9:57pm Jul 22 2014
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Posts: 1,009
So I've though about this and talked about it with a couple friends, that instead of the pets just getting deleted from a banned account, the Creatu could just be forested from the account. It means everyone has a fair chance at trying to get one, since everyone has 10 searches.
10:38pm Jul 22 2014 (last edited on 10:38pm Jul 22 2014)
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Posts: 1,444
The problem with this is that many of the pets were obtained by cheating and there's really no way to differentiate which bans are for what. Foresting these pets would put these cheated pets back into the system which is the farthest from what we want. And if some were forested and some weren't? Well a good number of the ones that people want are probably cheated pets so it wouldn't help people anyway.
Better to just have one smooth way of dealing with them, deleting. That way cheated pets wouldn't get put back into the system.
Edit: meant to wrap that up by saying "no support."
11:52pm Jul 22 2014
Normal User
Posts: 652
I'm sorry wolfspi, but why exactly do you say the pets were obtained by cheating...? I don't think all banned accounts have "cheated" pets?
And sorry jess but no support. Cause I don't think that can be fair to users who are not online at the moment they are released? Forest pets are devoured pretty quickly usually. I guess its the same as all the names clearing at the same time from a banned ccount once its deleted but...
12:48am Jul 23 2014
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Posts: 1,444
No, not all banned accounts have pets that were cheated onto them. But some do. Some have pets that shouldn't exist because of multis that had dozens of hatches per day, others exist because of actual glitching. Cheated amounts of TU can be used to obtain even more of the pets/eggs that otherwise may not have been hatched, etc. There's just too many variables to how those pets appeared on the account in the first place to account for them all and separate between which to forest and which not to. Better just clear the names, as sad as it is to see some of these pets go.
3:28pm Jul 23 2014 (last edited on 3:29pm Jul 23 2014)
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Posts: 4,093
I don't support either; Pretzel makes a great point. If pets were forested, it would probably be done by way of some button or other, and a large majority of staff (especially if we narrow it down to the ones who have those tools) are only online at certain times due to their timezones. For users who don't share these timezones, that would be really disappointing. :u
On top of that, like I said, it would probably require staff to manually do it. Can you imagine how long this would take? xD Many accounts have hundreds and hundreds of pets.. that's simply too much. ^^;
EDIT: And, even if there were to be some sort of code implemented that automatically releases them, like Wolfspi said we couldn't do that for every banned account because quite a few of them have pets that were unfairly obtained. A code wouldn't discriminate between those pets. :c
Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe
8:18pm Jul 23 2014 (last edited on 8:19pm Jul 23 2014)
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Posts: 3,642
re pretzel's point, how would foresting pets be any less fair than having all the names clear tho? at least in this case the pets would be distributed out to a larger number of players, instead of having just a few people snatch all the names at once and make a massive profit. it'd be better for new users who don't have the resources to set up a giant graveyard/buy a lot of res potions, and it'd be better for users who don't live in the u.s. and can't be on during reset.
and i don't really see the problem with cheated pets. you guys do keep logs of everything, so it should be easy to see which accounts were banned for cheating and which ones weren't. it could probably work to have a that looks to see what an account was banned for; if it wasn't for cheating, then release them after a couple weeks at a random time of day.
2:52pm Jul 24 2014
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Posts: 652
I know what you mean Yoshi. But sadly I have witnessed a large amount of pets being dumped and gone within minutes, sometimes even less. (So it might not last enough to be beneficial to diff time zone players) But yes it would give a higher chance more players see themselves benefit from it, if the amount is massive enough or released in waves. (And still it would still be a huge job to do, just like deleting banned accounts, which barely gets done exactly for the heck of a chore it is) I do think accounts that were banned for cheating should be excluded from this "foresting" of their pets, since everything would have to be done manually cause there's no system for it. i mean if the account was banned for cheating you'd know. Unless you mean to say some banned accounts may have or not "cheat" pets without being able to confirm cause the logs are massive.
10:57am Jul 25 2014 (last edited on 10:59am Jul 25 2014)
Posts: 2,155
Having names available for use is something completely different than having pets re-enter the economy. There has to be a pet available in order to use an available name, which boosts sales of hatches, pets rotting in graveyards, tags, etc. There's a flow of TU and a clearing of items and pets and eggs and a variety of interaction that would not happen with simply dumping already-existing pets into the forest. The introduction of games such as Kir were for the sole purpose of removing pets from the game, other events such as the seasonal egg exchanges are for the sole purpose of reducing the amount of pets in the game, the releasing of unnamed hatches was to reduce the amount of pets in the game, and all have proven to be very beneficial to the game economy. Anything that would increase the amount of pets in circulation would be harmful so no, we are not going to re-introduce any pets from banned accounts back into the game regardless of whether cheating occurred or not.
As it stands right now, pets are not deleted from banned accounts any longer. The job was too massive, too tedious, and there were too many accusations of it being unfair.
When pets were deleted, the job consisted of looking at pages and pages of ID numbers of pets that were associated with the user ID of a banned user and clicking a "check all" box and hitting a delete button, then going to the next banned user ID, plugging it in to the user pet search in the administration panel, clicking "check all" and hitting delete, over and over and over again until I wanted to rip my hair out and run around screaming profanities lol. I never saw a pet name in the process of deleting the pets. Sometimes I knew a user owned a certain name, just like anyone who name-stalks might know the same. But it all went by ID numbers, not names, to try and keep it as fair as possible.
Pets will not be deleted and names will not be cleared anymore (other than what few pets might be on a banned user's profile at the time they are banned) until Cless comes up with a process that will automatically delete the pets from a permanently banned account on a schedule that will allow enough time for any appeals to be made and dealt with or any possible mistakes to be cleared up. The deleting will not happen on any predictable schedule, meaning you won't be able to ready your potions and your graveyard pets and your hatches. You won't be able to watch the calendar and the clock and have your name tags ready and waiting. You might have a general idea after a few years of when the names will be available, but you'll never be able to predict just when it will happen. No one will know, it will be done by script, it will be done at random and not all at once or at any set time. It will frustrate the hell out of some of you, and it will bring the utmost delight to others. There is absolutely nothing more fair that I can think of than that, can you? =)
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚♫ and the haters gonna hate hate hate hate hate ♫**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚
6:34am Jul 26 2014
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Posts: 540
from the 'Topics not open for debate' thread. (sorry if the picture stretches)
to be honest i think inactive and banned accounts should not be messed with, at all, for any reason. let the pets and names and items stay there.
10:35am Jul 27 2014
Normal User
Posts: 1,764
I think they should be cleared to let names re enter the res economy, not just sit there and rot because what good is it doing just sitting on a banned account?
10:49pm Aug 5 2014
Normal User
Posts: 2,057
jess. I support you. there could be a way to make it an auto release. and so what if they were cheated pets this could give users who never dreamed in 1000 years of owning a black cs or a name they have been dying to have. it could spark up the economy more since there is a huge division of the rich members and the newer members.
7:37pm Aug 21 2014
Normal User
Posts: 1,477
Agrees with Lazz completely
There needs to be some way to release these pets without them being completely erased. Yeah sure names are fine but some people prefer getting the creatu more than a single name. Same with Items I reckon. A Regression Ray's rarity is ridiculous these days and I'm sure it wouldn't hurt to bring a few of them back from banned accounts, if that's possible.