It's been a while Res >->
But I'm back, and Summer has begun meaning I have a lot of time to draw!
I've always been rather lazy with commissions and stuff but hey, I'm thinking of giving them another try eventually. I need to get hold of a lot of potions >-> All my pets are dead derp.
Anyways, I'd like help with pricing my stuff :3
Sadly for now I'm stuck with only working on traditional art since I broke yet another tablet. I wore it down >->
So once I work out how the new post editing goes about, I'll post some examples of my stuff.
Feedback is appreciated and as well as prices, I'd like to know how many would be interested in buying :3
Thank you~
This one was doodled this morning and good lord can you edit the size of images any more?
Cause if not I'm going to have a stretchy thread.
I'll post more later and mess with sizes.
Or just post links.