Rescreatu - Virtual Pet Game

Sequel Epilogue

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10:44pm Feb 26 2009

Normal User

Posts: 2,148

Just wanted to jot this down while I had it in my thoughts.


Elealahu was not one to be heroic, courageous, or for that matter, daring. The biggest risk she ever took was that of drinking from the same cup her friend, sickly with the cold, drank prior. She most certainly was not the popular kid in school, in fact, she was the kid you'd see off in the distance with a lesser group of kids, at most 8 would be in that group, and they would eat their meals timidly and hide away from anyone that came by. In essence, they were like a group of terrified rodents. The slightest sound startled them into conciousness that caused a squeak of fear to utter from their lips, and a chair to fall over, and a soda can to topple to the ground, spraying their friends with the sticky, bubbly beverage within. Though those sorts of days were their lucky days.

If they weren't being tormented by the larger boys of the group, then they were attempting to find a hole to bury themselves in and attempt to make people forget their existance ever... well, existed. Elealahu, believe it or not, was the bravest one of their group. They all suffered from a disease that was a genetic flaw, passed down through the generations and could never be removed, unless the diseased one were to mate with one who was infected with the opposite gene of their own. This disease caused their minds to think on a one track mind. They were the slaves of the generation, and they were the lesser beings. They had to obey anything others told them to. Why? Because they had destroyed their own self-esteem and self-worth so badly, that nothing could heal their mental state of mind.

 Well, almost nothing.

Elealahu was playing out in the field, farthest from the playground, and farthest from those who were dominant of her species. It was when her back was turned to them that a ball conveniently collided with her skull. Thankfully, it was a rubber ball, else her fragile mind would errupt into nothingness, leaving her a shell of scaled flesh and tender bones.

 "Hey kid! Go get that for me!" Shouted a young man. The small girl stared at the man yelling. She hobbled over to where she had seen the ball settle in the tall, thick, golden grass.

 She stumbled her way through the grass, pain stricken and frightened. The grass was a solid two feet taller than her, and the sound of her stomping through the dried grass caused her to flinch and whimper. Just ahead lay the deep crimson ball, resting peacefully on the ground with the golden sod enveloping it. As Elealahu bent down to pick the ball up, the sound of a low growl arose from near where she stood. Startled, Elealahu stood up stiffly and stared around, wide eyed and frame quivering violently. She held the ball close to her chest and stepped back a bit, though was met with an invisible wall. She turned behind her and stared for a minute, confused at what to do now. She dropped the ball and placed her hands around her tomb, hoping to find an opening.

As she walked along, she felt a large presence behind her. She remained motionless and silent, unable to bring herself to turn around to see what may be behind her. It was after a few minutes of her motionless stance when a woman's voice arose from the perpetual jungle of golden grass. "Please. Help me."

The voice was soft and sweet, enticing even. Elealahu turned around and stepped closer to the voice. There was heavy breathing. As the small girl stepped closer more, she saw a woman, clad in silver and white armor, laying on the ground, blood dripping from a gaping hole in her abdomen. Elealahu gazed at the dying woman, wide eyed, and released a scream. The woman winced and covered her ears, growling a bit. Once Elealahu ran out of breath and began to intake a new one, the woman raised her hand towards her throat and began to wave a finger. A silver tendril floated from her throat and formed a perfect sphere in the palm of the stranger's hand. As Elealahu screamed once again, her voice was not heard. She stared to the woman in shock. Although her voice was not heard, the silver sphere rattled and spun, eventually coming to a stop.

"I'll give this back to you if you promise to not scream." The woman said while sitting up, propping herself on the palms of her hand and holding out the silver orb. The girl nodded feverishly, and the silver orb returned to her throat, allowing her voice to return. "Elealahu, I need to speak to you."

Shock lay across her features, how did this stranger know her name? Though before she could ask, the woman continued. "You are my last chance at ending this battle. You are my reincarnation, after five thousand years of my soul being perished, I'm returning in your vessel. I need you to take my power and stop this war. You enemy already knows everything about you, he's planning on killing you. I need you to save the Elements. I need you to keep the gods from dying."

A moment of silence passed with Elealahu staring at this strange woman, telling her that she was destined to inherit power and save gods. "I think you have the wrong person." Was all she could say.

The woman shook her head. "What is your middle name, Elealahu?"


"Khamora is the name of an ancient goddess with the power to control practically every element on the planet. She attempted to end the battle between the King who had killed off every single Element, she attempted to reclaim the planet in the honor of the gods who lost their lives fighting to save the humans from their own destruction... Khamora was the last chance they had, five thousand years ago... and she ran away and gave the power to her reincarnation." The woman stared up to Elealahu, who's expressions reflected that of disbelief.

"Khamora was the name of a great dragon in the old ages." Elealahu said, her voice shaking slightly.

The woman rolled her eyes and shook her head. "If I have to prove it to you, then I shall." And before Elealahu's eyes, the woman began to grow, morph, and take shape of a large, winged lizard. Once the transformation was complete, Elealahu fell flat to her bottom and stared up at the large, scaled beast. The dragon lowered her head to level with Elealahu and spoke softly. "Now you see, I am who I say I am. If you do as I request, I can promise you that you will no longer be a slave to these creatures, and you will be your own person, with power beyond belief."

The idea of being her own self intrigued her greatly. Elealahu pushed herself to stand and nodded. Showing that she was ready to accept whatever may befall her. With that, a bright light enveloped Khamora and Elealahu. Surges of gold and crimson pushed through the dragon's body and into Elealahu's. Once this was done, the dragon disipated and left only the weak frame of the dying woman. Elealahu knelt down and grasped her hand and held it tight. Khamora glanced to her counterpart and smiled feebly. "You'll do well, I can tell." And with that, the body vanished slowly, leaving Elealahu kneeling in a field of grass, and the sound of an angry young man cursing profainities at her in the distance.



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