Mah book!! Plz read and review C=

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1:44pm Jul 17 2010

Normal User

Posts: 318

Chapter one




Rain was trickling from the window, blurring the vision to the unkempt backyard. I could almost imagine that it was a fairyland, with pixie's and elves magically dancing around, except there was the lingering sudsy taste of soap in my mouth. Mrs. Harris had punished me for punching Lillian Dickson earlier that day. Lillian had teased me about my parents, she said, “Guess what Delilah, I heard Mrs. Thompson talking to someone about how before your parents died they were going to take you to the orphanage anyway, 'cause they didn't care about you.” So I hit her real hard. What was I supposed to do? Let her get away with saying that? Well, that's what Mrs. Harris said, but really, I bet she would've done the same. Oh I'm so sick of adults telling me what to do, I wish they'd just leave me alone. No matter what they say, they're not gonna change me or my mind.

So now I'm stuck in this cold, lifeless room. I hate it here, people never listen to me and no one understands. They always say they do, but no. What tore me from my thoughts was the sound of the bell ringing, signaling “lights out”. Some moments later a swarm of girls filed into the large room and started getting ready for bed, which consisted of putting on pajamas, using the bathroom and a few writing an entry in their journal. But I was to depressed, so I layed down and started crying, not able to stop. I cried and cried until exhaustion engulfed my body. Then all of the sudden I was in a street. It was weird, I knew, or should I say sensed, that I was in another time. The women in the streets wore dresses that looked like they were from the romantic era

Then I was back in my bed, with the sun streaking through the window. It was just a dream, I thought, but it was so vivid. I could feel the cold, melty snow in my palm and the freezing air on my face. But that was impossible, it was the middle of summer. I didn't have time to ponder it anymore though because all of the girls were already out of the shower and breakfast would be ready soon. So I rushed my shower, dried my hair the best I could with a towel and just as I slipped my shoes on the bell rang, signaling breakfast was about to commence.

Everyone rushed down the rickety old staircase and swarmed into the dining room like a hive of bees descending upon honey. But when we all dispersed to the many table's, Mrs. Thompson, the head of the orphanage, walked in with a boy who looked to be about my age. He had medium brown tosseled hair and chocolatey brown eyes. “This is Jason Quinn, make him welcome.” Mrs. Thompson said. The boy, Jason? Went and sat at the end of an empty table. He looked broken, like the last thing he had in his life had vanished. No one payed any attention to him, they just started talking and digging into the bacon and eggs. Jason didn't eat though, he just sat there, looking down at the table. I could tell he was using every last bit of energy to hold back tears, I knew this because many a time had I done this myself, but usually my attempts were futile.

The poor kid, I thought, all the kids here were stuck up and only had pity for themselves. The thought of me befriending him hadn't occurred, possibly because I had never had a real friend and figured the last thing he wanted was some girl trying to be nice to him when he was all choked up.

Soon breakfast was over and it was time for school, all the sixth and seventh graders flowed into the third floor cl*censored*room and took their places. “Today you are splitting into small groups, choose your partner.” Mr. Crawford, the science teacher said. Everyone immediately chose partners and soon the only ones left were Jason Quinn and me. It was a maddening situation. Every time we had done small groups I was always the odd one out, so I did it by myself, but now that I had to actually do something with someone I was mortified.

You will be working on a project,” Mr. Crawford said, I sighed inwardly. “Pick a subject from this box to research and write a paper on it, no peaking or trading.” Jason just sat there, so I went to the back of the line and waited for my turn, I could hear moaning from some kids, and excited chatter from others. Finally everyone had picked one except for me, I reached my hand in the cardboard box and withdrew a small piece of paper, then walked back to my seat and asked Jason, “Would you like to open it?” He just stared at me, so I unfolded it and saw 'The milky way' written on it, I showed it him, he looked at it in a uninterested way so I folded it back up and put it in my pocket.

Mr. Crawford spoke again, “You will spend the next hour doing research with your partner. I expect it to be done in three days.” He said, and then sat down to begin reading a book. All of the kids immediately began picking books from the shelves, so I went and got a dictionary. It took some time before I could find the milky way, but when I did I turned to Jason and said, “Look, I don't want to do this anymore than you do, but the more we do it the faster it'll be done.” He looked at me, not exactly sure what to say, then he responded, looking away, “fine. lets go do some research.” And pushed past me to the wide floor-to-ceiling shelves. We stayed quiet the whole time we were researching, not brave enough to

say a word. We had no idea about the events of the following day.




