Rescreatu - Virtual Pet Game

Angelicaly Yours, The Monster- Monsterously Yours, The Angel (Poemish thing)

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8:10pm Feb 20 2009

Normal User

Posts: 2

Trapped like this

I'm just this way

I don't wanna conform to the ways of my kind.


I'm different

I know this-

It's a dangerous kind of thing.

I'm not like him,

Or her,

Or them,

I'm like me and

I'm gonna act how I am.


I'm a different kind of creature

Then the rest-

This ugliness is only skin deep

But it reaches for my heart

And wants in.


I'm walkin' on thin ice, here

I'm tryin' not to let it all crack

Under my feet.

I gotta get to the other side of the lake


Every step could be another plunge

Into the cold embrace of the water.


They're instincts

They're impulses

They're the adrenaline rush-

I don't wanna be that way.

I wanna think

I wanna breath

I wanna live

I want to create, not destroy

I don't wanna be how they are-

I don't wanna be a monster.


Angelicaly Yours,

The Monster


People call us mean

People call us nasty

Well that's not all true,

Do you really believe what you hear?


Freaks to the highest degree

Why can't they just join us?

We're the ones who are right

We're the ones who live, aren't we.

We stick together, like a pack

See them? They're all split apart

Alone and

By themselves.


They won't abide

They break our rules

They undo what we worked so hard for.

We tried to warn them

Tell them to conform

But who listened

And who'll be gone soon?


Why can't they just act like us?

They try too hard

To kill the system.

So if they're going to look like us

And if they're going to be as powerful as us

They have to be us-


They break our rules

They undo our threads

They try too hard to fight for the other side.


But we warned them

Didn't we.


Monsterously Yours,

The Angel.




Ehh, just something I banged out. It isn't that good, especially the second half. What little of it that makes sense has a double meaning :P 




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