"click to purchase" button in creatu search

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11:04pm Oct 8 2012 (last edited on 8:12pm Oct 9 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 1,369
not sure about you guys but I hate having to sift through pages and pages of rancher shops for one pet,(though the filter options DO help,) and/or when I'm buying a lot of pets in a certain price range from different shops, i hate having and go into EVERY rancher shop to click "more details" on EVERY ONE to buy them.

Is it possible to add a "buy now" feature into the creature search for rancher pets? So say for example i seach black zennies in rancher shops between 1 and 500.000 tu. It would have a little "purchase/buy now" button on the creatu search results page next to every listing.

I looked to see if this was suggested yet but didn't see anything, but if it was, disregard me (though tell me if staff/pet said yes/no)


3:43pm Oct 9 2012

Normal User

Posts: 635
omg please.
I hate finding the one creatu i need.
and then having to search through a shop to Re-find it

On a major quest for Omnis. Kthnx

3:50pm Oct 9 2012

Normal User

Posts: 4,754
I hate it when I need something in particular like a black mira.
And then you get into the shop, and their are a ton of random natties whose names all start with the same letter.
Drives me nuts, cause I have to sift through every single last stinking one.
Support OMG!


4:06pm Oct 9 2012


Posts: 3,217
oh god


6:58pm Oct 9 2012

Normal User

Posts: 4,893

i’m such a gamer uwu
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