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9:24pm Sep 1 2010 (last edited on 9:35pm Sep 2 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 2,895

     ((I want opinions, both good and bad.))


     "I know your grandfather can be rough sometimes but you don't understand what he has been through. He has agreed to let me tell you his story now because he feels you two are old enough to hear and understand." The mother said to her two twin children of twelve.
     The children said nothing, just stared at their mother with wide eyes.
    "You know of Aysoli, I am sure." the two kids nodded
    "But that is just some fantasy world an elder made up for little kids." the boy, the older of the two, replied.
    "No. It is very much real. You know, grandpa had the same attitude as you when he first found out, and he was told by his mother just like you. You two have so much in common if you would just..."
    "I am nothing like him!" the boy said stubbernly,"And we are not little kids anymore, mom, you need to stop telling stories of Aysoli like it is real. We know better." the young child said.
    "Maybe your Grandpa was wrong, maybe you are too young to understand." the mother sighed and stood up.
     The young girl pulled her mother back down to a sitting position,"I want to hear, mother. I believe you. Don't mind Steven and his stubborness."
     The mother sighed and for once Steven didn't say anything about Aysoli not being real.
     "Well I guess I better start from the beginning..."


9:49pm Sep 1 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,895
Chapter 1
     A small boy walked home from the market, carrying the groceries he bought for his sick mother. He opened the door to their small house and locked the door behind him. The boy of twelve put the items on the counter and went to his mother's side.
     She looked worse. Her once bright face turned a sickly pale color and her coughing sounded more like hacking. The mother looked like a ghost that just rose from the dead.
     Sighing, the son pecked a kiss on his mother's forehead, trying to be as cheerful as possible.
     "Mother, I bought you your favorite ice cream. Mint Chocolate Chip." he smiled and gave her a small tub of a green container and a spoon.
     "Thank you, Will." she replied but didn't take a bite out of the dessert.
     "Yes, mother?"
     "There is...something...I want...to ask...you."
     "What is it?"
     "Can you...forgive me?" her words coming out slower than usual
     "Whatever for?"
     "I lied...to...you...,your father isn't dead..."
     "What do you mean? I thought he died in a plane accident."
     "No, he is alive. I have to...know if...you will forgive...me...before I die."
     "Oh, mother. Of coarse I forgive you." a gentle smile spread across his face as tears fell down his cheeks. "And you aren't going to die. You can't. We can fight this thing..."
     "No. I will die...tonight. But you will...not be alone. I want you to...live with your father...I was wrong for seperating...you guys...I thought I was...protecting you...but now I see...I just put you in more danger..."
     "What are you talking about?"
     "See this mark...on my arm?"
     "Yes, it's the tattoo you got when you were eighteen."
     "It's no tattoo. It's a mark, that only our kind have...when we realize who we are..."
     "What do you mean?"
     "I can't tell...you more, Henry...will explain. I sent for him, he will...take you to...your father."
      With those last words the mother closed her eyes, never to be opened again. The young boy wept by her lifeless body's side, never to speak to his mother, the only relative and friend he has ever known, again.


9:41pm Sep 2 2010

Normal User

Posts: 771
D'8 omg this is soo sad *interested to learn more* continue?


9:52pm Sep 2 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,895
Sure. *starts to write Chapter two*


10:16pm Sep 2 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,895
    Chapter 2
     * * * * *
     Later that night there was a soft knocking on the door of the small house. The young boy rushed to get it, wiping away the tears that were still flowing. He tried to make himself look presentable before answering the door but no matter what his face still looked red and puffy from crying. He sighed and opened the wooden door.
     There was a man outside who looked like he was in his early twenties. He had short, flamey red hair and a light pale face. The guy wore a dark blue uniform, somewhat simular to a policeman's outfit. One look at him and all of his badges and you knew he was high ranked. The first thing about him you may notice though was his muscles, at first glance Will knew he didn't want to get in a fight with this guy. However, the fear of the guy melted away when Will looked at his face, which wore a small, gentle smile.
     "Hello, are you Mr.Will Hunter?" the guy asked in a deep voice.
     "Maybe. Who are you?"
     "My name is Henry D. Clarkson, sir."
     When Will heard the name Will imediatly knew it was the guy his mother was talking about shortly before she pa.ssed away.
     "Are you here to take me to my father?" the boy asked
     "Yes, sir."
     The boy's eyes lit up at the man's response. Just imagining meeting his father made him excited. He never thought he would get the chance of meeting him.
     "Shall we leave, sir?" the man said.
     The man grabbed the young boy's sleeve and closed his light blue eyes.
     "Close your eyes." the man commanded, for the first time since he arrived.
     The tone in his voice made Will obey. Suddenly, Will could feel a gentle breeze on his face. There were sounds he never heard, smells he never smelled. This made him sure he wasn't in his small town anymore. He opened his eyes.


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