12:41am Apr 4 2016
Normal User
Posts: 151
First, we would like to thank everyone who participated in the Spring Celebration here on Rescreatu. Your continued support has inspired to make these events every year and to make sure you get the most out of it.
In line with the aforementioned, we would like to get some feedback from you regarding the whole Spring experience for this year. We would love to hear your thoughts, may it be positive or negative. And these suggestions and comments shall be put into consideration when planning for our future events. You might want to organize your feedback according to the following.
UPDATES (How did you like the updates for this year? Did you prefer them spaced out, or would you like everything released all at once?)
NEW FEATURES (Did you like the Feather Exchange? Should we do something like this for Kurrabi? What should we do, if so)
SPRING CONTESTS (Which contests do you think were good? Should we discontinue a contest? What should we add?)
EGG HUNT (Did you have any difficulties with this? What sort of new items could we add? Should we revert back to a "Trade In" ?)
PLANTER (What do you think of the raffle this year? What are some other prizes you’d like to see raffled? Should we continue raffles?)
OVERALL (How was the experience? Did you enjoy it?)
1:03am Apr 4 2016
Posts: 910
UPDATES (How did you like the updates for this year? Did you prefer them spaced out, or would you like everything released all at once?)
I loved how there were so many updates released. It kept me on my toes each time, and I was eager to see what was coming next. I like them spaced out. Perhaps for next year, there could be a teaser for the next release after each update? For instance, this year, there was the teaser/hint for plucking Easero feathers which I thought was brilliant because a few days later, the Feather Exchange was released!
NEW FEATURES (Did you like the Feather Exchange? Should we do something like this for Kurrabi? What should we do, if so)
I love the feather exchange. I thought it was awesome, and it's an interesting new way of obtaining items like the Easero wings and the new cape. Speaking of, I LOVE the cape. It's such a pretty new item.
Back on track here, I think it might be odd to do something like this for the Kurrabi, but it might be more fitting for items like the Kurrabi goggles? Although, I would not be opposed to keeping that sort of stuff in Karrie's shop instead. If we were to do something like it for Kurrabi, maybe it would be something like collecting Kurrabi bunny eggs, but that may not tie into Rescreatu lore properly because I do not believe Kurrabi lay eggs (maybe they steal them?)
SPRING CONTESTS (Which contests do you think were good? Should we discontinue a contest? What should we add?)
I like all of the contests, but the rules are confusing for some of them, and the Art Contest ties in too much with the Coloring Contest. I think many of the Art Contest entries were actually more suitable for the Coloring Contest. I think there needs to be stricter guidelines between the two. (Like the Art Contest shouldn't contain no changes to the lineart at all. It should require changes to the lineart to be a suitable entry. That, or we should literally make it an art contest that doesn't involve the premade lineart.)
I think maybe we could also implement some sort of rewards system for voting. Because of the massive amount of entries, it made it somewhat more tedious than fun to go through each entry to vote. I could be wrong in saying this. I'm not sure how many people actually go through and vote. I tried to get as many as I could, but I still don't think I went through all of them.
Also, I'd like to see better quality thumbnails of the entries so I don't have to click on it and open a new tab each time, but I understand why this wouldn't be a possibility.
I like the variety of contests we had. I just think that we should make Art and coloring a lot more distinct than they currently are.
EGG HUNT (Did you have any difficulties with this? What sort of new items could we add? Should we revert back to a "Trade In" ?)
Occasionally, some items would appear on the screen, and they were not able to be clicked. Aside from this, I don't really think I ran into any more issues.
I personally prefer this method of hunting to the old one because it seems to be more user-friendly than constantly refreshing on a planet. I feel like I find more eggs this way (even though it's about the same)
I'll have to think of more items we could add. I'll get back to you on this one.
The Trade-In is referencing the fact that Easero eggs used to be traded in for Kurrabi eggs (2 Easero eggs = 1 Kurrabi egg, 2 Iluvu eggs = 1 Vaspi egg). I actually liked the Trade-In better because it provided a variability between the seasonals' rarities. I think it made the creatu obtained by trading in the findable one more rare and valuable, and I preferred that.
