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Posts: 76
The flurry of color raced though the forest as swift as the wind as it whips through the trees. The name WhiteFlames never seemed to suit a creatu so much, as white flames is what he looked like fire races between the trees and rushed thought the forest. WhiteFlames pulled to a sudden holt as he approached the den. As he paced forward he held his head high, albino tesuri are the rairest and most respected color of all tesuri. Army members watched and stared, the ranks of the tesuri were as follows: Natural colored, all became guards, army members, labourers, sepia tesuri did basic jobs, black and cream became part of the higher ranks and council, and blonde, silver and albinos ruled. There was only one other albino in the whole clan, Kitara, WhiteFlames mother. She was the Alpha over all in the clan, followed by flames's at father, WhiteArrow, a blonde tesuri. Though a flushed smile splayed across his face, a burden of sorrow filled his untamed heart. Soon he would be forced to find a mate and take his place in the clan. He knew he wouldnt be happy, he was to wild to stay with the clan and care for the pups, he needed to be free. The first of three ceremonies was commencing and Flames was unsure he was prepared. After a pause of though he contined into the den. He came to the council chamber and took his place by his parents. After and hour of speeches and aurgments the council decided flames had three weeks of freedom left. Sheer horror sunk his heart, tears filled his eyes, but his will held them back. He left the council to his quaters. "Its time i took things into my own hands", he said in a course voice. Soon night swept over the skys and the moon rose and bathed the land in light. When most had fell to sleep, he darted from the den and raced the moon and sprinted to his freedom not daring to look back. He threw his head back and howled in the middle of his pace. With a sudden jolt he felt his face covered in dirt, and found him self on the ground. The air filled with a song of sweet laughter. Flames opened and blinked his eyes, and raised his head to see a silver glow above him. He came to his feet and looked into the glowing eyes of a fellow tesuri, her bright silver coat reflected the moon light. "You ok?" she asked in the gentle voice but flames was dazzeled, what beautiful creature would be here in the centre of the forest in the dead of night
White Wind, white wolf, liyure lover