Keep studying anatomy. There is too little hair and she appears to be balding on top of her head! Her body is also much too small for her head and I can't seem to define where the shoulders are.
BIGGEST TIP: Always study realism when trying to draw anime or manga. Anime is dervied from real life, and not the other way around. Try drawing a lot (I mean, like, tons and tons and TONS) of realism. Look through catalogs, the Internet, your own body, photographs, people, benches, boats, cars and everything in between. Anatomy. Proportions. Anime characters are supposed to be a play on real life. Real life is not derived from anime. ;)
I hope I don't come across as negative because it is nice. But I was in the anime boat for a long time, and I can't tell you what to do with your drawing life, but from personal experience, realism is the way to go before attempting cartoons.