12:12pm Jan 17 2009 (last edited on 12:28pm Jan 17 2009)
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Posts: 221
So... been thinking a bit on how the poor nattie creatu, and even some sepia and cream colored ones, are abused, neglected and even outright despised by some. (Talking about the garbledegook names given to them and being tossed into the forest without a thought, or being called junk pets... you get the point). Also been thinking about the player response to the great idea of removing names from the forest. Some love it, some call it killing creatu. Again, let me say I would prefer to think these creatu have approached a person for one last hope of a home, and have gone completely feral after being rejected. So, here's some ideas. 1. Make creatu harder to hatch period. This is the primary idea. You try to hatch one, and instead of a creatu, you get a rotten egg. Perhaps not too frequently, but its realistic. 2. Enable users to release unnamed creatu into the wild. Less unwanted creatu means a better economy. It could be a button in the upper corner, away from the button that finishes the hatch, and a warning and confirmation can be certain that someone doesn't hit it on accident. This can either delete the creatu immediately, or put it into the wild unnamed where someone might find it and be able to name it... which would probably require more coding that I've no understanding of. 3. Hatching penalties: This could be based on the warning level of the user and is just an idea. Say a user frequently is issued warnings by staff for misconduct in the shoutbox or in forums. Being issued a warning could decrease the number of hatches permitted for a certain time period. These are just ideas. Feel free to reject, change, or add anything to them. Like I said, the first idea is my primary one. Number two has been suggested before. The third one something I threw out there... the shoutbox especially has been a mess recently and warnings just aren't enough sometimes. There are a lot of not quite so new young players that still whine, cry, and beg whenever they get the opportunity.
"How sad the world is when everyone holds out their hand when you have something to offer, then withdraws it when you are in need."
12:47pm Jan 17 2009
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Posts: 103
Some of my Suggestions were: a dumping limit. Other ways to change color without expensive bean or dye kit Forest is adopt only...'junk pets' could be put in a spaceship and 'sent away' to explore for new worlds. When I was staff I also offered to be in charge of 'deleting'. Give me unlimited forest access and a delete button and I'd go to work. This way just isn't fair...and like I said, I remember seeing suggestions...but no actual poll where the users could cast a yes or no vote for this particular 'solution'. For anyone to claim 'it's what the users wanted' is pure fabrication without a hand-count. I don't care how many prominant users liked this idea, its not right without an honest open vote.
12:58pm Jan 17 2009
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Posts: 162
1:13pm Jan 17 2009
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Posts: 221
I will never like the term "junk pet" and no creatu should be called that ever. What would be the purpose to putting them on a spaceship to explore? Won't that be the same astossing them in the forest and deleting them? I stand firm that I like the change to the forest. Of course, I don't often toss creatu in there either. I limit my own hatches unless I decide to look for a specific creatu. My shop is filled with natties with what I consider amazing names. I don't care if no one else wants them, I do. And I don't agree there should be more ways to change the color of a pet, unless it can randomly happen at the enchanted springs along with everything else. Of course, people better make certain they don't have an albino selected when they go visit if that becomes a possibility. Think about it. The more colored creatu there are, the more devalued they become. If everyone hatched albino or blondes every day, they'd be as unwanted as the natties, or at least the sepias and creams. Dye kits should only be used on creatu you intend to keep, and are a good answer to the problem of too many natties... and they can't really be sold for more than the cost of the dye kit either. Beans are best when used on seasonal creatu, and I personally follow the "one bean" rule. And how many colors should be available to everyone? Personally, I'd love to see dyes or tattoos that give markings to a creatu... like stripes or spots, rather than just new colors, but how many creatu do I really want to collect? Of course, we can also have a weekly hatching limit rather than a limit for a single day as well.
"How sad the world is when everyone holds out their hand when you have something to offer, then withdraws it when you are in need."
1:28pm Jan 17 2009
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Posts: 103
Well, we can't have it both ways then, right? People will forest natties and name them garbaldeegook. The whole point about the spaceship is to put those people who MAKE the '****pets' responsible for deleting them. If I don't MAKE ***pets I shouldn't have to delete them. Fair is fair, walk your talk don't make other people delete your unwanted natties for you. THAT's my whole point, not some philosophical right or wrong about little digital nothings. Some people are affected by it and shouldn't be forced to feel guilty. Why don't you add your name to the list of people willing to clean up the forest? Join me and let us do this should-be-staff-job and leave others out of it? Seriously, that's all we really needed in the first place.
1:39pm Jan 17 2009 (last edited on 1:42pm Jan 17 2009)
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Posts: 221
Hence foresting the creatu unnamed would solve the same problem, by deleting the creatu before it leaves the hatchery. And sure, I'd love to add my name to the list of people who wish to clean out the forest. And anyone who doesn't want to delete a forested pet doesn't have to. They just need to stop searching for pets in the forest. Oh yes, and why should staff be bothered by having to do it when its the normal users who name their pets those things? I personally don't know any staff member that names a pet, then tosses into the forest without offering it to someone else first. And usually, they're good names which someone wants, or will eventually be adopted if found. Anyway, didn't intend to start a debate in the suggestion forums, hehe. I have a nattie meragon to name. I should add a goal that I want the largest meragon herd in all of Rescreatu to my profile goals, lol. No doubt most of them will be beautiful natties.
