Halloween 2014: Running Input & Discussion

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5:35am Nov 18 2014 (last edited on 3:11pm Nov 18 2014)


Posts: 340


I'd like to say thank you to everyone who has been playing this year's event so
far! We know for some players this is their first Halloween event, while others
have seen many events on Rescreatu.

It's personally been wonderful seeing you all experience what has been many hours of
planning and work for me! Stay tuned because there is more still to come
that is being developed!


I wanted to create this thread to use while the event is open and running.

How do
you like the event so far?

Do you think the Trick or Treating been improved this year?

Any thoughts on the new way to Explore for seasonal eggs?

What's up with that place called The Lair, anyway?

feel free to comment with any input or discussion about the event here! Be it
something you enjoy, or don't like.<3


11:26am Nov 18 2014

Normal User

Posts: 431
Personally im not a fan of the hunting of eggs, its an improvement from the previous ones but still I find it too boring and tedious.

The lair is a nice idea and does a good job on removing filler items like candy and gives useful items.

Trick or treating is good its fine as it is.

Overall for the event so far I feel like its dragged on a little too long for somethings and its had it's bugs but apart from that its been an OK event up to this point. 

For me next event I will be hoping for an egg hunt that has a bit more to it than refreshing or clicking a button that's the same as refreshing but if not this new way of hunting is better than the old.


11:15pm Nov 19 2014 (last edited on 11:19pm Nov 19 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 1,326

Thanks for taking up my suggestion from last year on lights.
I think that's a huge improvement for a lot of people.

Somethings important to consider would be time and resource management.
Events should not be prepared and set up last minute by 2 maybe 3 people.

Users expect a lot of Halloween since there are 3 months to prep after Easter.
I see the appeal of releasing new methods during the event but the egg hunt
could have definitely been tested out with normal eggs during the 3 months.
It would've saved loads of distress for users and yourselves. Users wouldn't
have to fret over the phantom eggs they can't collect and you wouldn't have 
to rush to fix issues under pressure 20 days after Halloween actually happens.

So far so good. Users would be more impressed if things were on time.
Granted it's applaudable for a last minute churn but this is a terrible habit.

The lair is distributing too many spirits. For something that was so difficult
to obtain the year before and sold for 500mil to drop to a mere 10m is
upsetting and extremely unfair for people who purchased them earlier on.

It'd be nice if there's a keyboard alternative for clicking on the hunt.
Maybe press spacebar or up or A or something just not the only mouse.
This is especially beneficial for artists as overstraining the dominant hand
poses as a serious risk. With button pressing, there is the option of using
the non dominant hand which is sorta less important. "Why not just use 
the mouse with your non dominant hand??" Idk man it's just weird.


It occurred to us a few months back that Res no longer has advertisements.
Which is weird since staff keep telling us how "the site is barely keeping afloat".
If it's struggling so much and can't afford a V4 update or battle system, why 
take away one of the primary sources of income? Unless it's doing decently 
from CP purchases alone then um ok.... Please stop telling us it's struggling.
Just a thought since ads and the main feature used to promote ad viewing
( ye old seasonal hunt ) 
seem to be phasing out and away.


1:44pm Nov 20 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,584
I adore this new way of hunting, guys. I can see the effort that was put in and while the glitch was frustrating at first, now that it's fixed, this way of hunting is amazing. I have a laptop that refreshed extremely slowly on pages so I couldn't really hunt eggs at all in the old system. Now I"m doing really well for myself and it's so amazing to actually earn eggs again!

Anyway, I hope you keep up this way of hunting, though offering the option of normal egg hunting would be nice for everyone else. Also, possibly implementing a counter reset for those who don't want to feel bad about accidentally missing one. Just an idea.

Either way, Great just a great event, guys! I love all the changes and the lair and the ToT and everything <3

Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.

5:32am Nov 21 2014 (last edited on 6:35am Nov 21 2014)


Posts: 3,216

* I love that you implemented some of Salts ideas, especially the panel while Toting that shows you other users. It's convenient and I think it's great for users who cant use the SB or new/ older users who are too shy to join in with the SB and meet people. 

