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A Few Descriptive Bits And Bobs. =)

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6:35am Feb 17 2009 (last edited on 6:36am Feb 17 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 1,036

Uhm, an introduction for one of my characters. A fantasy roleplay. 



All was silent. The small room looked cramped; perhaps too small for any inhabitants. Day or night, it was nigh impossible to decipher, for the isolated window was firmly shut, blocking out whatever natural light the outside world offered; whether it be by moon or sun. Instead, a candle stood on a simple wooden desk, littered with nought but parchment, presumably notes or clean sheets. The small flame danced and weaved on the wick, as if trying to escape from it's limited fuel source. Wax slowly slid in liquid form down to the crude metal holder it was in, proceeding to solidify and stick to the surface. Shadows were cast on the walls, giving the small space an eerie yet somehow homely atmosphere.

Where it had seemed there were no signs of visible movement, a secluded corner of darkness shifted in it's muteness. A young girl sat on a chair, her face overshadowed by a large hood. As the candlelight shed on it, the material was quite obviously a deep, crimson red. The only signs of life upon her, was the slow rising and falling of her chest, in breathing. Her slim hands were rested on her knees, legs crossed. She was perching in what looked like a fairly precarious position, the wooden chair looking no more sturdy.

The first sound to pierce the pressing quiet, were a steady stream of incomprehensible words, uttered from the female figure's mouth. They were soft spoken, calm and smooth in tone. An incantation, perhaps. But alas, this was Celeste. More rarely known as Celestial Ferquithia. She was not practising any form of magic. No. Celeste was preparing herself, and concentrating all her consciousness on the part of her about to emerge.

The candle flame flickered slightly, as if a wind had just crossed it, though no draft was present in the room. Then, without warning, it ceased to exist. As if someone had snuffed it out, the myriad of autumn colours cast by the fire disappeared. The light smell of smoke filled the room, but Celeste seemed undeterred by the lack of light. If anything, a smile touched the girl's lips, curving their thin forms into somewhat of a smile.

Then, as if a new source of light had entered the room, the Morlia's features were illuminated, petite and slim in appearance. She slowly opened her eyes, the golden optics basking in the blueish tinge of brightness that surrounded her body. Then, a change began to take place. There was a heavy thunk, of scales on wooden floorboards. Yes, scales. A short burst of brilliant white light heralded the arrival of a pair of leathery wings, followed by the swift appearance of large talons. Celeste took her dragon form, pure white scales only just visible in the darkness.

The room regained it's earlier warmth, and a small puff of fire flew across it's length. The candle wick was once again the host of a live flame, and orange light shed onto Celeste, her new form's iridescent la
yer of overlapping scales reflecting it.

She would remain in this state, until she required to eat, go out, or if she was called to a mission. Which, she doubted, being a new recruit and all. She had not even met any of the other assassins yet, and although she meant to, her reclusive outlook drove the Morlia to only procrastination.

6:40am Feb 17 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,036
This is part of a short story. It started off serious, but has some comedy value because we were supposed to have a recurring 'something'. It was for homework, and this is what my imagination ran up. xD

A simple city. With simple people. Among which lurk the greatest minds. London.

The middle-aged streets echoed with the pitter-patter of heavy droplets, over which wooden rooftops laden with rainwater creaked under the strain, struggling to withstand the downpour. This mixture of dreary noises served to conceal the faint sound of footsteps travelling down an alleyway. Too soft for the usual clamour footwear made, yet too loud for it to be made by any non-human being; it was to be assumed that the source of the sound was made by a barefooted person.

Grey clouds switched subtly from the dark colour they were, to a much lighter shade of blueish white as they deposited their load over the heads of London's citizens. The threat of a storm was broken by a few weak rays of sunlight piercing the cotton wool carpet in the sky. The streets became alive once again, swarming with all manners of different people: merchants, buyers, sellers, and the occasional pick-pocket. Hidden carefully in the shadows behind a small hut, crouched a figure swathed in folds of blackened material. This was not the nature of the cloth; simply built up dirt and grime, though the colour fitted it's wearer's job well. The blade of a sharpened knife glinted in one grubby hand, all kinds of scum from many years of use congealed upon the metallic surface.
Where are you...?
The voice was croaky and sounded like a neglected machine, unused for a long period of time.
The figure stood up; a man, around four feet nine inches tall. The cloak around his broad shoulders was long, and reached to his ankles, beyond which was a plainly visible pair of bare feet.

Another male hurried across the cobblestone path, a rather soiled shawl draped over the top of his head. The man's eyes darted from side to side, his breathing ragged and breaths uneven. Sweat beaded his brow as he scurried almost rodent-like into another darkened alleyway, and leant against the wall with a sigh of relief. And yet, the man did not realise that he was being inconspicuously followed by the faint sound of a barefooted gait.

He delved into the pocket of a coat made of a rough woven material, and brought out a scrap of paper. Eyes still brimming with fright and paranoia scanned the single sentence written upon it. A glimpse of blackened cloak, the grind of a weapon being unsheathed, the rush of barefooted steps.

The hand went limp, and the scrap of paper fluttered to the ground, landing face up. A few droplets of crimson liquid spattered the floor as the rain started once again, covering up the iron stench of blood. The words written upon the paper started to smudge, though still read: "Beware of a silent enemy.

And so walked away Morgan, the barefooted assassin, leaving behind the motionless body of his victim.
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