1 point food items are the stupidest idea ever.

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12:58am Oct 23 2014

Normal User

Posts: 32
Creatu lose 10 points of hunger each day. Some of us rely solely on the apple tree to feed our pets because we don't have the tu to buy foods. So when it starts granting foods that only fill 1 point hunger, pets just get hungrier and hungrier.
Some apples are at 25 or so hunger points if I'm remembering correctly. So my suggestion is simply this:
Make apples a flat 10 points. Take the extra points off the higher ranked apples and slap 'em on the garbage ones.

Text? In my Siggy? Blasphemy!

4:31am Oct 23 2014


Posts: 348
Thank you for your observation. I can see why this would be frustrating! All the apples could probably have their hunger points designed better. I will make sure to look into this! :]


7:45am Oct 23 2014

Normal User

Posts: 32
'Preciate it.

Text? In my Siggy? Blasphemy!
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