PLANTER (What do you think of the raffle this year? What are some other prizes you’d like to see raffled? Should we continue raffles?)
I do like the raffle ideas. I don't necessarily want to see things like retired CS eggs raffled off, but I do like the idea of very rare/discontinued items being raffled off. Other items with the rarity level equivalent to R-Rays are good candidates for future raffles, in my opinion :)
OVERALL (How was the experience? Did you enjoy it?)
1:15am Apr 4 2016
Normal User
Posts: 1,018
Updates - I love and prefer how things were this year. I think having everything released all at once would be too overwhelming.
New Features - I love it! And maybe for Kurrabi we can Collect Fluff since mommy bunnies (not sure if all bunny breeds do) pull out their fur for when they have babies to make a nice warm nest. So we can hand them in to help make nests for all the new babies being born in Spring? And maybe like how we got Capes for the feathers, for the Fluff we get Over-sized Bunny Tails? And as random events we can possibly get fluff by it flowing in the wind? ;o;
Spring Contests - They were fun! No complaints or suggestions as of now, lol.
Egg Hunt - The only complaint I can have that not all users can do or know of, but in Reiflem some eggs/seeds/items are so HIDDEN that the ONLY way to see them is by pressing Ctrl + A to see them which shows all clickable things. New items I can think of is my Kurrabi Fluff that I already mentioned to hand in later on. Pastel dresses, dress shirts, maybe even new dresses overall. Oh a Easter theme hold-able Baskets! One with eggs of creatu in it, one of plastic eggs in it, one of candy in it and maybe one with a baby Easero in it?!!!?!!! Cross Necklace even though not everyone is religious (i'm not for one, lol). New backgrounds!? Fields of Roses, Fields of Lilies, Fields of Tulips, etc of other flowers!
Planter - Exciting! It was fun and exciting trying to get to the top and hand in and find seeds. And as in for raffle prizes, i think no one would complain for retired eggs, rray, maybe a bunch of RMPs, bunch of beans/dyekits.
Overall- Amazing! I don't remember the last time I had this much fun during an event! Granted I was on and off hiatus from April 2012 to maybe November 2015. But seriously, loved it. I loved how there was a bunch of Updates, everything was well put together and it was overly amazing. Bravo to Dess, Godric, and the rest of the Staff who made everything possible! <3
1:19am Apr 4 2016 (last edited on 1:24am Apr 4 2016)
Normal User
Posts: 37
UPDATES: I liked some of the activities spaced out and introduced separately like The Feather Exchange, but sadly this made the Egg of Eternity only last a couple of days. Maybe open the events that aren't precisely new from the start and space out the surprises?
NEW FEATURES: Yes love the feather exchange, the items are gorgeous and it motivates people to hunt/hatch/buy/sell easero to pluck them feathers. And yes, maybe people would be interested in doing the same for Kurrabi if there was a similar event. Maybe an npc that "recruits" Kurrabies as "easter bunnies" (Accepting eggs and creatus). These "easter bunnies" could be in charge of some type of random events. (Perhaps? Since we already have plenty of "points/prize shop" system platforms.) Or something of the like c:
SPRING CONTESTS: I joined too late to participate in this, but the traditional Coloring/Art/Caption/HA contests are good. Egg painting is a must-be for Easter. Nothing else to add here I believe.
EGG HUNT: I personally did not like the trade-in system. I like the current Egg hunt the best. People just need to have a reason to hunt for both pets. The only difficulty was unclickable items but I'm sure you're all trying to find a way to fix that bug. This method is friendlier to my eyesight and it's pretty easy to find a descent amount of eggs. Do not recall too many people saying they were unlucky with the hunt. (Unless they were lazy.) Also, I don't know if it would be a stretch, but I would've loved to see the April Fool's random event items inside the egg hunt, at least for that day. (Even if they are separate events and it takes away the essence of Random Events) Because personally I had to pick Egg hunting over finding those other items. So I kinda missed on them, not the end of the world. I could always buy them but maybe there's a way to accommodate it a little better?
