So anyone notice that Creatu are featured on the Rescreatu logo in that mono color blue?
What if that were a real color for Creatu to hatch into?
I think it would give the players a new challenge. they would most likely be one of the rarest colors that can be hatched, and would get everyone (In my opinion) wanting what is actually seen on the site all the time.
Name for the color? I don't know... ResBlue maybe? I don't know on that. xD
Another idea would be planet themed. I know we have that Uldavi dye, maybe a dye for each one of the other planets? Maybe it could be one of those, random event type things. You could come across some kind of series of items that could be put into the cooking basin = that planet's dye kit.
I think it would be interesting. So what do you guys think?