A 'do not feed' option for profile pets

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11:11am Jun 16 2021

Normal User

Posts: 678
There are a bunch of pets I would like to send to have die and send to the Graveyard, but my food pen is stocked to feed pets to explore. I want to propose a toggle in the food pen in which you can choose to not feed certain pets on your profile. It could be defaulted to feeding everyone unless manually removed for a certain pet. 

Just wanted to throw this out there and hear anyone's opinion on this ^^

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Art by Zen

10:00pm Jun 16 2021


Posts: 910
I like this idea! I want to have some pets on my profile that don't get fed. Would be cool if we could choose which pets we actually want fed so food doesn't go to waste on ones that don't :)


1:54am Jun 18 2021 (last edited on 1:54am Jun 18 2021)

Content Manager

Posts: 3,135
Alternatively, a way to remove food would be nice!
Not only could you switch from feeding pets to not easily, but it'd also be useful for removing things you didn't necessarily want in the pen >>
rip my liddol inchworms


8:07am Jun 18 2021

Normal User

Posts: 678
I would like that option too! 

Sleepy Art by ZenSleepy Mira by Zen

Art by Zen

9:43pm Jul 15 2021

Normal User

Posts: 2,713
support! I forgot I put some food in the food pen recently (I rarely use it) and it fed some pets on my profile that I had been trying to kill and were likely going to die in a couple more resents. I was irritated lol

Officially the Albino Veram King.

58/100 albino Veram


6:58pm Jul 19 2021

Normal User

Posts: 22
I take the long way out I feed all my pets one by one each day... but I agree with You all:D

1:47pm Sep 18 2021 (last edited on 1:50pm Sep 18 2021)

Normal User

Posts: 858
This can be accomplished with the Potion of Death. It sends your pet directly to the graveyard where it eventually loses its name, no food or time wasted.

Edit: Also, you can go to your food pen and click on the foods one by one to feed your active pet. It's a bit tedious, but it's a way to empty out your food pen if you no longer want the food to be in there.

7:54am Sep 19 2021

Normal User

Posts: 678
Yeah but I want to be able to keep pets on my profile to age. Plus potions of death are kind of expensive and add up in price after a while… I’d rather just take the long time to wait for a pet to die

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