* ToTing is great as always. lovely items and just... you brought it toilet roll launchers... I've been wanting one of these for years omg ;w;
Maybe nice to get a trophy for collecting all the items (Something might happen, im not sure as I havens got them all yet ^^") or reaching over 100 ToTs (random number)

* the Lair is also pretty cool.

* The new egg hunting system is amazing, I love it. 
I also love that we can find items.
 might be nice to stick in something animated? Like random glowing eyes in the back ground. 
* loved the little touch of adding a tick if you picked up your planet bag for that day :D

* feel like this is dragging on, would be nice to get to the story and find out what happened with the sisters. Does the Lair have a story that I missed or are we just throwing items in because "why not" |D? I know it's been recently discovered and possesses strange properties but I would love to hear more about it. 

maybe another book, much like the stardust/ cosmic cyid book, that tells you the story of its discovered.

* I feel terrible for the people who won Ebilia and Jaaku spirits last year, or brought one before this event. I think it's great others have a chance to get them and the Lair does keep the numbers down but I wish they were harder to get.
In a nutshell: If there is a special items for winners this year I don't want it to be so abundant next year. 

* contest votes are on during the event, would still love to see voting take place when the contest ends. Not that I know much about how this works I cant see an issue with it being that way, from what I understand all it will need is for a schedule to be drawn up and stuck to.  

* no more toilet paper.



7:36am Nov 21 2014 (last edited on 8:57pm Nov 21 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 583
-Nice Variety of items
-Love that the light suggestion was taken, also love that there is a panel to display people who have lights on.
-Still like that you have the chance to have your pet turn undead from toting!
-Happy I have a use for my useless tot junk
-Glad to have a change of scenery.
-Makes me feel as if I am actually "hunting" for the eggs
-Love that items are findable too

-Has dragged out far too long. I feel like Toting should be 10-14 days max. But it just may have felt especially dragged out as there was no other event along side it and I grew fed up with it while waiting.
-Confused as to why the 2012 recipe is still being circulated.
-Not a big fan of the idea that old, exclusive prize items are being released on mass. Not fair for those who worked hard for them/payed out the wazoo for them.
-Item pool is very small with too many 'rare'(not anymore) items.
-While a new and refreshing take on the hunt, I can't help it feels more monotonous than actually hunting for eggs. Maybe if random events were added it would feel a bit better(see suggestions for ideas, maybe?)
-Some of the hiding spots are impossible/ almost impossible to see with certain items. Maybe test the hunt hiding spots on all of items to be sure they are at least visible and not completely covered.

-Would rather see this be a little shorter, or released a long side something else so it doesn't feel lke it's going on forever.
-Increase the item pool(maybe ad the resurrection items in there) and ave different tiers. The higher the tier, the better the items you can unlock. You unlock tiers by sacrificing a certain amount of times. Would stop things like over producing rare items. I heard that the spirits were supposed to be very rare, but I've found a ridiculous amount of them(4 ebi and 6 Jaaku).
-Maybe have a very small chance to find seasonal eggs during the time your hunt is activated
-Have the chance to turn your creatu undead
-Maybe be able to 'sacrifice' pets?(Good way to cull out natties/junk names maybe) However I can see this being taken advantage of by having people use this to escape using a name tag on a lesser creatu, but who knows.
-What I would love to see is more variety in the explore hunt.One thing I thought of was maybe have it so you can randomly run into an NPC(any will do, existing works perfectly for this) who was also exploring. When you run into them they say that they found something  interesting(I was thinking of either the seasonal egg you're hunting for,lair items or items you find while exploring) while looking around and is willing to trade it for an item(Maybe a random tot item) However, you can only accept the offer if you have the item in your inventory, and if you don't they'll wander away again(or maybe offer for you to go back to their shop(if they have a shop) to do the swap at a later time.
-Or even random encounters that require you to make a choice and depending on your choice you may or may not get a reward(or possibly a punishment).
-Also an idea for when the battle system is reintroduced; Have it so you can randomly encounter creatu guarding items or eggs. The only way to get the item or eggs is to defeat the creatu.
-Maybe other random encounter events I haven't though of, I just feel like this method could benefit greatly from random encounters!

