I fail at pricing, so I can't give you any help there, but I do know a little about graphics so I mght be able to give you a little critique. :]
The text looks good, but the white of the pixel text stands out a lot more than it should, since there's no white in th rest of the banner. Picking out a pale-ish colour form the background or the Aerix would've made it contrast a little less and help with the flow.
The background looks good, but I see a little smudgy grey bit just past the left border that looks like it shouldn't be there. If it's supposed to be a drop shadow it didn't quite work, and if it's a mistake then... well, it's a mistake so you should get rid of it. >w< I love the jagged edge but it does look a little odd with the top and bottom edges dead straight. Making them jagged probably wouldn't work, so maybe make the straight bits on the sides jagged so it's definately sides=all jagged, top and bottom=all straight? I love the smudgy smoky background and the subtle pixel pattern you've used.
The outline of the aerix is a little blurry - if you'd fill me in on how you cut it out I'd be able to help more with remedying that. :)