Chapter 2


The next day seemed to be just like any other. I got up, had breakfast, did school and before I knew it it was 3:15 pm and I was walking out of the building to climb a tree. It was the best tree in the huge yard, tall and grand looking, where you could really escape, or, usually that is. I perched myself on a branch far from the ground. It was at that time that I heard a voice, calling my name. I looked around but to no avail, then I heard it again, it was barely audible, but I could definitely hear my name being spoken. That's when I saw it, a little glimmer of light similar to that which you see on a hot day radiating from a car, but it was right beside me. It seemed to disappear before it was ever there. I rubbed the temple of my head.

I must be tired, I thought to myself. But then everything jolted, and settled into place again. And I mean everything, the orphanage building, the kids, the ground, everything that I

could see, yet nothing actually moved, it just sort of jiggled, like an old VCR movie that would jostle and then come into focus again. Then all of a sudden some kids screamed, and my vision blurred. The next thing I new I was in a hospital bed. I was terribly confused, so I got out of the bed and proceeded out the door. A nurse saw me and rushed up to me, ushering me back in the room.

W-what happened?” I inquired. I was drowsy and my head ached like I had been hit up side the head with a steel baseball bat... twice, and I couldn't quite balance myself. “You fell out of a tree, and are suffering from a concussion. Lay down and I will phone Mrs. Thompson to pick you up.” And with that she left the room and I had no choice but to lay down and wait. I almost threw up a few times, but thankfully I didn't or I'd be covered in my digested lunch. After a while Mrs. Thompson walked through the room and said, “Are you ready to leave yet? We need to get back soon.”

Yeah, I guess I'm ready. Let's go.” I said, my head aching with the effort of speaking. We walked out of the door, through various hallways and out the front door of the London hospital. I arrived back at the orphanage to see all the kids there pointing and laughing, saying things like, “Ha! She fell out of a tree! What a dork!” Well, everyone but Jason, he was just standing in a corner alone. The jokes on them, I thought, I don't have to do school for the next week. But inside I felt cold and alone, wishing so baldly that I had friend, or at least that they wouldn't tease me. As soon as I got in the door I made a break for my room I shared with six other girls, all brats. I flopped on the creaky old bed and started crying for the fifth time that week. I was entirely alone, with no one to comfort me, not even one of the orphanage staff.


About an hour or two later I had finally stopped, I would've kept it up, but there were no more tears. Then there was a knock on the door. I naturally said “Go away!” In my frustration. “Um, Mrs. Harris told me to bring you dinner.” It was a young boy's voice, obviously uncomfortable with the task at hand. I sighed, not wanting to go get the food because of my unkempt appearance, from the puffy moist eyes down to the wrinkled jeans I was a mess. But it would be a lie to say that I wasn't hungry, I was, in fact, starving. “I'll be right there.” I said, walking to the full length mirror to straighten my clothes and give my hair a quick make-shift brush. My head now felt like someone had been pumping air in it and wouldn't stop until it exploded.

Note to self, never cry after a concussion, I thought, I didn't think it was possible, but now my head hurt even more. When I finally opened the door Jason Quinn was standing there holding a plate full of mashed potatoes with gravy and broiled chicken. I have to say I was quite surprised by this because he had been so, I don't know, unfriendly before. But then I reminded myself that it wasn't his choosing to do this but Mrs. Harris', though he still didn't look quite so angry and alone. He looked plain embarr*censored*ed. A smile touched the corners of my mouth at his very seized up look. Almost like he thought that if he stayed still enough he would not be noticed by me. I took the plate and said a simple “Thanks.” Figuring that closing the door as soon as possible would be best for the both of us. I sat on my bed and immediately started eating the food.

No, the orphanage's bed, I thought, I don't own anything except for a silver necklace that I was told was my Mum's. All of the other kids in the orphanage had inherited their parents stuff, but my parents didn't have anything. Not a single knickknack. Before I was able to fully pursue the thought there was another tap on the door. I, once again, went to the door and opened it. I was so shocked that I doubled over. “Dad...” I'd seen pictures of him and Mum, so I knew what they looked like. He grinned, reaching out to hug me, but before he could, he disappeared. Poof. Gone. It was horrible, being so close to someone you've wanted to meet all your life, just to be let down, cold and utterly alone again.