Why yes, I AM an elderscroll addict!

10:57am Nov 22 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,044
I quite enjoyed the new way of egg hunting. it was nice to actually have to try and find the egg then constantly hitting refresh and staring at the same photo over and over skipping over common eggs. finding items in there along with the eggs was definitely a plus. i liked that you can turn the ToT on or off with a lantern. The list helped a lot i didn't have to go asking who wants ToTs i just had to click on a persons name from the list. I really hope they use this egg hunting process on the next seasonal hunt. hopefully though we wont be almost through with January doing the uilus hunt lol. the bugs at the beginning of the hunt were annoying but i was pleased to see how quickly it got fixed plus how much time got added to the hunt for those of us who had already started it.

great job res :)

and to the artists the art was beautiful really enjoyed the pages for exploring relcore the most! 

Work in progress

9:38am Nov 24 2014

Normal User

Posts: 841
Now that the glitches for the egg hunt have been repaired its a lot more fun! Sure my hand cramped from the select all but it would of cramped from all the refreshing of the other method. I am excited to see if we keep this method, I greatly prefer it over the other and finding items while hunting is a lot nicer then getting the random events. I also love that the lack of refreshing cuts down on how much random tu we pick up over time. 

A little drawn out maybe but I know we're short on CMs and things can happen and as history has shown in my family bad things happen around the holidays. 

ToTing is great as it is now and I don't think it needs improvement, the adding of the lights on or off and the list of users with lights on is great! No more sending requests to inactive accounts by mistake!

The Lair I am glad its giving out the rarer items and while I feel bad for users who payed top tu for the items before this the spirits where going to very soon be on accounts where they would never leave so I am glad that we've prevented an item from becoming impossible to obtain in its first year of release.


9:40am Nov 24 2014

Normal User

Posts: 76
- Hunting for eggs is easy and does not create lag.
- ToT produces lots events like undead creatu and many items at The Lair.

  • - I noticed on the SB that many were saying the directions were lagging for some parts of the events.  I would have to partially agree with this statement, as I was looking for a date when the egg hunt would not be available anymore (apparently two weeks from the date, but I didn't play last year, so how would I know?).  People appreciate structure, dates and explicitness.
  • - As previously stated, the event has been dragged out to the very last minute (we will be approaching December here shortly) and has lost its excitement.  When events run so long and people get many of the limited edition items, it brings down the value, which is upsetting to those of us who really took this event seriously in the first couple days and worked hard for what we have.
  • - Concerning contests, I did not frequently vote because the voting interface is lacking.  Entries should be titled with a name, not a name, as I forgot what the entry looked like.  Additionally, entries were popping up in another window, so I had to keep going back and forth to critique the entry.

However, all of these things are small and can be easily fixed for next year.  It was a great event and I am looking forward to the Winter Event! ~.o


10:02am Nov 24 2014 (last edited on 10:09pm Dec 10 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 89
so far i do like the whole layout of the different events.

The ToT event is good with some new updates to it which work well with it. Overall i like this feature.

The new egg hunt i think is a good new way to hunt them. I like the new maps for them and the art is cool for it. I would keep it around.

The lair event is a good idea. But i will say this about it and this part of the events is the only negative thing i have to say about the whole events so far. The choice of items to put in there is just plain wrong, no matter how you try to justify it. Who ever made this decision needs to seriously re-think how your impacting the site as a whole. These items were won by people doing the ToT event and making the leader board for first to unlock the quests. these were to be limited items for last year. This kind of thinking that it is ok to throw these kinds of items into a new event the following year is detrimental to site and a serious slap in the face to the people who actually spend the time to play the events here. All the items found in the lair this year should be deleted out of the game period.

