire you, Blazed. x3 So beautiful. Such a regal pose... 5mil+, definitely.

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

3:25pm Nov 1 2011

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Posts: 243
This is truly remarkable. 
As a point, I'd like to commend you for being able to put so much detail on a near solid black design. It's fairly hard to do something like this piece that displays so much detail but with only a few colors. Easy enough if the colors are lighter or a different shade than the outline, harder when they're all colors from a very similar color family.

6:08am Nov 4 2011

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Posts: 1,775
Okay, I have a few problems with this. Namely the lighting and shading, perspective and the anatomy.

The light source is very confused and unclear. You have light coming from all sorts of directions, having the other parts of the body not react to those light sources and having seperate light sources themselves. Lighting is very important in art, and it is important that you make the source of light clear. This is a mistake that most beginners make, so it's fine bro. I don't blame you ;D
A tip to get lighting right:
Stand back (well, this is easy when you're on the computer, just zoom out a load) from your painting or drawing or whatever and see if it looks good from afar. Adjust things if you think the amount of light or the colour is wrong.

Another tip would be to draw an arrow on your page signalling the light source. Then you won't forget and know how to positing shades and highlights fairly easily.

Okay, the next problems are the anatomy and perspective. There are actually several problems with the anatomy and I think this was caused by the fact that you drew it in 3/4. It's easy to know how something looks in profile and front view, but when you change that angle, you can cause a load of problems.

Here's a tutorial I made for you explaining things:


Look at this muscle diagram. Yeah, use it as reference. I feel that you knew where the muscle were but you made them too bid. Never try to make muscles too big unless you want them to look like they're on steroids.

Practice a lot, don't bother colouring or anything. Just cover the areas that you are unfamiliar with. Never use a medium that you are unfamiliar with when you are practicing things like anatomy and stuff. If you're comfortable with using a pencil, then use it. When trying out a new medium, choose a subject you're comfortable with. I always use goldfish.

If you're confused, get a photo as reference. Don't copy it but look at it and sort of base what you draw on it. Using references is always a good thing to do, not knowing how something looks like in real life isn't great. Even though you're doing something abstract, you need to know how things look like in real life.

Screw 'draw what you see not what you think you see'. That's for boring people who do still lifes, it's stifling creativity. Everytime I do a still life, I put my subject on a table behind me, really far and I take peeks once in a while. It's brain training and it allows me to manipulate what I saw a bit more. All you need to know is that you think what you think you see is correct (if that makes sense) and that you know how to manipulate anatomy and stuff.


Feel the love man D:<


9:17pm Nov 4 2011 (last edited on 9:54pm Nov 4 2011)

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Posts: 2,049
Thanks for all the comments guys~ I forgot to subscribe and when I saw the comments I felt all warm and fuzzy inside >.<
Ping; thanks so much, that's really helpful. I was a little bit confused with the anatomy of the whole thing, as I kind of made up every part of the dog's body:/ 
Thanks for making the tutorial!  It's really helpful especially since I'm practicing traditional sketching of animals and still life. I'll keep your tips in mind :)

<---HA by shino || Buck by Zen--->

9:19pm Nov 4 2011

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Posts: 2,049
-downloaded and saved Ping's tutorial- really appreciate it. again. :)

<---HA by shino || Buck by Zen--->

9:22pm Nov 4 2011

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Posts: 2,049
also ping; do you have any other pre made tutorials? :'D

<---HA by shino || Buck by Zen--->

9:48pm Nov 4 2011 (last edited on 10:22pm Nov 4 2011)

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Posts: 1,775
Yeah, but I don't know where I put them xD

I really only make them for people on res. There are loads somewhere hidden in the artgen forum ;D


If you scroll down a bit on this, there's a tutorial on how I paint:

This was a thread for people to ask each other questions concerning art and where I offer general advice:

Hrm... That's about all I could find, most of them were redlines.
Oh yeah, I also found this while digging around my photobucket account xD

Anyways. If you want me to help you with anything or redline/critique your work, don't hesitate to ask me ;D


Feel the love man D:<


3:54pm Nov 5 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,049
thanks ping :) I'll send you an rmail if i'm having trouble.

<---HA by shino || Buck by Zen--->

3:55pm Nov 5 2011

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<---HA by shino || Buck by Zen--->

3:56pm Nov 5 2011

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Posts: 2,049
and this one was finished 15 minutes ago. took about half an hour. Which version looks better?


<---HA by shino || Buck by Zen--->

9:46pm Nov 5 2011

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Posts: 1,775
You've improved a lot ;D
But I feel that you may have misunderstood some things. So I'll redline your drawings and point out the mistakes.

If you've noticed, I used a lot of photos as reference. Make sure you look at photos to get a better understanding of what you're drawing.

Also, about the smudge tool. Please, it's not something you should be using. Most beginnners in digital art rely on it heavily to create textrues. You need to practive creating textures without using the smudge tool. It's a lot harder and time consuming but they alsways look way better from when you use the smudge tool. You can also build up your core skills, so it's always worth it.

When I was an arrogant 12 year old, I used to abuse the smuudge tool a lot. I've since moved on and I hardly ever use the thing. But I've learnt so many skills from not using the smudge tool!

12 years old

16 years old (I'm 17 now though xD).
I did not use the smudhe tool at all in this painting.


Feel the love man D:<


7:42am Nov 6 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,049
thanks again! I have trouble with legs and paws >.< quick question though - in the last pic in the tutorial, what's the tool that you circled? xD

<---HA by shino || Buck by Zen--->

8:06am Nov 6 2011

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Posts: 1,775
The smudge tool. It looks like a hand pointing a finger ;D


Feel the love man D:<


8:52am Nov 6 2011 (last edited on 7:39pm Nov 6 2011)

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Posts: 2,049
here are three more.

tle="Click for a larger view" alt="" src="" width="490" height="261">

<---HA by shino || Buck by Zen--->

8:54am Nov 6 2011 (last edited on 9:03am Nov 6 2011)

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Posts: 2,049

<---HA by shino || Buck by Zen--->

8:54am Nov 6 2011 (last edited on 9:02am Nov 6 2011)

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<---HA by shino || Buck by Zen--->

8:55am Nov 6 2011

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Posts: 2,049
Sorry for the stretching >.<

<---HA by shino || Buck by Zen--->
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