The problem with being alone, well, besides the obvious fact that your physically alone, is that you start to think. At least I do anyway. Am I going crazy? I wondered. Well, I sure feel like I am, I mean I did see my dead Father, and hear voices. Maybe I'm schizophrenic, I mean It's definitely a possibility, either way I must be insane. Great, now I'm gonna be in a mental asylum, just what I needed right now. Before I could ponder the thought any longer there was a loud thump down the hall, Normally I would've written it off as one of the other children, but everyone should've been outside at this time.

So I got up and walked for a third time towards the door, my head protesting all the while. When I opened the door and walked down the hall, I noticed Jason Quinn standing outside a room he shared with four other boys. “Oh, just you. Stop the thumping! Some people- Well, pretty much just one person, is trying to get some sleep!” He put his hands up and replied, “Hey, it wasn't me. I didn't hear anything, it must've just been from that concussion of yours.”

I went white-faced. “Oh my gosh I really am going looney!” He had a puzzled look on his face, and then there was another thump thump sound. “Okay, you have to have

heard that.” He shrugged. “Heard what?” he asked. Then there was another thump and again, until it was unrelenting. “Aah!” I said, clasping my hand to my ears. But I soon learned that it was in my head, thump, thump, thumping away. Jason looked very worried. “What?! What's wrong? Oh my gosh are you gonna die? I better go get an adult. No. Best I don't leave you or you might die before I return. Oh no, but if I don't get anyone you might die to!” Even through the loud noise I could hear him. “Shut up! Has anyone told you you talk to much?!” “D-Delilah? Why are you glowing?”

I was exasperated by now, so yeah I could have been alot nicer when I retorted, “Well I don't know why I'm glowing! Why would I know that?!” There were little sparks of light radiating from my skin, they were quite beautiful really, kind of sparkly. “Okay, I think I'd better take you to Ms. Griffon.” He came up to me to help me down the hall, but what happened was much different than he, or I, expected. “Yo-your... fading...” He rushed over to me and grabbed my arm.

Almost instantaneously there was a sudden flash and about a million colors crossed my line of vision, going a million miles per half-second. It was surprisingly pleasant, well except for Jason screaming beside me that is. It was the most high pitched scream I'd ever heard. Who knew a humans' voices could hit those notes, hmm I bet he could break gl*censored*, I'll have to try that sometime... A big jolt pulled me from my wandering thoughts, sending all the colors spinning out of view. I looked around, distraught with the scene before me. “What the...?” He was pale white, a terrified ex
pression on his face. “Uh, this is some sick joke right? Yeah, haha very funny. You can stop now, we know it's fake and you've had your laugh.”

I said, a deep sinking feeling that this was real. Jason nodded his head and joined in with, “Yeah, or a dream. Must be a dream, I just have to wake up.” “Yeah! Wait, hold on, this is my dream, your just a figment of my imagination. I'm the one whose actually dreaming.” He shook his head and laughed halfheartedly.

No, your mistaken, this is my dream. Your just a part of my imagination that's trying to make this dream feel like real life by saying your dreaming this dream which you aren't because if you were I wouldn't notice. See?” My eyes went huge and my jaw hung low. “Whaa? You talk to much and make no sense whatsoever. No,” I corrected myself, ”The

imaginary you talks to much and makes no sense.” He pondered the thought awhile before responding, “Well, this sure is a vivid dream. Here, I'll pinch you and see if it's real.” I folded my arms and said, “No no no no. You are not pinching me. I'll pinch you.” “Well I don't want you to pinch me.” I sighed. This was going nowhere real fast. “Oh be a man! I don't pinch that hard. Here, we'll both pinch each other.” He nodded at that and we both pinched each other as hard as we could. “Um, this is definitely not a dream.” “The question is, if this is not a dream, than what is it?”