PLANTER: I like the raffle idea, gives the players another reason to submit massive amounts of flowers aside from the competitive feeling of the leaderboard. How about holding a secondary raffle that each person that fills the milestones gets a ticket? With smaller prizes though? Perhaps that's too much work.
OVERALL: Really enjoyable. So happy to be here and participate!
p.s. I want to know the amount of jelly beans in the jar!
1:23am Apr 4 2016
Normal User
Posts: 1,584
Spring Celebration: A Critical Analysis
Updates: The updates this year were rather on point. You got out everything on time right when it was most important and they were informative enough to get the job done of helping new users understand what's going on without dragging on forever for the older users. Personally I did feel like there should be more warning that the Feather Quest was a thing since I didn't know about the plucking until yesterday but that isn't all to bad all things considered. I preferred it to be spaced out as you had it instead of everything all at once, though I do think that there was a little bit less time to do art contests as there normally was. I suggest maybe lengthening this time a little in the future.
New Features: Alright, so I can talk about this for a while. Let me just say, I think the Feather Exchange is brilliant as a concept and it's implication is good. Don't toss away your nattie easeros because they can still give you feathers! The problem here was that it came out a bit late in comparison to the egg hunts. I likely would have times the feather quest before the shiny hunting simply so people had more knowledge of plucking the feathers and gathering them up over the few weeks. I didn't know about it, I'm sure a lot of other people didn't either.
It was mentioned in the SB where I frequently live that the Kurrabi's aren't getting much love this year and I agree. Especially with the new Feather Exchange. We tossed ideas back and forth in the sb then about maybe having something harvestable from the Kurrabi. Some jokes about hair tufts being collectable, others laughed about harvesting rabbits feet. I personally liked the idea of maybe something like Chocolate eggs since they were rabbits and the Easter Bunny and such. Maybe have it where the Kurrabi's collect little eggs over the month and give them to their owners and do an exchange like that. More Kurrabi items in game would definitely be loved, however, and you could have a change to get those cute Kurrabi goggles once more which I personally LOVE. Essentially, if you are going to have the Feather Exchange, you might as well bundle up the Kurrabi Exchange and add them into the fun.
Spring Contests: I mentioned this briefly in the updates but I do think the contests ran pretty short. I don't have a problem with the contests in general, the themes are fun and interactive, but there wasn't enough time to get things in. I personally had a piece for the art contest that I only got half way done because the deadline was so short. I DID however like the jelly bean contest. That was adorable. Good for you whoever thought of that.
Egg Hunts: Egg Hunts were one of the best parts about this year and I don't recommend going back to a Trade in System. I was around for years of that system and personally it inflated the price of seasonal to a point where no one could afford the exchanged one anymore. The questing system is so much more fun then sitting there refreshing a page on Scria or Atquati like i did for hours on end back in the day and the items you could find on that page kept you on your toes between eggs (See Planter for More on the Flowers). I do think there could use some more items other than the flowers and the painted rock. Personally, finding egg painting kits would have been good considering the correlating shiny hunting quest but all in all, it was fine.
Again, I don't recommend a turn it in system for kurrabi eggs. Kurrabi is a great seasonal but I don't think it should be double the Easero price or anything like that.
Planter: So, what can I say about the Planter. It was fun is what it was. I enjoyed going for the flowers and I personally think the art for them is gorgeous. What I would recommend however is making the flowers have a specific set time before they finish. It's hard and much more difficult then it should be for the flowers to all randomly be done at different times. I'm not sure it is meant to do this either, which makes it all the more frustrating. I will come back and a set of 4 flowers that I planted all at once will only have 2 done and the others will take another 10 minutes or so. It's aggravating. Perhaps have a set 10 minutes or 15 minutes for all flowers and just have it go from the time planted to the time picked.
What I can also say is that I really liked the seeds for this being available in the adventure mode for egg hunting. It was probably one of the best parts of this event that I could just sit down and hunt for seeds without needing to be hunting or anything else to do so. Good job and keep them in there, please and thank you!
