Aquateen Forest Changes

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12:38am Jun 29 2019

Normal User

Posts: 110
So, the aquateen forest is not as fun to go through anymore. Used to, there would be maybe a few pages (in searching it) of pets, mostly naturals but quite often colored pets people want to get rid of. Occasionally good names too
Now, there is 173 pages of purely natural, unnamed pets, a few of sepias and, maybe 2 of creams and others? It is not as fun to go search the forest now, it's almost all natural pets and generally, they're easy to get. That's why they are there xD

I have a few suggestions to change it:
1. Bring back the old way. We manually release them (keeping name or not doesn't matter as much as the volume of pets)
2. Natural, findable pets will "leave" the forest at a much higher rate than the others
3. Pets could have two options from releasing at the hatchery. One for release forever and one for atquati. On natural pets, the release forever TU amount could be higher than the atquati one?

9:04pm Jun 29 2019

Normal User

Posts: 3,011
Or,just make forests, on all planets,and only
Have thoes pets made for thoes
Planets become wild and free
For thoes exploring. 

Maybe make these forests
More animated,with fireflies, 
Or fairies,or tiny frogs,
And give each forest,
At least 4 different scenes to enjoy.

Possibly, running into
More berries,
Or maybe the creatu is holding
A precious item from
That planet.

In 38 colors, and a thousand black
Gondras later... I rise over my
Army as the Gondra Queen!

9:07am Jul 1 2019

Normal User

Posts: 418
I actually really enjoy the the way it is now, but I definitely think there should be something in place to get rid of old pets (like you said, naturals could leave sooner than other colors). I'd be cool with 2 separate options for the hatchery :o

Misses post reminded me.. another forest idea i thought could be neat is that you could find other items in the forest instead of creatu. There could be more explores allowed per day to compensate for the fact that there would be more types of things to find in addition to pets
(Driftwood, berries, flowers, etc)

Cetari are puplic transport on Scria and you can\'t change my mind >:O

7:06pm Jul 17 2019

Normal User

Posts: 558
i dont see the point on diferent ways of releasing anymores since we now have the shrines, but id love to see teh finding of other stuff on the forest, also in the desert of relcore, the swirl on atquati and on other places of diferent planets (maybe coded like the seasonal hunt places)

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