And this item i am adding too, that was found in the lair, the Pumpkin Icing Voodoo Cookie. This item is actually a cooking basin item. Now after all the talks about spoilers and people arguing about sharing recipes for the items and all. and this was stuck in there to. What a bummer the fuss staff has made about sharing this info among users at times, to get this item in here to.

"I Touched Her Thigh And Death Smiled"


6:29am Nov 25 2014

Normal User

Posts: 49
Just going to toss this comment in here, the hunt has been pretty fun, now that most of the bugs were sorted but a small note to make is that the intense colours on the Caves cause a really terrible headache when clicking through and for anyone with motion sickness it can also cause stomach churning. 

4:58pm Nov 26 2014

Normal User

Posts: 366
Personally this year has been..... regretfully....  nah just kidding its been fantastic. I was a little concerned with the undeads since i went two days all day to get one and didnt. But making it last the whole event has been awesome.  
The egg hunt is awesome. I like it so much better especially when we can hunt for items as well.
The lair has been a cool addition with more great items. 
This event isn't over and i can't say enough good things about it. 


5:11pm Nov 26 2014

Normal User

Posts: 3,005
the event so-far has been great!
Loads of stuff to do.
Pretty exciting,and keeps me wanting more.

I really liked how we hunted for eggs.
so,its not a white screen and dosent hurt my eyes.
I like how the objects to collect glows,so you
don't have to look too hard.

The lair,the problem with it,
is that it makes me masks and backpacks and spirit
a bit worthless. the should not have had that
opened too long.
I mean,im glad they got to SHARE out the spirits.
cause its somthing we all wanted.
but,now there are so many,they are going
for really cheap and seen them in the dump.

on for other stuffs.

I love the random event bitings,
and tiny stories as your lurking around.
NOW,i would have liked it earlier on,
so we could enjoy it more,and made things
feel more creepy.

As for the tot candies..
I LOVE them!!
Love the idea to tot,explore
AND ask shop keepers for candies so we
can get more in case users cant tot as much
as we like them to.

Thanks for bringing out the old mummy,and beastly
squishies again.cause they were getting a bit 
rare,and hard to find for collections.

I love the cute planet pumpkin bags.
i wanted a full 7 days to get them.
not 5.

The contests, are very cool.
I do love to see more and more stuff people can do
to win a contest.
Love the new H.A. entries.
I hope we can do this for every event.

Thankyou for NOT
putting up a leader board.
I didn't like them cause its unfair to
thoes that cant afford to beat eachother for
huge prizes.
This seem more fair to everyone.

Love the veram undead art.
the others are cool as well.

But,i am curious,why we have to size our
entry pics for a lower cases jpg,and not a JPG.
I have to always ask around for help..
cause my computer will not allow me to make
it in that format.
Its very stressfull.
Can't you make it where we can send it in a JPG too?
and not just the small jpg,or ping.
its very annoying.

And we need more toilet paper.
why make a shooter when that paper is hard to get?
and no avy for using it?

this so far has been alot of fun.
as long as you keep up with updates,
so it dosent get boring,like into a story,
for a two month holiday,this should be a
wonderfull thing.

I hope the other egg hunts will be like
this too.
in a hide and seek kinda hunt.
I love to see what a planet looks like
when actually on it,
and not just staring at the entire planet.

In 38 colors, and a thousand black
Gondras later... I rise over my
Army as the Gondra Queen!

1:16pm Dec 4 2014


Posts: 1,586
I loved the event. Most things I have to say were covered, so I'll move on to Find the Feast

- LOVE the prizes

- 3 hours is much too long to refresh the items

- I prefer last year: a user submits a food item, it is instantly replaced with new one for others to find.

If not, have a limited amount of each item to submit. Eg. 5 green beans, before the item is refreshed.

The only other complaint is the Planet Goody Bags. I want to collect and trade to get full collections of each type of squishy. Impossible with so few goody bags being given out.

Despite the event being delayed greatly, I really did enjoy it more than previous years. The staff deserve their praise. Thank you!

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