"Only English In The SB"

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8:33pm Oct 22 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,191
okay so i've been thinking for a while we need to edit the "only english in the sb" rule. personally, i think it's very reasonable: most of the users on res are only fluent in english, so a user speaking to everyone in fluent german and no one knowing what they're saying (or worse, google translate german speaking back) could be problematic.

however, i feel it's very problematic when you aren't allowed any non english language at all.

Example of what shouldn't be allowed in the edit of the rule:

Salut tout le monde comment ça va ?? J'ai eu une bonne journée :)
(hey everyone how's it going?? i've had a pretty good day :))

Example of what should be allowed in the edit of this rule:

"Alright, I'mma head off. Bonsoir mon petit chou-chous! <3"
(alright, i'mma head off. g'night, my little cabbages! <3)

Simple, innocent phrases and greetings in other languages should be allowed.
Full conversations in other languages should not be.

my name's russ and i only care about uldavi and cute men

11:19pm Oct 22 2014

Normal User

Posts: 156
I don't disagree, but how do you define simple and innocent? It looks like the point of this rule is to make sure the moderators understand what's being said in order to effectively moderate, which makes sense. So, as simple as your example is, if one of the mods doesn't know what "chou-chou" means, how do they know you aren't breaking rule 6?

There are some greetings like "Hola" and "Bonsoir" that have pretty well known meanings, but then greetings like "Suprabhaat" or "Zaoshang hao" are not so well known - so would it really suffice to just say "greetings are allowed"? If I hop on the shoutbox and say "Vanakkam y'all" and the mods don't know what that means, it looks like I could either be saying something perfectly innocent or really inappropriate.

12:32am Oct 23 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,477
I agree, certain things should not be counted as 'non english in the SB'
One thing that could cause problems is swearing in a different language. People never know when it could happen, and it's even more tedious to actually go to google translate to see, and even then it's not that accurate 8C

But little japanese emotes and little greetings/farewells definitely should be excluded from this rule


4:35am Oct 23 2014


Posts: 348
Lots of good points in this discussion so far! This is a fuzzy subject. It's not always 100% clear what could have been said. There must be a way to be more reasonable about it without compromising the reason the rule is in there in the first place. I'll have to think on this. :X

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