Barter Tokens

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1:33am Jul 6 2012 (last edited on 10:23pm Jul 24 2012)

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Posts: 688
Barter Tokens

Whenever I save up for a goal, I use barter tokens. I purchase as much as hundreds at a time, and store 
them in my item gallery. This, is a much better alternative for me than watching a giant bundle
of tu sit in my bank account. It helps me manage my tu without looking at some insane number
which triggers more impulse buying.

The Problem

It takes a lot of time to keep clicking the same button over and over. The current method to buy a barter token
takes a long time, especially if you are buying in large numbers.

An Idea

Instead of clicking the same button over and over, I would suggest a "Quanity" Button. This way you can purchase
a bulk amount in a quick, almost effortless way. Or, we could add a higher value barter token: 5 Million Barter Token,
10 Million Barter Token, etc.

I know this is a small problem, but it would save a lot of time for me while stocking them in my gallery :D
Not only that, but it might boost more activity in the trade market.


1) Skypi
2) Autumnleaves
3) Lazzaro
4) Kaleria


 Subject: Safes

"What about bank accounts, or safes? Maybe pla[injection]yers could buy TU Safes that they could label as they please and use for raising TU for specific things that they want. Kind of like piggy banks."


And I love the idea of a safe , seperate from your bank account. If there was some way of haveing a way to set the safe so you can't spend/take the Tu out untill you've reched your goal will be good :)


Subject: Imagery in Bank Accounts

 "What if the Bank had a visual indication of the amount of TU that you currently have in there? I could see stacks of coins that fill up ba[injection]sed on the amount. Maybe each stack represents 10mil."



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1:43am Jul 6 2012


Posts: 3,216

support :)

I tryed to turn most of my Tu in to barter tokens to help me saved and I just gave up after 20mil as it was going to take too long (and I have a short attention span.... And im lazy xD)

I think it'll also give the Trades a boost as I don't think they get used as much as they should


1:45am Jul 6 2012

Normal User

Posts: 400
Definitely support. 
I'm poor so I don't understand what either of you are talking about :D
But it still sounds like a good idea.

Selling a Bunch! c: [url=]

1:46am Jul 6 2012 (last edited on 1:46am Jul 6 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 688
Thanks Skypi and Autumn c:
*pokes to Item Gallery* I have 45 in there so far O.o Took me like half an hour.

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12:17am Jul 7 2012


Posts: 340
Interesting. I've never heard of people doing that before to keep better track on their TU!

Would making the TU system a more physical or visual help with these issues?0
 What if the Bank had a visual indication of the amount of TU that you currently have in there? I could see stacks of coins that fill up based on the amount. Maybe each stack represents 10mil.

What about bank accounts, or safes? Maybe players could buy TU Safes that they could label as they please and use for raising TU for specific things that they want. Kind of like piggy banks.


12:54pm Jul 8 2012


Posts: 3,216

I like the idea of the stacks of coins (simply for the visual effect because I doudt it'll help with won't help me anyway xD)

And I love the idea of a safe , seperate from your bank account. If there was some way of haveing a way to set the safe so you can't spend/take the Tu out untill you've reched your goal will be good :)... But then again id like to take some out for 'emergencies' or if you changed your mind.... I'm rambeling now... Oo or if you can only spend half you what is in your safe untill you've reached your goal amount.... But then you go back to the problem of if you really really want to spend it/ change your mind...... Anyywayyyssss im going in loops and im shore ill eventually go completly of topic and start talking about chickens (or something along them lines) so...


4:42pm Jul 8 2012 (last edited on 5:38pm Jul 11 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 688
I like the idea of a safe c: I'll add it to the "Ideas" column.

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12:56am Jul 12 2012

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Posts: 2,057
I support it all!


2:07pm Jul 12 2012

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Posts: 688
Added ^_^ Thanks, Lazz.

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10:56am Jul 18 2012

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Posts: 688
Bump ^_^ 

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4:28pm Jul 24 2012

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Posts: 73
Support for the larger tu barter tokens. It's be great if there was a 10, 50, and 100 tu tokens.

10:25pm Jul 24 2012

Normal User

Posts: 688
Added c: Ty

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