Rescreatu - Virtual Pet Game

Unamed Story

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5:16pm Jul 5 2009

Normal User

Posts: 96

This is a story I started randomly. I just wanted to know if anyone thought I should continue...


The golden sun was slowly edging its way down the horizon, painting the clouds and sky a mixture of oranges and pinks, as the sleeping creatures began to awaken from their day time slumber. But these animals weren't the only thing to awaken at night, and they knew something even deadlier was about to awaken from its long slumber.

    One such child, the poor child, knew not of the dangers the forest had at these times. This child walked into the forest without any awareness of the danger lurking behind him. Predatory cat eyes stalked the poor human from the shadows, watching and calculating the new intruder. Seeing it was not a threat, it was deducted as prey to the monster.

   The child, still unaware, continued to explore, now to far deep to remember his way back. With that, he couldn't have heard his parents worried cries at the fact that their only son was lost in the dark forests surrounding their poor village. And with his every step, he was crawling deeper and deeper into the most horrible creature's trap...


I love being long as your not stalking me... Offline...I do not have internet at the moment because I have Moved and the cable is not in yet. If I am in one of your roleplays Please just send me a message over rmail. Thanks.

9:40pm Jul 5 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,731
Keep going. Sounds good. :3


7:34am Jul 6 2009

Normal User

Posts: 583

...and then out pops a bunneh! :O

Sounds interesting though, strongly advise you to continue :)


4:49pm Jul 7 2009

Normal User

Posts: 96
Thank you everyone who posted. I think I will continue though I need some ideas on who or what the monster should be and what else happens in the story. If you have any ideas please, please, please send me your ideas and I'll try to use every one of them ^-^

I love being long as your not stalking me... Offline...I do not have internet at the moment because I have Moved and the cable is not in yet. If I am in one of your roleplays Please just send me a message over rmail. Thanks.
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