There was a young boy walking past, so I quickly stepped in front of him and queried, trying to have a commanding, but kind, presence, “What is the date? And where are we?” The boy looked confused and apprehensive, not bothering to hide his shock at the clothes I was wearing. “It's December fourteenth 1650, and we are in Luton England. Why do you ask such obvious questions Miss?” My mind scrambled, trying to think of a legitimate answer. “Um, well, you see... I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed.” Jason slapped his head in exasperation as the boy just stood there looking bewildered. “She means she is slow. Forgets certain things a lot. I am quite sorry for this inconvenience.” Jason said coming to my rescue. The boy just turned around and quickly fled the area.

You can't just go around asking people things like that! They'll arrest us and then we'll lose the little hope we have of getting back home.” My eyes went dark. “What home? If you think that's a home, than your pretty slow yourself. And how would we even get back? We don't even know how we got here!” “I do not think it's home, because nothing is or ever will be. But it's the only place I have if I want any hope for a bright future. As for us getting back home, we probably don't have any hope, but before my Dad... p*censored*ed on, he always said to never give up hope, because if I do, then there will be nothing left.” “Right you are.” both of our heads whipped around to see a man in a black cape, not fancy but practical for the weather. “Who are you?” Jason questioned suspiciously, attempting to sound brave. The man just walked off. “He asked you a question, you better answer it!” I shouted behind him. He just laughed and sauntered off through the streets.

That was... Odd...?” He said. I rolled my violet eyes. “Yeah well so is everything that's happened in these last fifteen minutes.” “Good point.” He said, beginning to walk around and explore his surroundings. “We'd better not split up, everyone in all the movies do, and end up dying.” I said. He turned around and replied, “Well, that's a nice thought, your real cheery aren't you? But yes, your right, let's stick together.” I caught up with him while retorting, “I'm just being practical. Anyways, what're we gonna do? Where do we even start? We can't just go around asking people 'Hello, I'm a little out of place here, about three hundred and sixty years to be exact. Is there any way to catch a tram to the twenty-first century?'” he rolled his eyes sardonically. “Well of course not, there were no trams in the 17th century.” I heaved a heavy sigh. “You know what I mean! Your impossible! How am I supposed to find a way out with you​​​?” He threw back a mischevious smile. “You aren't,” His ex
pression darkened. “I mean look around us, we'll have to wait for the answer and way out to find us.”


It was around midnight, my head was hurting like heck and I was starting to drag on. I could also tell that Jason was getting pretty drowsy, but he was trying to push on. “We should stop.” I said, sitting down on the cool stone floor. It was absolutely freezing along with the bit of snowflakes whispering through the air. “Yeah, s'pose your right.” He panted. We were in a dark alley way, with frigid breezes drifting in and out. So I started thinking, what if we never get out of this place? I'd need a cover story, maybe amnesia, yes, that would work perfectly! “Hey, I have an idea in case we never get out! We can say we got amnesia and-” Before I could finish he cut me off with, “Do you hear that?” I looked around and said, “What?” “Me trying to get some sleep!” He shouted back at me, lying down on the hard ground. “Gosh,” I scoffed. “You don't have to yell.”

I got up and moved about eight feet away and lied down. It was surprisingly comfortable, though it probably just seemed like that from the six hours of walking we'd done. This was going to be impossible, annoying, and horrible.







Chapter 3


Oh my gosh we're in 1650 Luton England!” Was the first words Jason Quinn said in the morning. I rolled my eyes sarcastically. “No, really? I thought we were in big fish.” He was to startled to notice my comment and just kept rambling on. “Oh wow I think I'm gonna be sick. This is impossible, no no no no no no no, this is... this is...” “A predicament?” I finished his sentence. “Yes. I mean no, no of course not, 'cause this isn't real. This is not real.” Jason said real matter-of-factly. He would've been convincing except for his face. It was milk-white and his ex
pression was one of a shocked and scared little boy. “Oh great, now your going into denial. As if I didn't have enough to deal with- Wait, we're in 1650 Luton England!”

I'd just been hit with a wall of realization mingled with extreme shock. “No, because it's impossible.” He said with mock rationality. “Ohmygosh!” We went back and fourth like that for who knows how long. It was a shop owner who finally drove home our hard reality. “What are you doing quarreling- Why are you wearing a man's clothes child?” He queried. I sighed with frustration. “Why are you wearing women's clothes?!” I spat back, eying his skirt-like garment. He gaped at me, there was a smug air about him that I didn't like, and I hoped I brought down his ego a bit.