Overall and Final Thoughts: Overall, I think this event was one of the best planned out ones I've seen since the Stardust Festival or Apple Quest with Kir. Not because it was super different from the other easter events but because it was timed well. I'm always eternally frustrated when events happen months after they are supposed to and last months longer than they are meant to. There was a Halloween event a few years ago that lasted till basically after Christmas and Christmas event happened at the end of January etc. It's annoying as all heck and it makes the event no longer fun for me if it isn't in season. This event, however, was perfectly timed. Everything was on point to getting out within the correct season and while i have small nitpicks about things closing down or being in the wrong order, it doesn't take away form the fact that you are actually ending it right when it's supposed to and exactly like it should. All the staff was ON POINT here, from the artwork of the capes (great job Zen) to the planning of it (Props to Godric, I believe).
It was a great event and it raised my confidence in Res's staff back up again!
Analysis Over. The End
Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.
2:33am Apr 4 2016 (last edited on 11:54am May 18 2016)
Normal User
Posts: 1,326
6:18am Apr 4 2016
Normal User
Posts: 381
hi sorry i dont have a whole list of things to suggest because i wasnt active for much of it but in terms of timing with spring contests the only thing i can reccommend is making sure people have more time to do them because they came too late for me to enter all the ones i wanted to enter
6:56am Apr 4 2016
Normal User
Posts: 25
UPDATES The sporadic updates were more exciting, every single time I was left thinking "are the events over already?" And being surprised with more stuff to do. Having the updates and spaced out keeps the event itself fresh. It's also more convenient for things to be spread out so prioritizing is easier since there was so much to do this year. I feel like letting it all out at once would be a little more chaotic for users who don't have a lot of computer time to spend at one time.
NEW FEATURES The feather exchange is another nice trade in to have, and I would like to see something of a similar caliber for the Kurrabi. It is a little simpler of a trade-in, but has charm in that it's so different from the others. As for something you could do for the Kurrabi since having something like a "lucky rabbits foot" would be a little hard to imagine maybe something more simple and a little more grotesque than the Easero, possibly "dust bunnies", fur balls, or something ironic that a giant kangaroo rabbit would possess.
The contest are fun, and I like the fact that you have simple ones like the costume contest to ones that call for a little more effort. To me the art and the coloring contest could be combined, but I can see there being reasons for them being separated. A spring baking contest would be good for the people who enjoy making the cookies. Easter egg cookies would be cute.
I enjoy the new egg hunting method, and wouldn't change much with it. It's more interesting than the old method of refreshing to find. I didn't have any issues with the hunting. As for new items maybe you could have something for the Kurrabi trade-in if there is a need for it. Maybe it could be different from the Easero by being found like the seeds.
I didn't get involved with the raffles this year, but for the most part the prizes were worth entering for. So I would continue the raffles.
Best spring event ever. I loved it and never ran out of thing ever to do. I can't wait for the next event.
It\'s just one of those days.
9:31am Apr 4 2016
Content Manager
Posts: 3,135
Updates: It got confusing after a while due to just how much was going on at one time and it was hard to keep up with what was open, what wasn't, and what was going to close soon. I didn't even know contests were open until about a day before entries closed. However, it worked well overall and a lot of people were pleased with it - it just needs a little streamlining!
Features: I like collecting Easero feathers, thank you for bringing that back!! If we did something for Kurrabi, I know people sometimes shear rabbits for fur. :0 Maybe do Kurrabi-fur hats or somethin'. Like Angora.
Contests: Like I said, I only found out about them the day before entries closed. They're pretty much just the standard set of contests, nothing special iirc. Maybe you could add an egg coloring/dyeing contest next spring? I dunno. And Katie's got a good point in saying the entries should have better thumbnails. I hate opening so many tabs just to see an entry and then have to open the box to vote.
mmm i gotta run to class but i'll type more later
10:46am Apr 4 2016
Normal User
Posts: 423
UPDATES The updates were on point this year. I really liked how we kept getting updated throughout the celebration. I felt like it really kept things alive and moving, like we always had something to look forward to.
NEW FEATURES The Feather Exchange was by far a great new surprise ;o; I loved it! As far as doing something for Kurrabi, maybe we can groom them and collect hair or something and have like.. Kurrabi fur jackets. B)
SPRING CONTESTS I didn't partake in contests, but they all looked nice and fun and a huge thumbs up to all the entrants!
