Sit tight. This is going to be a loooong read.
Purpose: To increase the worth of natural (low colored) creatu. Clear Active user graveyards cheaply.* Add a new item to the CS shop. Create a new site shop that would not be a tu sink.
*Cheap as in, after the purchase of the new CS item, were it to be added.
Ok so, the above mentioned is the short, direct read. Now comes the long part.
1) Increase Worth of Natural Creatu - It's easy to see that natural pets are worth very very little. During the stardusting event, I bought around 150 natural Zaphaos for no more than 2,000 tu each. And they would have continued being very very cheap. This is due, of course, to the sheer amount of natural Zaphaos on site. And then, the sheer amount of 'all' non CS or Seasonal creatu on site (excluding Quelis.) But, here is an idea that will help clear the system a little bit, and hopefully raise the worth of natural creatu.
2) Clear User Graveyards. - In the graveyard, it currently costs about, approximately, 1 mil to resurrect a creatu from scratch. I'm not sure about the rest of Rescreatu, but I am not willing to spend 1 mil on a resurrection potion to revive natural creatu for the fun of it. If I have a purpose, such as a name or something, then I wouldn't mind it. But most of the time, these creatu just sit and rot. So why not give them a purpose?
3) New CS Item - My idea is to create an item (a CS item) called the Bone Retrieval Device. Could be called something different, but that's just my temporary name for it. Calling it the BRD from now on. This item 'could' be in the CS shop, but wouldn't have to be. The item, on the other hand, could be easier to get. Perhaps from a site shop (the one added?) or even an easy event, like answering a riddle.
Pros: For only cash points, this item would do two things for the economy. One, it would encourage monetary spending. And Two, this would make it a more rare item. In my mind, the item could be loaned, and would be an infinite use item. Were it to be an easy to get item, the amount of users able to benefit and use it would increase, therefor the amount of pets taken out would increase.
Cons: Being a CS item wouldn't spread the tu around, and wouldn't help the tu economy very much. And there's the possibility that it could be stolen. Also would make the item harder to get a hold of, which would decrease the amount of pets going out of the system.
4) New Site Shop and Information about BRD - This shop would have a currency that is 'not' tu, asides for buying the BRD anyway. Items in this shop would be bought with other items, meaning bones. The BRD, when used, would give a certain number of bones. This number could differ depending on rarity of species, but wouldn't have to. I will list some suggestions for this shop later. Items in this shop would be priced for different numbers of bones, depending on rarity.
5) Suggestions for Bone Shop:*
Ebilia Bone Suit. (could come in multiple parts)
New Creatu Egg
Morphing Potions (like, specific creatu Morphing Potions.)
Planet Mirror
Food Items: Bone Stew, Bone Meal
Venom Potion (instantly kill a creatu)
* Don't by shy to suggest something for the shop!
6) More Info - The Bone Retrieval Device would work much the same way as Resurrection Potions do, with a drop down list. And a next pop up should show the pet and name/ID chosen with an 'Are you sure?' confirmation box. Next box would say "you have been awarded with # bones"
Walk Through of how this suggestion would work -
Have a creatu. Creatu dies. Use the Bone Retrieval Device and get an amount of bones. Go to the Bone Shop. Trade in Bones for a new item.
All In All Pros - This would decrease natural creatu and increase their worth. It would give something else to do on site, and something else to 'save' for while taking away the tu aspect.
All In All Cons - The time it takes for a creatu to die.
OK. now that I have all that information down, I want to know your opinion. Especially on these topics:
The idea in general
The CS item diea
The shop idea
Suggestions to the shop
Pros and Cons as to why this would/wouldn't be beneficial
Ok, heading to work now. Thank you all for reading!! Will update this with support/against, and new information whenever I get home.