I was entirely mistaken, it just made him angrier, but at least it gave me a much needed laugh at his complete offense. Jason looked immensely exasperated. “Delilah,” He whispered to me. “They're called petticoat breeches and they were very high fashion in these day's, don't you 'member they taught us that in history cl*censored*?” I had a blank ex
pression on my face. “They did? Oh, it would've been good to listen to that huh?” He rolled his eyes in annoyance. “You don't dare, young girl. I will be respected!” The man yelled.

Really? By who?” I smiled innocently. He looked dumbfounded, not knowing how a girl who looked about thirteen could be so brave as to say the things I did. He turned on his heel and left in a huff. I couldn't help but giggle a little. “Don't do that!” “What harm can it do? And did you see how furious he was? That was priceless! I wish I had a camera, though they didn't have them back then, or rather now, no, now is back then... I'm so confused.” “It could do a lot of harm! We could mess up the time line and ruin history!” He exclaimed. I just laughed, not able to stop.

And you thought I was impossible!” He scoffed, walking away. “Hey, I thought you said no splitting up.” I said, skipping up behind him. “I did, but I might rethink that decision.” We walked around for awhile, and then I started getting pretty hungry. “Houston, we have a problem.” Jason turned around and asked, “What?” My stomach growled as if on cue. “What about food? Oh great we're gonna starve to death aren't we?” I said a bit melodramatically. “Dang, I hadn't thought of that. Maybe we can work for it?” He suggested, looking around the street.

He spied an aristocratic looking house and we walked up to the door. He rapped on it a few times before a maid came. She greeted them with a smile. “Yes, sir? Oh, you must be the new servants. Follow me.” He looked at me. “That was easier than I thought.” “Yeah, you always hear that in books and movies and think, that could never happen in real life, but it just did.” I replied as we walked through a corridor and into what looked like was the main part of the house, but then again I had no idea what houses were like in this era. Oh lets face it, I don't know what houses are like in my era, but then again it wasn't my fault that I was in an orphanage practically since birth. Sure I've seen them before, just not many. “What are your name's?” The maid asked us. “I'm Delilah Fae Tuppence.” I said. Jason in turn, “And I am Jason Benjamin Quinn.” She had an odd look on her face when she said, “Oh. I thought you were William Johnston and Katrina Hill. I'll get Mister Roberts.” She turned and walked in pursuit of the person who appeared to be the head of the house.

Even though the house was physically warm, it had a very formal, almost unwelcoming, feeling. If Mister Roberts gave off a similar air then I was not going to like this visit in the least. It was actually a very beautiful home, there was an ornate gl*censored* mirror on the left wall, two dainty chairs by a square fireplace with simple moulding in the wood.

Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

1:45pm Jul 17 2010

Normal User

Posts: 318
Sorry it got really messed up when I copy and pasted =C

Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

6:56pm Jul 23 2010

Normal User

Posts: 318
Anyone gonna read?

Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

1:23pm Aug 4 2010 (last edited on 1:46pm Aug 4 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 5,997

MMKay, i didn't read it yet. But i'm just letting you know now that i am about to because it will probably take me long to read tht monster of yours, so yeah :P

EDITED~ OMG I LUV IT!!! But if i could critque just a bit..the only thing was, in some paragraphs, i didn't know which one was talking. :O But i have no place to tell you stuff like that. But i did like it :)) If you like to ROLEPLAY then go to this site and sign up! {Lemonheart's site}

4:17pm Aug 4 2010

Normal User

Posts: 318
Yay thanks!!!! That makes me happy C=

Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.

5:04pm Aug 4 2010

Normal User

Posts: 5,997
Hehehe :) No problem. My sister kept trying to talk to my while i was reading and i was all "SHUT UP I"M READING!" I was really into it actually :) If you like to ROLEPLAY then go to this site and sign up! {Lemonheart's site}

6:11pm Aug 4 2010

Normal User

Posts: 650

Cool. I like, check out my stories, Kitten! An amzing encounter!! and The Deadly Truth behind it all and Soul Keeper.

ferniio made dem^^

7:15pm Aug 9 2010

Normal User

Posts: 318
Thanks!!! C=

Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.
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