EGG HUNT I find that this egg hunt is by far very user friendly. One thing that we could maybe add would be an Easero Feather here or there? Like on Scria or something, since that's the home planet for Easero.
PLANTER This event is hands down my favorite event, and I have no idea why. e.e but the raffle that went along with it this year was wonderful. & the winnable items was very much appreciated. ♥
OVERALL BEST SPRING CELEBRATION EVER. Huge thank you to everyone who helped out with it and made it possible!
12:54pm Apr 4 2016
Normal User
Posts: 87
UPDATES I think spaced out updates are really good. It gave me new things to do before I could get bored with the old stuff. There was so much I reckon it'd be overwhelming otherwise :P
NEW FEATURES I'm not sure about the feather exchange yet since I only found out about it today but it seems super cool and the items look gorgeous. Though it might make getting items really hard for players without many easeros. There should totally be something with Kurrabi next year instead but all I can think about harvesting are lucky rabbit's feet so maybe not...since they like stealing things maybe we could take their collected items? Train them like basset hounds and make them hunt.
SPRING CONTESTS The contests opened at a pretty busy time for me so I didn't participate in any apart from the jellybean but I think that one was way fun ^.^
EGG HUNT The Kurrabi eggs were a bit harder to find due to the colour scheme but all in all pretty manageable. I had a heap of fun with this especially cause the eggs looked so cute. The flowers and rocks were great too since they'd tide you over between eggs. The joy and despair of mistaking a rock for an egg is horrible but also kinda exciting.
PLANTER That raffle and the prizes were amazing. I had a ton of fun with the planter and seed collecting. There were a lot of things to grow which kept me really entertained but I think some more milestones would've been awesome.
OTHER I had a lot of fun with the shiny collecting and I bought a ton of cool stuff at the prize shop. Totally wanted to find out Karrie's secret though. It was so out of reach TT_TT but next time I will be prepared!!
The egg quest was so fun and cute. The squishies were the best A+ OVERALL IT WAS FIIIIRE. THE PASSION I FEEL BURNS MY SOUL. YES. BEST TIME. 10/10 YES
4:07pm Apr 4 2016
Normal User
Posts: 878
UPDATES (How did you like the updates for this year? Did you prefer them spaced out, or would you like everything released all at once?)
I personally liked them spaced out. instead of waiting forever for 1 huge update, you get small updates. :)
NEW FEATURES (Did you like the Feather Exchange? Should we do something like this for Kurrabi? What should we do, if so)
The feather exchange was cool, but to add one for the kurrabi would kinda overload the spring celebration. Maybe make something similar for other events?
SPRING CONTESTS (Which contests do you think were good? Should we discontinue a contest? What should we add?)
EGG HUNT (Did you have any difficulties with this? What sort of new items could we add? Should we revert back to a "Trade In" ?)
Definately not a "Trade In", but the ability to search on a planet should be brought back. I like the idea of searching the old fashion way ;)
PLANTER (What do you think of the raffle this year? What are some other prizes you’d like to see raffled? Should we continue raffles?)
Cp, OAK, stuff like that. The raffle should work liek this; Person with the MOST amount of tickets automatically wins one R-Ray, and then the two other R-rays are raffled.
OVERALL (How was the experience? Did you enjoy it?)
11:38pm Apr 4 2016
Normal User
Posts: 366
I am on my tablet so i am limited on writing so i will sum up. You guys outdid yourselves ..to staff.. I must admit res was getting boring and frustrating for me..then poof it is a hundred times better now. Sb is kinder and the events were awesome. Keep up the good work cuz now i look forward to coming on res daily again. Thank you so much...one improvement in the future would be new prizes in the egg hunt someday pls. Thanks again.
5:00am Apr 7 2016
Normal User
Posts: 20
I didnt have any problems this year with anything, but I think maybe it would be easier to make it so we could search both ways, the new and the old for the egg hunts. And maybe instead of just a easero event at the end, like with the capes, maybe make one for the kurrabi as well, like turn In pelts or fur, turn them into cool coats or something, rabbit ears, really anything you want ^^