The Warring Planets

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5:25pm Nov 28 2011

Normal User

Posts: 6,409
So, This is an original idea. Don't steal it, or there will be consequences. kthxbai.


The sun shone brightly on the forests of Relcore where Rana, a girl of age fifteen, stood silently, stroking the snout of her twenty-seven foot long black ardur.

Normally, an ardur would be weak and dreary on Relcore, far away from its home planet, Reiflem, but Ryuu, Rana's ardur, was just fine thanks to a collar that was crafted from onyx found deep in the volcanic rock of Reiflem. Ryuu treasured the collar, and often found himself just allowing the heat of the black stone to seep into his tough, scaly skin.

Most people by this time had moved to the airport to be transported to other planets, but Rana never took place in that activity. She was a loner, and a loner she would stay.

Or so she thought.

Rana and Ryuu looked very much alike. Ryuu was as inky black as the onyx collar around his neck, and the tips of the mysterious metal that they were hunted to near extinction for was a deep, dark red. Rana had black hair, as dark as a moonless midnight, and, strangely enough, deep red eyes that would pass for brown if you weren't too close; however, Rana's skin was as pale as porcelain.

Given that little to nothing in the forest was the same color as Ryuu or Rana, they were bound to run into trouble eventually.

And then it happened.

The entire ground beneath the two of them began to rumble and shake. At first, Rana thought it might have been an angry herd of malal, but it was much to strong of a shaking to be any creatu. In an instant, Ryuu stuck his snout between Rana's knees and slid her onto his back, careful not to slice her on any of the metal projections on his spine. Rana wasn't surprised by Ryuu's action at all. She knew that to Ryuu, protecting her came instinctively. After all, she had saved him from poachers.

In a few long, bumpy seconds, Ryuu had safely gotten both of them out of the danger zone. Rana dismounted her ardur quickly and looked at the wrecked forest behind them. Given that they were completely out of the forest now, it wasn't hard to see.

Several large trees that had been living peacefully on Relcore for hundreds of years had toppled over. The ground had split open like a cracked egg, leaving a giant fissure in the land. Rana's eyes widened.

"That was some earthquake. They're usually not that bad. We may need to go to Scria soon, Ryuu." She reached out to stroke his neck.

Ryuu nodded, and though no words came out of his mouth, Rana could clearly hear him say, "Yes, Rana. We may have to."

And that was what made Rana so... different. She could understand creatu.

Love is all we need~


10:15pm Dec 28 2011 (last edited on 10:16pm Dec 28 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 6,409
As if the airport wasn't stressful enough, this guard was seriously getting on Rana's nerves. And what's worse is that he kept winking at her.

Though Rana didn't seem to notice it, Ryuu sensed something.... unusual about the man.

"You can't put Ryuu in the back. He'll start thrashing around if he isn't with me," Rana said to the young guard, who looked no older than twenty.

"Ma'am, don't you worry. We'll strap him down where he can't hurt himself," the guard said with a wink.

"Stop winking at me, you dimwit! You've winked at me after every damn sentence, and I've been telling you for the past thirty minutes that you can't put Ryuu in a separate room from me! Get that through your thick skull!" Rana's temper flared, but Ryuu nudged the back of her head with his muzzle in an attempt to calm her.

The silver vogar next to the guard snarled at Rana, and Ryuu roared at the vogar.

"Miss, please calm down. There's no way we can put him on that plane," the guard said, sighing.

"I am no stupid girl. There is plenty of room on there to put Ryuu. Do you see the size of that sucker?! It's huge! I need on that plane, and I need Ryuu with me," she said.

Ryuu backed up. Rana was ready to blow. She was on the verge of violence with this man.

"If you don't calm down, I'll have no other choice but to bind you, ma'am."

"Oh! You did not just threaten me!" Rana swung at the man just as two other guards came around the corner. One was a heavy-set short woman and the other was a lanky tall man with glasses.

"Miss, calm down!" The tall lanky guard said, running to the younger guard's aid.

Rana kept swinging, landing powerful hits on the man, who, in turn, picked her up and hauled her over his shoulder.

The heavy set woman had her taser pulled out of its holster, but the younger guard, enduring Rana's constant beating on his back, said, "I've got it under control. I'll take her to the security room."

Ryuu growled and bared his teeth at the guard as he picked up Rana, but Rana scolded him. "Ryuu, no. If you attack, you'll kill him." And then she kept beating on his back.

After a few seconds of the guard's fast walking, he entered a room that wasn't lit very well and put Rana onto the ground beside Ryuu.

"What the hell did you think you were doing?!" The guard asked, angry, his vogar beside him.

Love is all we need~

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