I completely agree with this idea. I myself have the same problem; a slow internet that take years to load users profiles, especially when they have large pictures, many text boxes, animations or the worst of all thing... the dreaded millions of adoptables running in a line straight down the middle of the page. =/ And you have to wait until each one's picture/animation loads before you can even get down to see the persons pets, let alone the info box to get to their showroom, rancher shop or gallery. (I find the info boxs takes even that little bit longer to appear)
And sometimes I might really be interested in seeing this persons pets/items/whatever they have for sale, but I cannot stand waiting for their useless crap to load. So in the end we both loose out; they loose my buiseness and I loose the chance to see what they are selling. (Same goes for waiting for heavily customised showrooms or shops to load)
I have always relised that this is a problem, yet knew not what any sort of solution could be that could please all parties, as in people getting to keep their pretty profiles and me finally getting to their darn shop.This soultion means that everyone can win. :)
Basically that is my long winded whining way of saying that I support.