I love doing diaries for pets,so I've decided that roughly about every day I'll post a diary entry for one of my pets! They may be on my profile, or some of my loved showroom pets.
I would love if you comment or give me critism as I find it helpful to improve my work.
12:39pm Jan 20 2012 (last edited on 3:12am Jan 21 2012)
Normal User
Posts: 15
Entry one: Feathery life of Ravenfeather....................................................................Hello,diary!I'm Ravenfeather and I'm a new Aukira in Roar's place which is in Atquati! Ain't that just amazing?Oh, and looky here first entry written by me! :D *Cough cough*....Now to the point! I love being carried around in Roar's arms, it makes me feel so special and cared for.We went to visit Reiflem and Scria, nice places I suppose but not exactly my favourites! Roar has found some eggs, one esspecialy she was happy to see in her path. It was red wiih gold swirls around it,fancy....I've heard her whisper something when she picked up the egg which sounded like the word 'Fireball' but I didn't hear the rest. Hmm, I wonder what does that mean...................................Some other Creatu has hatched when we came back from Reiflem. She called HER some name but I didn't bother to listen. ..................................................................I TRIED to read Roar's blog but as I only read one book so far - A spell book, it was quite difficult. But I did see my name and the word cute in there for sure! I think she considers me cute!...........................................................................P.S: I can't read so I can't write (How would you expect me to anyway?!) so guess how I'm ''writing'' in you! Magic! Yes,that's right Roar made you magical so to start an entry I only have to touch a PomPom on yur front cover and volla! Whatever I say you write down yourself! Ain't that amazing? Yes,yes it is!.............................................................................I think that's it for now,I'll write in you when I get the chance, bye!~Ravenfeather ♣Aukira♣ (Sorry for the messyness)
3:57am Jan 21 2012 (last edited on 4:01am Jan 21 2012)
Normal User
Posts: 15
Entry Two: The balls of Fire...................................................................................................................................................Dear, nothing-to-do-with-me-or-rescreatu-ry I hate you.I'm writing in you so,yes,I'm Firebal an Otachie. I WAS Roarcat's most loved Creatu once,but now I doupt it so much esspecialy when I saw her the other day going around with that Aukira thing.I'm a showcase pet now, that's what made me think she doesn't love me and all the other showcase pets. But Vorrpal, a (Lovely) Female Serlion told me this, ''She only done it so we wouldn't die. Just because all of us now play in the skies we aren't dead! Just because we don't eat or can't get carried around in her arms it doesn't mean we are dead! Firebal,she only done it to save our lives! Remember, you were the last one to go,you and I were, she didn't want to let you go that easily!'' But of course,I complained, ''But life here is rubbish! It IS like being a spirit!What's the point?!'' But I wished I wouldn't have said that, as it seemed to have hurt Vorrpal when she walked away.rnPadding on the stars of Atquati - Quite weird for me I suppose. I'm used to flying around but.....walking in the air? It still is a new thing to lern for me, and I guess that's it -thing-. Vorrpal is quite a nice Feline bt it WILL be difficult to get her to be my friend again after those words of mine. Oh,yes, and incae you didn't know Vorppal wasn' named by Roarcat but she was left in a forest but Roarcat and I found her with that name tag bracelet which now was removed as she gre out of it. She certainly had a worse and more rubbish life than me,but anyway,bye!!!!