"How sad the world is when everyone holds out their hand when you have something to offer, then withdraws it when you are in need."
1:50pm Jan 17 2009
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Posts: 103
XD I didn't say your idea was bad, nor do I disagree with your points...I just listed my ideas that were overlooked in the old days. And I say it's a staff job because they basically have power and acess to the database and I'm not sure how much they'd be willing to share. I'm really just thinking of all those I've heard who feel bad about deleting the unwanted forest pets. It's not fair to them, no matter how 'good' any of us non-disturbed by it thinks it is. I still think volunteers should do the job, not everybody. And I think Mr. Gunmetal should head that list. Walk your talk dude. XD
2:17pm Jan 17 2009
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Posts: 1,314
You two are making some really good points, some of which I find myself having to read several times before I get it. xD I don't think that unnamed Creatu should get allowed to be Released - in a way, that clutters up the Forest even more because most users would just be dumping tons of unnamed Creatu they haven't be bothered to name. I also kinda agree that rarer colours should be easier to hatch, just a little fewer natural hatches and more black, sepias, ect. The dyes could be a lil cheaper, but I like the fact that the price varies a lot. :3 I might add more, later, but I don't have much time right now. :)
2:59pm Jan 17 2009 (last edited on 3:05pm Jan 17 2009)
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Posts: 369
I think that adding the 50 tu reward for foresting pets will both rid the market of nonsense names and raise the price of well-named naturals to at least 50 tu. I really think that's a crucial thing that needs to be done. Also I have no problem with the forest being cluttered, as long as there is a way to get rid of the unwanted, poorly named pets. I think that the story-content for the forest page could be changed a bit to explain what happens when you don't adopt a creatu. But honestly, if you find a creatu in the forest and you feel that bad about 'killing' it, adopt it and put it back in. And imagine, without the forest, you'd have everyone with ridiculously enormous shops filled with nothing but poorly named naturals. I do like the idea of sending unnamed creatu 'to the forest' right from the hatch page, and having it work as an immediate delete. I don't think people should be able to adopt unnamed creatu.
"You must always remember that the only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing." - Alucard, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night.
3:28pm Jan 17 2009
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Posts: 7
Good Ideas.
7:03pm Jan 17 2009
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Posts: 1,679
These ideas all seem pretty good to me. I like the thing you mentioned later about the weekly hatching limits. That sounds like it might be pretty cool, although I might need someone else to point out any bad aspects of it. Other than that it sounds fairly cool!
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8:06pm Jan 17 2009
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Posts: 829
Good Ideas for 2 and 3, Geo. But I dont really like the 1 x3
ãƒã‚¯ã‚µã‚¹Rokusasu. #13, The Key of Destiny Event Horizon & Magic Hour
9:20pm Jan 17 2009
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Posts: 221
Why not? Wouldn't it be cool to hatch a leaky, icky rotton egg? LOL. Maybe we could throw them at people? ;p Seriously, wouldn't you value a natural hatch more if you had hatches that failed somehow?
"How sad the world is when everyone holds out their hand when you have something to offer, then withdraws it when you are in need."
11:48am Jan 18 2009
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Posts: 1,895
Here the bad part about the egg thing.Say you bought some credits and spent them all on getting yourself liyure eggs.Now your excited bout getting a credit shop pet so you decide to atc them.Now imagen how miserable you would be if they were rotten eggs.Wouldnt that just suck?
3:23pm Jan 18 2009
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Posts: 2,148
I love the first idea. Though I think we shouldn't include that coding in the valuable eggs, like CS or Holiday eggs. That would make many a users angry. n_n; These are some great ideas.
4:45pm Jan 19 2009
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Posts: 2,440
i like natties but tis a good idea <3 no stretching hatches to weekly. i would die. XD
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5:07am Jan 20 2009
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Posts: 194
I think the unnamed- unwanted pets being able to go to the forest is a great idea. It would be good to find lets say an unnamed nattie kayoki in there and name it something that has meaning rather than finding a beautiful kayoki called Iadheruwdsahjfhahjfhakshf. (note kayoki is just an example) The rotten egg idea is also good, but, it should definitely not apply to credit shop or seasonal pets as that would make res a very unpopular place for some people. Also, if you feel bad about 'foresting' a pet then don't! There are rancher shops, people willing to buy and hopefully those creatu galleries are coming soon! Please don't call creatu ghaslgks24 and bad names like that because it, in my opinion, takes the excitement out of the forest.
5:35am Jan 21 2009
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Posts: 829
Geo, what happens if is seasonal eggs ? By bad eggs, meaning the draqua, gondra, etcs.. ? If so, don't read my post XD
ãƒã‚¯ã‚µã‚¹Rokusasu. #13, The Key of Destiny Event Horizon & Magic Hour
8:39am Jan 21 2009
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Posts: 2,148
Like I said before, I think seasonal and credit shop creatu shouldn't be affected by this change, but all the other creatu should be. It will prevent people from getting spaztic if this idea goes through. lol.
5:34pm Jan 21 2009
Normal User
Posts: 360
Love the idea of unnamed forest creatu, Geo. Give me an unnamed creatu, (nattie or otherwise), a dictionary, up to an hour to waste, and I'm a happy girl. Good suggestions, and valid points made by both you and Eeno.
✿A weed is but an unloved flower✿