Yupp. It's been ten days since NaNo started, and I've got 2,262 words written. That leaves a total of 47,738 words to go. Whoot. xD;
I know there's people on Res attempting NaNo, as well, because I like to poke around all stalker-ish like. C:
We've all added Res as one of things we have to do in order to procrastinate and keep away from our novels, right? I have.
Here's my list:
- Homework to do
- Books to read
- Animals to take care of
- TV to watch
- Naps to take
- People to text
I guess. xD
I don't even know what my story's gonna be called. c: Or how it's gonna end. All I've got is the beginning of the story, the characters, the plot, and a bunch of different ways to distract myself from all that.
How 'bout you?